Looking up...
"Hey buddy!"
"I don't know why...I had an inkling that I'd be hearing from you..."
Jeongguk laughed nervously. Jackson's a good friend that he knew from his seniors back in school, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok. They brought him under their wings back then, teaching him almost everything he knows now about the life as a Chaebol's son – how to get their way around the society, how to get out of problems, where to find even the most illegal things and get away with it...yeah, they were really good mentors to him! All he had to do since was brush up on his charms!
"I need help, can I text you the details?"
"Anything for my little brother – but wait, what do I get out of this?"
He laughed again. "What do you need?"
"Well...now that you asked...I've been developing this tracking software, but my engineers are useless –"
"Consider it done. Send me the deets and I'll get my people to work on it,"
"Copyright's all mine though right?"
"All yours,"
"You're amazing as always. Alright, whatever you need!"
He started typing out the nitty-gritties, and pressed 'Send'. Then he sent a text to Tzuyu. One problem solved – the biggest is still waiting back at home. He can't believe his dad would go through this length just because of a fucking gossip! Well...granted – the gossip is actually true – but no one knows that other than himself, Tzuyu, his 2 bestfriends...and now Jackson. Ugh, how did it became such a mess?!
Deep down, he knew he caused this unnecessary problem to himself. He knew who Chou Tzuyu is and that he should stay away. But the girl was there at Jackson's private birthday party, looking hot and staring at him with those flirty eyes. And he had chatted her up before he even knew her name! So when she invited him back to 'find some privacy' – I mean...who could say 'no' to a pretty girl like that??
Yes, it's always at the back of his mind of all the 'what ifs', but he's only human! And a man...a young man who's impulsive, and have needs...and selfish. Can anyone be mad at him for being a guy?! He leaned back to the headrest and felt a pair of eyes on him. Oh shit, he almost forgot that there's someone beside him! How much did she hear? Did he called out Tzuyu's name out loud – no right?! Slowly, he glanced at the girl beside him.
It's her. The same pretty, brown eyes...the same face from this morning! Only her look is different. Her bangs rest nicely down to her eyebrows, and he can see her long, golden-brown hair now. She has that 'judging' look on her face – but other than that, she remained impassive – not saying anything at all. Jeongguk fell nervous. Those eyes seem like they're staring into his soul. Can she read him? Does she know all of his fears and secrets?
After a few seconds, she looks back out to the window – breaking the intense eye-contact that travels down to his chest – causing his heart to speed up. Now is not the time...now is not the time... Jeongguk had to keep recalling Taehyung's voice in his head. Now is not the time! But those eyes...
"You're the girl from this morning right?" Damn it! Control yourself, Guk!
The girl looks back to him with a frown, not quite understanding.
"The one with the groceries...we bumped into each other,"
"Oh..." She nods, catching up with him. "Yeah..." Then she turns back to the window. What the hell? She's just gonna ignore me like that?
He cleared his throat. "So um...you're heading to Busan too?"
She nodded, looking to the front but not quite facing him. Come on, look at me with those pretty eyes again!
"Um...did you...was I talking loud? Sorry I –"
"Yes. Yes you were," Wow, this girl don't hold back does she? But that's not the point, Guk! The point is...she heard...and she might tell...
"Okay...um...I don't know how much you heard –"
"Everything," She kept her straight gaze and composure. Okay, this could be a challenge...
"O-kay...so um...what will it takes for you to not tell anyone?"
She laughed sarcastically all too sudden, looking back at him with those judging look again. "Why would I need to tell anyone? Are you like, famous or something?"
Wait – does she not know who he is? Okay, it's a good thing – it's a good thing, Guk! A little humility won't harm nobody -
"Do you um..." Don't. Say. It. "Do you not know me?"
He can't help it! The fact that this beautiful girl doesn't know who the hell he is is kind of...amusing to him. She doesn't look like a country girl. And she bought groceries earlier – which shows that she lives in the city. She doesn't look like the reserved type either – her hair is nicely done, and that's a Celine bag hanged at her side.
"Should I know you? Wait - why are you looking at my bag? Are you –" She was about to gasp so Jeongguk held his hand up, shaking it immediately.
"No, no! I was just looking – I didn't mean anything –"
"You better not! I might seem small but I have a black belt in taekwondo and I do kickboxing every evening so don't even think about it!"
He's not sure whether to run or laugh at her threat – but she looks cute as hell right now with her finger pointing straight towards his face!
"I wouldn't dare miss," He managed to keep a straight face, thank God!
She rolled her eyes and went back to the view outside the window. Jeongguk sighed in relief. That could've been such a mess – even worse than the mess he's already in right now! The day is definitely becoming more and more interesting, he must say! The girl didn't have to say much for him to tell that she's the sassy type that's not afraid of a challenge. And the fact that she doesn't know who he is makes it even more exciting – he's not sure why.
