Pit Stop & Curiosity
When he was 15, his grandfather passed away. It marked a significant phase for Jeongguk as he considered himself quite close with the man of the house. His father was always busy traveling around the country - building his name up as the next in line and trying to impress the late pioneer - so the grandfather is always the one consistent enough to be around for Jeongguk to look up to as a father figure.
He spent most of his time quietly in his office of course, but would let Jeongguk strolls in and out as the boy pleased. They rarely talk to each other as the elder was always busy with either phone calls or looking at numbers and charts, but he never questioned it so Jeongguk never took it as a 'no'.
It started out with Jeongguk playing hide and seek with the maids - which he always ended up winning because who dares to come into the lion's den and announce the missing boy?? As he got older, he would go in to kill his time reading the books his grandfather had on the big shelves in the office. That's when he learned to eavesdrop on how the great tycoon talks.
He wanted to be that man. A man so well-respected and so sure of himself that he didn't have to say anything twice. A man who would get straight to his point and tells it how it is. Every other things would just be placed on the desk, waiting to get the man's attention - including the most necessary thing for life itself, food.
On his grandfather's deathbed however, Jeongguk learned an amazingly, life-altering truth behind the successful empire his grandfather had built. His grandmother was sitting in an armchair at the other side of the room, emotionless. His father stood at the foot of the bed like a soldier, along with his other siblings - all looking straight at the dying man.
The only emotions he felt visible in the room was from the faint sobs from Jeongguk's mother who stood behind him, clutching both hands across his shoulders. Of course, he was sad and nervous as well, but he was just a boy looking to become one of those men in the room. He had to straightened his spine and suppressed whatever he's feeling inside.
That night, he stayed up by his grandfather's bed. When his grandfather opened his eyes and landed them on Jeongguk, he called for the boy to come closer. Jeongguk would still pat himself at the back for not flinching at every single words his grandfather said to him, everytime he's reminded of the memory.
'Don't be like me. Stop hiding in my office, I hated it. I never chased you out because it would've wasted my time. But I really hate that you're always there, always hearing my business.'
It was harsh...but to which Jeongguk learned was necessary. Up until then, he had been idolising these 'great men'. He didn't mind not having friends from school over or spending his time trying to understand the world of finance and businesses. He honestly thought that it was normal. And he thought his grandfather liked having him around.
When his grandfather passed away 2 days later, his grandmother shed no tears. She was a quiet woman, Jeongguk knew that. His father's eyes were red, but he wasn't crying all throughout the service. Very little emotions were felt throughout, it almost felt like another normal day at the big house. Things picked back up very quickly after that.
Which made him wonder for the next few months - why his late grandfather would say that to him. Why would he not want Jeongguk to be like him? He's so successful and respected by many - why on Earth would he not want Jeongguk to experience that? Then came that one day when he overheard his late grandmother talking on the phone with someone.
'I don't care anymore, he's not here to stop me! I want to see you. All these while we've been lying to everyone, I don't want to lie anymore! I can't do anything when he's around but now I can. I have lived all my life with this...this contract and I can't do it anymore! He never cared - he never cared for me like you did - please!'
She was crying...and begging. And talking a lot. Which was weird because she was a very quiet woman. Jeongguk was too young and naive to know why. It's only a few years later - after his grandmother had passed away - that he managed to figure it out. Unfortunately, his mind was in a hasty and rebellious phase to deal with the issue so the conclusion that came out of him - and became his life-long principle - was this:
#1 He needs to not die alone with no one to cry for him. #2 Marriage is a contract and love makes you cry like a baby even when you're already too old and you need a stick in hand to hold yourself up. #3 Don't be cooped up in the office longer than 12 hours per day. #4 Never butts in other people's business or issues. #5 Talking to a child or someone resembling a child is a waste of time.
So he lives by that. He made a lot of good friends wherever he goes, always on his feet to give good impressions so they'll remember who he is. He'll try to help them in any ways he can - excluding any involvement of using the company's money - which he thought would get them to feel the loss if he's dying or dead. Of course he thought of how weird it sounds - it's like bribing someone for their tears! - but hey, if it's the last thing he'll see and gets his mind at peace while waiting for his 'time', why not?
