Chapter 13
( ☝️yes ❤️. Also this chapter was written by me. but like I split it in half)
( Tommy's POV)
I wake up.
I rub my eyes and look at the clock.
I must've slept longer then I should have..
I get up and change my clothes.
I sit down on my chair.
What's the last thing I remember?..
I just remember crying on does shoulder.
I sighed.
I notice a note on my bedside table.
I get up grab it and sit back down.
Hey Tommy! I had to get something I'll be back soon if you need anything call me :)
- Deo ❤️
I smile he has pretty Neat Handwriting.
I decided to edit a bit.
(Timeskip brought to you by tommy's bad haircut.)
I was talking to my editor larry on discord. Telling him what I added to the video.
"Yeah that's about all that I've added"
He typed in chat.
Ok bye Tommy I have to continue where you left off .
And goes offline.
I was about to go offline but dream messaged me.
(Ok so honestly I missed tommy's stream so all I know is he played among us with pewds ;-; )
Hey Tommy wanna play among us with me and a few others?
I respond
yeah sure why not
Ok code is *********
I'll add you on the vc
I open among us and enter the code.
I get on the vc and go on mute and deafen.
I start my stream.
"What's up chat!"
I look at chat it's filled with the usual
"Nothing much" and "POGGG"
I smile at chat and tell them that we're playing among us.
I find out I am streaming with pewdiepie THE PEWDIEPIE!!!
I was genuinely excited.
(Time skip brought to you by big Emerald :D )
I was wondering something so I said I had to go to the bathroom.
I go on mute and deafen and mute.
And I turn off face cam.
I go on my phone and check pewds stream.
( This is based of the comments I read on the vod :) )
I read chat.
Why does that Tommy kid sound so angry 😂
Tommy sounds so mad from how he spoke.
Why is he so mean by he I mean the Tommy dude.
This chat is so toxic towards Tommy it hurts 💔 like I get the jokes but this chat is flat out insulting him.
Tommy's so mean vote him out while he's gone!!!
I was kinda sad but I check corpses chat.
Tommy has been gone for a long time? Is he ok? :(
Lol that kid is finally gone? Jeez he was annoying.
Look I might not watch Tommy or be his fan but damn this chat is unnecessarily toxic.
Ugh just vote him out already.
I sigh and check syykunos chat.
He was actually on mute in discord talking to his chat.
"I don't know chat Tommy seems really nice!!"
Syykuno I love you but no ❤️
Yeah he isn't nice he's clearly a really overconfident person 🤣
Then a donation popped up and the robot voice read it.
@https_qwp has donated 4.20$!!
Yeah he's clearly really over confident and boring idek know how he got big if I am being honest he really doesn't deserve his fans or his friends I hope he fucking dies 😂
Anyways love you syykuno<3
Syykuno covered his mouth and said.
"QwQ you're so mean!!!! Mods can we ban https_qwp from donating?"
I close that twitch app on my phone and I put it in my pocket.
I don't care anymore.
I go in the bathroom and lock myself in.
(Timedeos POV:) )
I open the front door and close it.
"Tommy I am back!!!"
Hm that's strange.
I pull up my phone and see a notification from twitter and twitch saying Tommy has gone live with pewdiepie.
Good on him. I smile.
I go upstairs and put my head against his door to hear him and make sure he's ok.
I don't hear him and I get confused.
I open his bedroom door and go inside.
I put the bag I was holding down.
I see his room and it's completely empty.
I pull out my phone and message him.
(Tommy's POV)
I hear the front door open and tense up.
I then hear someone say:
"Tommy I am back!!!"
Phew it was just deo.
I wait for a bit then I get a message from deo. I open my phone.
The best person tbh:
What's wrong? :( You're not in your room.
Everyone's chat is being toxic to me..
Aww Tommy :(
I have an idea for you to help with playing this out as a bit.
Ok shoot
It'll just be a but of me being overprotective.
But talk to me after stream ok?
I close my phone and leave the bathroom.
(Timedeos POV)
I unmute and undeafen and turn on face cam sitting in tommy's chair with my iconic sunglasses.
"Tommy you're back?" Said pewdiepie's voice
"No he isn't." I say trying to sound mad.
"Oh no what happened to him?" Said Syykuno.
"Nothing... Tommy come in."
Tommy opens his room door and closes it.
He comes next to me.
"Which one?"
He goes and whispers in my ear.
"Damn you're really good at acting overprotective. "
I whisper
"Thanks "
Give me halloween costume ideas:) here
Long chapter pog anyways since I said I'd do it here's my face reveal and even no I know no one will yes I am ok with simping:)
(Face taken down for privacy reasons lol ty for your kind words <3 )
That's my face :) it's weird and ugly I know
Anyways My sister made me tell and lose my voice so #sirenisoverparty
Word Count:969
Oh and remember
Vote to be pog 😌✋✨
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