Chapter Four
Here I was after a shower putting on a new tee-shirt and blue jeans. Luke had left hours ago after he took me to a pizzeria and took me shopping for a few new outfits. In the moment I felt like we were back to the good old days. Minus the magic using and getting kicked out of stores.
Slipping on my light green tee shirt on and walking over to my counter. On it sat a yellow note with my "beautiful" handwriting scribbled on it. It was just a simple note I wrote for Luke just reminding him that I'm out to get a job. Or at least try too. Sighing I walked into the living room and looked around just in case Luke left me. In the corner of my eye I saw a yellow folder looking item. Wedged in between the couch cushions it stuck out like a sore thumb.
'Why is he helping me?' I questioned to my self as I picked up the folder. 'Pity perhaps or even guilt,' I answered my own question with a huff. I walked over back to the door.
Opening the door clutching a yellow folder and I began my journey to my job. It was a nice walk with the breeze blowing slightly and the sun was shining. Sounds of cars driving by and murmurs from the crowds of talking kids and teenagers walking around. But my favorite part of this beautiful walk was the smell of car exhaust.
Smiling I walked into my destination which had a cozy feel. With the shelves lined with games in their cases and their systems in glass cases made up the counter. Faded to colorful posters hung around the place with iconic to mysterious characters. In the back corner was two tables and foldable metal chairs surrounding the tables. Looking back behind the counter stood a smiling older man.
"Welcome to the nerd house, new person," he bellowed out with a chuckle.
"Thank you, but I'm here for the job," I said with a grin.
"Oh that thing," his happy face changed into a more serious looking face which made him a lot more older.
"If the job has been taken I'll go," I said turning around making my way to the door.
"No it hasn't, so why not see if you're worthy to be picked," the old man said probably now smiling once more.
"Well hopefully I will," I said as I turned back around. Walking right back up to him and setting down the yellow folder onto the counter. He grabbed it and his smile just seem to grow bigger by every word he read on whatever he was reading.
"I like what I see and you're hired," he said with a nod. Handing me back the yellow folder I could see that he was slightly unsure about something but I just shrugged it off as it was nothing.
"So when would you like me start Mr. Boss Man?" I asked as I gripped the yellow folder.
"Tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. and please call me Nathaniel," he said.
"Okay, Nathaniel," I said, "I should get going though, thank you and have a good day Nathaniel."
"You too Jonathan," he said before walking away. When he was gone I was leaving and now just wondering aimlessly around. Until I found a nice small café which was tucked away. Opening the door made a small bell ring and the smell of coffee and faint tea clouded my smell.
"Hello sir," greeted a high pitched female with her blonde her pulled into a pony tail.
"Hello," I glanced up to her name tag which read 'Angel', "Angel."
She gave me a small smile before talking,"I've never seen you here before. Are you new to the city?"
"Guilty, I just moved here just a few days ago. So I was wondering what you might suggest for a newcomer like me."
"Maybe just some coffee and stopping by ever so often," she replied.
"I would love to have some of the coffee but I might come by everyday if you don't mind," I asked with a small grin.
"I wouldn't mind," she said with a slight blush," and I'll go get your coffee," she said before disappearing into the back. Sighing out of relief she was gone I sat in a random chair and glanced at the folder. Curiosity was killing me what was inside of it so I opened it.
Inside was sheets of papers but the one on top had bold print that was Résumé. Skimming through the paper I learned that I had "attended" a college and majored in Chemistry. I was shaking my head and leaned back in the chair. 'These people haves such great humor,' I thought to myself before setting down the folder.
"Your coffee sir," Angel said as she was now standing next to me with a disposable coffee cup.
"And your money for such an angel," I said as I handed her a five dollar bill that I fished from my pocket.
"I'll be back with your change and receipt," she says with a wink and walked away.
As I waited for her to return I sipped the hot liquid which wasn't so bad. I wouldn't mind coming back here just for a cup before my new work. Now the only problem was getting here then going to work all on time. You know what I can do this, eventually, but when I do it'll be great.
"Here's you're receipt and you're change," Angel said snapping me out of my thoughts. I thanked her and gathered my things but before I glanced at the receipt I saw a number written on it with her name printed above it and joined with call me. I rolled my eyes and focused on making my way back home.
My personal hell hole here I come with my coffee I totally needed before I try to sleep.
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