Chapter One
I opened my bag and checked on my phone contained spells. None were damaged and the lovely hues of blues, pinks, and purples were still inside. I heard a wail of sirens in the distance and set the flap over the spells. They must have caught another illegal spell dealer. I hope it wasn't Sark. He's clumsy when selling them, then again he has Adam with him lately.
I sucked in my breath as I carefully walked into an abandoned house. I stood at the door listening for any sound. Once no sound was heard I began summoning a cloaking spell on my illegal spells. Slowly I made my way into the house and began to relax.
I walked into what would be a beautiful kitchen. All over the walls and cabinets were spray paint of bright colors and a few dark casters symbols. I sat on the island and waited for my buyer. He claimed that he was always on time but currently he's running late.
I took out a cigarette and lit it with a flame that I had made with a simple spell. I began to inhale and exhale the so called cancer stick. It passed time that dragged on but my buyer had not arrived. It clicked this was a set up and went to go teleport but was blocked.
I tossed the cigarette onto the floor and jumped onto the floor. I slipped my bag off my shoulders and set it gently onto the island. I walked out of the kitchen and out of the door I came into this house. Immediately I was tackled and I felt heavy handcuffs clicked onto my wrist. I could feel a persons knee dig into my back but I just smiled.
"Delirious you are under arrest for the illegal dealing of spells," spat my best friend who towered over me. I just smiled at him and felt a hard kick on my ribs. I groaned from the sudden pain and was lifted up. "Delirious you're rights include," my friend said and continued to tell me my rights. I tuned him out and focused on walking with the taller and more built men. Suddenly I couldn't move and could feel the rush of wind as I being teleported someplace.
In an instant I was in front of an old man who had a large gavel in his right hand. I frowned and glared at the old man who would be my judge for today. Hands grabbed my cuffs and guided me to a seat with a table. Instead of a lawyer sitting next to me with a pile of papers it stood empty.
"Today you were found about to deal illegal potions that are harmful to you're buyer," the old man boomed catching my attention.
"Sir I assure that the potions that you are accusing me of selling. Would be not harmful because I would not harm my "clients,"as they would be my source of income," stated as I look up at the judge.
"Delirious," he snapped, "it is your hundredth time being in this court house. Today you will not be put in jail and have bail. Instead as the 78 amendment says will be sentenced to be a mortal man," he said with a small smile.
"For how long!" I yelled at him.
"For dealing of the illegal potions. Twenty human years," he said.
"You're honer I was never dealing them just had them in my possession," I stated.
"I see," he said as he picked up a white sheet of paper with ink bled through it. "Your sentence is lowered down to four years. Luke, the head officer, will check up on you every week or so."
Great my traitor friend will be checking up on me. Probably will lie about what I'm doing. Then I'll be sentenced to a longer time or even death. This was so unfair and ridiculous.
"When will I leave," I snapped at the old man.
"Later today and as you know mortal time drags on slower than ours. You will also be provided an apartment. You will find your own job and pay for your food. Only the first week you are sent there food will provided to you. Finally if you try to harness any sort of powers then your sentence will be extended or death."
"You've got to kidding me," I groaned before being picked up.
"I'm not Delirious. Now goodbye and I'll see you in awhile," he said with small wave and a huge smile. I glared back at him as I felt me getting teleported once again.
I looked around my new surroundings. I was in a white cube with a chair sitting in the middle of the room waiting for me. It looked like a bulky dentist chair with two arm rest on each side. I heard that the chair takes your soul and transfers it to a random body. But from what Luke told me they drained all powers from the user.
Either way it sounded painful and I tried to avoid this place. Looks like I failed and here I am about become a lame mortal. I walked over to the chair and heard it whir to life. I felt my muscles tense up as I began to sit in the chair.
"Welcome Delirious," said a female robotic voice. I rolled my eyes and felt something stab into my arms. I screamed as the pain stabbed my whole body. Within seconds as whatever stabbed into me made me feel extremely weak. I could barely stay conscious but the pain just kept me screaming and conscious. Slowly the white cube began to change into a cornfield.
Wind brushed against my skin as the whatever stabbed my arms had left. My handcuffs were gone so I rubbed my aching wrist. As I rubbed my wrist I saw my tattoos missing and my skin was paler.
"Welcome Delirious," said the female robotic voice, "you're new name is Jonathan. You are currently in North Carolina where you will live. A wallet will appear after you leave the chair."
'So Jonathan, huh."
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