Next To You
What's really going on? Why is she so upset? What is it about the monkey - he really wants to know! Lalisa had been extremely quiet while they were waiting for the train and now he can't even try to ask because they are seated too far apart.
She didn't even turn to look at him. She just walked straight ahead to her seat. He was back to being the insignificant party to her and it's frustrating! Jeongguk had made such development. She poked him, for God's sake! That has to count for something!
And now she's back to staring out the window. He would have taken the seat beside her...if there wasn't another woman coming in and took that seat just when the train was about to depart. Damn...can this day be any more challenging?? Jeongguk takes a deep breath.'s okay. I can wait for another...24 minutes. Just 24 minutes more until they reach Busan, then she'll be back by his side. He's not sure what her plans are when she changed her mind. Worst kinds of scenarios ran through him since she bought that ticket.
Yeah, sure he's happy that he gets to spend more time with her - in his mind they were ideally sitting next to each other - but she's not going because of him. She's going because of the sender of that stupid monkey! What is she planning to do? Will she hurt them? Oh no...would Jeongguk have to face the fact that this girl is a psychopath??
Okay Guk...calm down. Calm down... She's a sane, logical person. She won't do anything physically harmful to anyone. She can't. She's light...but she does kickboxing. Okay, but Jeongguk could just sweep her off if she tries attacking anyone. He should stick by her all the way through. That's the only way he can protect her.
She probably won't want him around though. After all, she knew he's going back to his parents'. She'd probably shoo him off the moment they reach! She's on a mission and she probably won't let anyone distract her -
His phone rings and he struggles a little to take it out from his pocket. Mom!
"Mom! I've been trying to call you - what's going on?"
"The phone was left charging -"
"I was so worried!" There's silence on the line. "Mom...I'm so sorry. I know I messed up again - I promise, I promise I won't do it again. Please tell dad. I'm coming home -"
"What, no!"
"Why?" He can hear her sobbing. Why - why is she crying?! "Mom..."
"Guk, just stay at home. Stay where you are, don't go out -"
He heard a bit of ruffling sounds, then his father's voice.
"Son, stay at home," Son...I'm still his son...yes!! "Don't go anywhere until you hear from me again,"
"What's going on dad? I'm already on my way back -"
"What? How?? I put those guys there to look out -"
"Aish I knew they're your men! Why didn't you just tell me? Why did you put them there?"
"Where are you now?"
"I don't know where exactly,"
"Aishh why do you always do this? Why do you always have to worry us like this?"
"Don't worry - dad, about the news...I can explain -"
"I don't care about the damn news - I care about your life! Why do you go around not using your brain?? Are you really this clueless?" He could hear the frustrations in his father's voice.
"I..." Now. Now the guilt hits him. He's such a disappointment! Everything he does is and always will be wrong in his father's eyes. "I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry you're always so disappointed in me. You have high hopes for me but I can never measure up -" His breath hitched as he held the rising pain in his chest from bursting out.
"No, you listen -"
"If you really don't wanna see me again, I understand. I'm sorry or everything. Tell mom I lvoe her,"
"Guk -"
He hangs up and leans back on the head rest. His phone rings again and he shuts it to Airplane mode. least it's confirmed now. He's no longer welcomed at home. Where will he go then? God, how did he fuck up this badly? His father's right – he's so clueless about everything! And his mother's right too! He's so selfish! He was given basically everything he wanted all his life. Of course there's a price to it!
It's his freedom – but nooo, he has to be thatgreedy asshole! He wants it all! Well now it shows...there are things money can'tbuy eyh Guk? Does this mean he'll never get to see his parents, ever again?But he already missed his mother so much – how can he continue living if –He took out his wallet and counts the cash in it. Okay...I might need help on this.
How is she doing over there, is she okay? Damn it, this ride feels like forever!
He waited for a bit, while everyone - including the woman seated beside Lalisa - to leave the passenger carriage. When he didn't see her moving, Jeongguk got up and walked to her seat. Ahh...she fell asleep! It's a good thing he didn't walk out first! He takes the seat and contemplates on waking her up. Her fresh vanilla scent appeared, calming him downa little. She looks so adorable peaceful!
How long do they have before the train leaves - maybe he can let her sleep for a little while longer? Her long, curled lashes flutters slightly, and a soft frown appeared across her forehead. What is she dreaming about, is it something bad?
She shifts all too sudden and Jeongguk froze when her head rests cozily on his shoulder. When she stills, he exhaled. What's going on with me - is it the anxiety? He was never awkward with women - hell, he'd even welcome these type of things with open arms. He'd take advantage of it even!
But it's Lalisa...the unpredictably charming and beautiful Lalisa. Can we just stay like this? Leave the world and all its burden out - just him and her quietly. Would she accept a man like him? A man who now has nothing to offer? Unconsciously, he raised his hand up - grazing her soft cheeks down to her chin, then taps on her lower lip. How does it feel to be kissed by you?