Finding the balance wasn't hard for him at all, given the fact that Jeongguk knew how attractive he is in the eyes of the opposite sex and as long as he keeps that charm and sweet-talking going, there's no issue at all really. The only problem is, the name he's carrying is just too big in this conservative country. I mean, he could buy the medias if he wanted to, but he's not into it. They already bought 2 of the biggest network in Korea and Jeongguk's already bored of it.
But other than that, there was nothing much that he felt is out of his reach or control. Well...except for this current situation he's in and the girl he just met. Jeongguk locks his phone and puts it back in his pocket before heading back to his seat, now furious that none of his staff had even bothered returning his calls or emails. His parents not picking up his calls is still understandable but all this other people - what's their excuse?!
He will hold a meeting once he's back in the office - the HODs are definitely going to get it from him! Lalisa is talking on her phone when he sat back down. Her face is serious as she stares out to the view. On a lighter note, Jeongguk can't help but wonder how his friends would react if he were to tell him about his luck on meeting this girl again, so he took out his phone.
'Guess who's sitting beside me in the train?!'
'What train?' Jimin replies almost instantly. Oh yeah, he forgot he only told Taehyung about it!
'What are you doing on KTX?'
'Otw back to Busan. Tell u bout it tomorrow. GUESS WHO'S SITTING BESIDE ME?!!'
'I wanted to say an old, breathy man but you sounded way too excited'
'Must be a girl' Taehyung came in. He knew he could count on the guy!
'Chim sometimes I'm confused as to why we're friends'
'What? Only IU would get him so excited' True...
'Bitch why would IU be on the train??' Also true.
'Well why the hell would Guk be on it?' Okay, Jimin is proving his worth and Jeongguk chuckled.
'Who's the girl Guk?'
"There's a lot you can do with it - if you sell it now...I mean," She sighed. "Can you find out what other options we have?"
Jeongguk puts his phone aside, trying to eavesdrop a little more on Lalisa's conversation. She sounded desperate - is she in trouble?
"Please, give me some time. I'll work on something okay?" Yeah, she's definitely in some sort of a problem.
"It's okay...I love you too," Love...you...too? Who's that - who the fuck is she talking to?! Is it her husband - wait, she didn't have a ring on that finger so...
"Uhm..." Jeongguk cleared his throat. "Are you -"
Lalisa puts one finger up to shush him as she stared on her mobile screen. What the fuck? Nobody shushes me!!
"Clickbait...it's a clickbait," She leans to the headrest and closes her eyes. "Clickbait. Clickbait. Clickbait -" She repeats in whispers. What's wrong with this girl? "No Lili, you won't," Oh God, is she...not...sane...?
"Sorry!" She opened her eyes and sat straight all of a sudden, making him jump a little in his seat. "You were saying?" Her voice came out in a little shriek...but she looks cute as hell - wait Guk, she might be a crazy person! No way...no crazy person would look this beautiful...
"Uh..." Jeongguk shakes his head a little. "Nothing! I um...I said nothing,"
"Oh...yeah..." She nods slowly and returned her gaze to the view outside.
It's been 9 minutes. 9 minutes of sitting in silence...of Jeongguk holding himself back from saying anything...not because he didn't want to - oh God, he wanted to so bad! - but because Lalisa is acting a bit...weird. She kept shaking her head and sighed, and talking by herself in whispers. Not one of those crazy talks but more like trying to convince herself over something. And her phone kept vibrating but she left it unanswered.
Jeongguk, on the other hand, continued texting with his friends to get some perspectives. Well...try to get some perspectives! Taehyung kept asking him to ignore those buggy things in his guts and focus on the bigger issue at home. Jimin kept asking if she's prettier than IU, and if she is he needs to know if Lalisa has any single friends...which is clearly unhelpful.