He stole another glance to his side. On her lap, she holds tightly to a medium-sized packaged box, wrapped in a brown paper.
"Do you um..." She sighed and turns back to him with an annoyed look. She clearly doesn't want to talk to him but he will just ignore that look because...well...because he just can't seem to shut up right now! "Do you wanna put that in the overhead?" He points to the package.
"No, it might get broken,"
"Oh...is it glasses?"
"No," She looks down to it, looking lost all of a sudden. "I don't know..."
"You don't know what it is?"
"Yeah...I mean, no, I don't. I'm just delivering it to someone,"
"In Busan?"
"That's...quite the commitment,"
"Why not just courier it?"
"You talk a lot,"
"Yes, I'm very talkative,"
"Can you not be talkative?"
"No, it gets me anxious when I can't speak. I might start crying and make a scene,"
"Do you want me to call your mother for you?"
"You can...but she's in Busan so she might not beable to help much. She will probably ask for your help back. You're stuck withme then,"
"I'm already stuck with you now,"
"Yes, it's my lucky day I guess,"
"Wish I can say the same,"
"You're cute,"
"You're annoying,"
"I know. It's a tough world to live in,"
"Does this work for you? Is this how you get girls to 'have a good time' with you?" Ahh...so she did hear it all. Jeongguk felt his palms sweating, embarrassed at the fact that she'd just called him out. He could just back off and keep his mouth shut from now...but how could he - her smart mouth - and those lips - just called out to him, challenging him and God knows that Jeon Jeongguk is not one to step down from a challenge!
"Not really. This isn't my usual ammo,"
"Really? What's your 'ammo' then?"
"You really wanna know? Careful, you might fall hard for me then,"
"I doubt it," She chuckled. "Try me,"
It's definitely a challenge that he will not refuse. Especially when it comes from a beautiful, doll-like, sassy girl like her!
"Tell me miss...?"
"Lalisa...pretty name. Hey, you're not Korean are you?"
"Can I guess?" She quirked an eyebrow. "Japan?Wait, no – they don't like the sun that much and your skin tone – how should Iput it, this golden-honey tone – must be from somewhere with a lot of sun allyear round. 'Lalisa' kinda sounds like a Spanish name...but you hands are toostiff when you talk...I'd say Hawaii but you're not that tanned and your hair'stoo soft...it flows too prettily –"
"I might be using a hell of a good conditioner,"
"You might – but your voice is far too soft to be coming from that side of the world. I have friends from the States and they don't sound like you at all,"
She cocks her head to one side. "You seem to know a lot about the world," How does she look so hot with such simple gesture?
"I only speak from my own experience. And my guess would be, your mom is Korean, your dad is Australian. Your dad probably won the argument when they picked out the name for you. You were born in Australia and had only moved here max 3 years ago and that's why you have an accent. English is your first language. You do taekwondo and kickboxing to maintain that routine you had back at your dad's home country, cus everyone knows how Australians are bad-asses who fights sharks and kangaroos and giant spiders every damn day of their lives. You probably keep cats in your house just to pick fights with them,"
The girl laughs...and it's an amazing high-pitched-but-didn't-annoy-him-one-bit sound. She looks carefree when she laughs like this – so different than the tensed girl that she was just minutes ago.
"Creative...but not anywhere near –"
"Oh damn...I tried so hard!"
"You did...you really did,"
"Did I at least get anything right?"
"I do have cats at home...but not for fight,"
"Doesn't matter, it still counts – yes! I got one right!"
She laughs even more. "That's so random how you guessed cats. I might be a dog person –"
"Yeah, but I picked up the cat food earlier this morning remember?"
"So technically, you cheated!" She scrunched her nose, looking cute as hell he must say!
"I just happen to have a good memory –"
"I'm sure you do,"
"A man's gotta remember these things you know...especially when it comes to a beautiful girl...a very, very attractive girl..." His voice came out croaky as his eyes landed on her pout.
Her lips parted slightly and for a second there, he thought he could see her tongue flicker at the top. His breath hitched as she returns his gaze. The world seems quieter all of a sudden. He could see the quick motion of the scenery behind her, as if the train had doubled or tripled its speed – but she remains still...beautiful...as the sunlight flashes and shines through the window and across her hair and lands on her cheek. If he were to just lean in closer...
"Um..." She closed her eyes and looks back up front, slightly shaking her head. Jeongguk smiled to himself. Damn, that gaze was sexy as fuck!
"How did I do?"
"Hmm?" Her eyes became wider and her cheeks flushed pink.
"Does it work on you?" It took her a few seconds to understand what he meant, and when she did, she squinted her eyes at him.
"You think you're all that, don't you?"
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