Lalisa stirred a little and raised her head as he pulls back his hand. She looks up to him with doe eyes and smiles. Jeongguk's heart must've skipped a beat!
"Are we in Busan already?"
"Yes," His voice came out croaky and he clears his throat. As much as he wanted to bask in the perfection of seeing her pretty, just-out-of-bed face, he know he needs to act fast. Should he ask her now? Would she run and leave him here alone? goes! "Um...I need your help,"
She tilts her head.
"I um...I spoke to my parents -"
"Oh, you managed to contact them?" Her smile grew wider, it broke his heart a little to recall on his earlier conversation.
"Yeah um...I...I can't go back home. They um...they don't want me there,"
There's silence and he's afraid to look up. She would surely have that judgmental look on him and it's the last thing he wants to see. After a few seconds, he saw her hand on his, the warmth of her palm closing on his skin.
"Kook...I'm sorry..." Her voice is like a plea - although he's not sure why she's the one sounding more desperate. "It's gonna be okay...okay? You have me here,"
Jeongguk looks up to her. Her beautiful brown eyes are shining with...what, hope?
"I um...I need your help. I don't have much cash with me now and I can't use my cards. Is it okay if I ask my friend to transfer some money to your account - I can call him now and you can talk to him - I promise I'm not trying to rob you or anyth -"
She laughed aloud. "Of course I'll help you, bunny!"
"When are you planning to go back to Seoul?" She asked as she handed him the money.
"I guess...tomorrow? You?"
"Their last train is at 7...I'm just gonna make it quick and leave -"
Leave...he's not liking the word at all. "Listen...Lalisa," She smiles - why is she smiling like that?? "What - why?"
"Nothing...just that..." Oh no...she's gonna say her goodbye, isn't she?
"What's the address?"
"No, you don't have to -"
"No, I'll go with you! I know the city better - if you get a cab alone, the drivers might rip you off or something," It's a white lie but he's desperate! "I don't have anything else to do anyway so...let's go!"
She hesitated...but agreed anyways - following his slow nods.
"How many times have you been here?"
"About 3 times I think," She looks like a kid, constantly raising and pointing her finger out whenever she saw something interesting to look at. It took a lot of self-control for Jeongguk not to laugh at her behaviour!
" you've gone exploring before?"
"Not really...he only brought me to his parents' house. I think we dropped by a restaurant one time but I can't remember where,"
"What...there's so many nice places to see! I remember when I was little - I got lost so many times, especially when my mom brought me to this market uphill. The rebranded it - called it Cultural Market now. They painted the rows of houses and shops in mixed tones, and if you stand near the harbor - you'd see these colourful landscape of terraces,"
"Really? Wow..."
"Yeah, but you can only see it in day time. It's already sun down now,"
She pouts. Wait, it's the perfect excuse to get her phone number!
"I can bring you around...some other time...that is, if you want to -"
"Really?!" She jumps in her seat and holds out both hands in small fists excitedly. "When is the best time?"
"Spring...or Autumn. Not too hot and not too cold,"
"When is Autumn?"
"Now," He laughed. "It gets really cold next 2 months,"
"Hmm..." She pursed her lips and looks back out. "When is Spring?"
It sounds like she's whining and Jeongguk suppressed his laughter.
"Yahh don't laugh at me! I'm still getting used to the seasons here - it's always sunny back home!"
"Okay, okay!" He raised both hands up when she frowned back at him. There's just something about her when she's angry - like she's fierce but adorable at the same time!
Staring at her features now and recalling their entire day together - since he bumped into her this morning - it suddenly dawned on him how alive he felt today. It's like a rollercoaster ride that he wouldn't mind being on forever, if it's with her. She taunts him - in a good way - challenging him and putting him on his feet at all times.
Just when he thought he got it in the bag, she'd take it away, leaving him speechless and thinking hard about his next careful steps. Jeongguk couldn't remember if he had ever gone through this much lengths on anything or anyone. What she said at the park had brought a new light in him...and he wanted so bad to be better.
One thing for sure is that he never felt this scared before. If he tells her now about who he is, would she run? Is that even a question - of course she'd run! She practically used him as a comparison to her ex - even claiming that what the asshole did was better than what Jeon Jeongguk is! There's no way that she's able to see past it - why would she want to be with someone worse than her ex??
Anyways, her mood seems to be better than before. Perhaps she never thought much about taking revenge over the monkey. Speaking of which -
"Hey...can I ask you something?"
Lalisa turns to him.
"What um...what's up with the monkey thing?"