He noticed a movement and looks up to see a pair of old woman's eyes on him. The lady sitting in front of Lalisa had turned and made hinting eye contact with him. Why? She must have heard their bickering and conversation earlier. Perhaps she found it entertaining. She gave a small smile to Jeongguk, and he can't help but wonder if she found him and Lalisa looking cute together if they're a couple. Well, she's smiling - surely it's because she does! The thought made him smile back.
Lalisa shrugged to herself for the umpteenth time in...12 minutes now. Maybe he should say something. Something's clearly troubling her mind, and maybe he could jump in and help. But that will break rule #4. Aishh fuck rule #4! Maybe then she won't look at him as the weird stranger in the train who's always blabbing about and who's a weeper and playing with women's feelings - okay Guk, focus!!
"So um..." He cleared his throat. "Big problem huh?"
Lalisa turned to him with a frown. "Why would you think I have a problem? I don't have -"
"Really? That's so hard to tell, I mean...you've been fidgeting and talking to yourself for a while there,"
"Everyone does that,"
"No, they don't,"
"You were fidgeting before you left to the restroom,"
"Yes, and it's cus I do have a problem," He smirks, feeling really proud at making his point.
"That's really not something you'd wanna brag about,"
Mmm...yeah, she's right. "Anyway...um...do you wanna like...talk about it? Maybe I can help -"
"I don't have a problem,"
"Then why have you been ignoring your phone? It's been vibrating and -"
"Wow...you're really serious about not being able to stay quiet -"
"Oh I don't lie,"
"Are you seeing someone about that? You probably should. My cousin used to talk so much everywhere and to everyone, and my aunt sent her to therapy and now she talks less...like normal people,"
"No one's complained about it before but I'll keep that in mind -"
"Really? No one at all?"
"Is this your way to divert the topic?"
"It's cus you talk too much,"
"And you don't seem to like talking,"
"Not to you,"
"Ouch..." He placed a hand on his chest to act hurt when all he wants is to laugh out loud. Her frowning is real cute, you can't blame him! "Your phone's vibrating again,"
"Ugh!" Lalisa sighed and clasped the phone to her stomach, shutting her eyes in annoyance. "My housemate sent me a link. I'm too scared to open it,"
"Aahhh...is it something...inappropriate?"
"What - no! What's wrong with you?!" She hissed and looks around, probably scared that people might hear and misunderstood her or something.
"I don't know, hell - why would you be scared to open it?"
"Obviously not for that reason!" She crossed her arms and looks back out the window.
Okay...that didn't go well. And just when she started opening up to him! The train is slowing down and halted at a station. Wait, they're here already?? Damn it, I need more time!! Oh wait, the sign outside says 'Daejeon'.
"I didn't know there's a stop," He muttered.
"They only stop for 5 minutes," The old lady suddenly turned and said with a smile. "Just sit tight and wait," There's that hinting smile again. She probably saw right through his intentions. Jeongguk bowed a little before she sat back down and face front.
"Okay...let's make a deal. I'll keep quiet for 10 minutes if you face that fear of yours," Another minutes would be excruciating because he wants to know everything - anything at all about the girl, but he's not going to go anywhere if she's too tense like this.
"No! 20's too long, I might cry and everyone's gonna blame you for it! 12?"
Lalisa gave a small smile before she took a deep breath and taps on her phone a few times. Then her expression changed to a serious one. He wanted to peek on what it is, but held himself back. After a minute, she puts her phone down and stares straight ahead to the headrest in front. She seems...distant. Oh no, it must be something really bad!
"Are you -"
"I'm sorry, I gotta go," She quickly picked up her bag and stood, then proceeded to pass in front of him - dodging a few passengers in the alley and went out of the train.
What?! Where is she going??
"Young man, she went into the restroom. You should check on her," The old lady made an appearance again - who is this person and why is she -
Jeongguk noticed the package that she'd been holding, left on her seat. Is she coming back for it then? Maybe she forgot to take it with her? Should he go and pass it to her? Would someone take their seats if he went? How long do they still have before the train leaves? Aishh what is he supposed to do - this is so confusing!
See, it wouldn't be confusing if you didn't ask her to check the text. That's what you get for breaking rule #4!
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