Her eyes rolled and she sighed. "She once said to me there's no way she'd let her son be with a monkey,"
Wow...that's...fucking rude!! Jeongguk was never into any sorts of real-world violence - gaming world is a different universe of its own - but someone needs to get slapped so they can learn some manners! What the fuck is wrong with these people?!
The taxi driver pulls a stop by the driveway. There are a lot of cars parked around and a valet waiting in front of the 3-storey house. It's big...but his parents' house is bigger. Jeongguk felt the pride in himself as he starts counting the comparisons between them. Jeongguk - 1, Asshole Ex - 0. He looks over to Lalisa, who stares blankly at the house.
Is she okay? Is she nervous - is she sad? He can't decipher this look! Bravely, he reach out for her hand and she looks down to them.
"Come can do this. I'll be right with you till it's done,"
"You don't have to -"
"Lalisa," He grazed on her knuckles and felt a current. But he didn't stop. He didn't want to stop. "What they did to you is straight up disgusting. I don't know what you have in mind...I hope it's not anything that would cost your life for it," He chuckled and she did too. "But I'm gonna be there with you...cheering for you while you give them hell -"
"I doubt that my plan is anything remotely close to hell -"
"Fine, I'll be there with you to give them hell, and you can cheer for me,"
He stood straight beside her, waiting for the butler to call for the groom and groom's mother at the door. He felt a good way. He's might not know what her plans are, but he has the upper hand on this one.
First of all, she has him by her side. She might not know it, but Jeon Jeongguk has made an appearance and he's not one to hold back to prove how special a woman should be treated. Especially the one next to him now. If they can't see how beautiful she is, he'll show them what they're missing out on.
The doors opened, revealing a sophisticatedly dressed woman that looks about the age of his own mother, and a man. Ahh...this must be the ex. Sleek. Not as handsome as himself, of course! This is a piece of cake!
"Lisa," The man's obviously panicking. Jeongguk rolls his eyes to avoid the need to laugh. When they land on Lalisa - or as the ex calls her, Lisa - he can't help but notice her little fidgets. She's nervous and it shows. No one should ever make her feel this way! Jeongguk brave himself to reach for the hand beside him, squeezing it slightly.
Lalisa looks up to him with sparkling eyes, hinting a smile. Yes, he's still on Lalisa because it's prettier. It's the name she asked him to call her. So he'll stick with that.
"Jae, Mrs Jeong," She mustered her courage and puts up a smile.
"You're here. I was wondering if you'd show your face here," Mrs Jeong spats.
"Mom, what are you -"
"Yes, I keep to my words," Her voice is soft, but stern when she spoke about 'him' this evening at the park. Jeongguk makes a mental note of that tone for the future.
"What's going on? Mom, what did -" Is this punk so clueless about his own mother's hatred towards the girl?
"Don't worry bout it, Jae. Your mom actually got you a wedding gift, asked me for help to send it over," She took out the small wooden statue from her bag. "Although I must say, you should at least spell it correctly. It's T-H-A-I-L-A-N-D, not T-A-I-L-A-N. I guess status doesn't buy you proper education,"
Woah...that's actually a good one! Mrs Jeong gasped speechless at the woman beside him. His son looks confused. Jeongguk & Lalisa - 2, Asshole Ex & Mother - 0.
"Lisa, let me explain -"
"I would've dressed nicer for the occasion, but you probably forgot to mention that little detail," Lalisa shrugs, the smile never left her face. Jeongguk felt proud for some reason.
The door opens and a familiar face in a bridal dress walks out. Oh shit! Oh shit, shit, shit!!
"Jaehyun?" She searches for his face, who's still staring down to the monkey. "Jeongguk? What are you doing here?"
Don't turn to her, don't turn to her... "Hello Eunha. Is this your wedding?" Jeongguk managed to maintain his composure, avoiding eye contact with Lalisa in order to not lose himself in front of them.
"Yeah um...this is Jeon Jeongguk, an old friend of mine," She introduces him to the two.
"Jeon Jeongguk? Your father is -"
"Yes, that's me. Although I wouldn't say I'm an old friend. It was only what - 4 months ago?"
"Oh dear...would you like to come in?" Oh now Mrs Jeong is all smiles??
"No, that's okay...I'm only here to accompany Lalisa. I'm not that close with Eunha anyways - we only spent one night together,"
This image will be locked down as one of the most epic in his entire life - Eunha gasping as her cheeks turned pink, Jaehyun frowning in between Eunha and him, and Mrs Jeong looking extra expired! Yes!! Jeongguk - 3, Asshole Ex & Family - 0. He's not even sure if he had even shaded anyone as hard before! This is a new milestone!
"Have a nice wedding, and life," He heard Lalisa's small voice again and realised that she had pulled her hand away from his. When did she did that? She bowed slightly and walks away. Okay...that's his cue!
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