Come Closer
She's walking fast...really fast. Okay...okay, it's clear that she's mad. She didn't even turn once to check on him! It's'll take around 15 minutes to get to the station. No...he needs more time! She's running from him and he needs to set things right. He has to - she hadn't given her phone number yet!
The girl didn't respond. Well, what do you expect?? She's ahead of him at the side of the street. A few minutes more and they'll reach the main road where she'll hail the first taxi she sees and leave his life forever...
The nerves had his feet act fast, running towards her. "Wait, wait please," He tried to grab her hand but she wouldn't stop. "Wait, hey," He ran again, blocking her path.
"Leave me alone -"
"You know I won't do that - come to me please,"
She stopped her tracks and looks up to him. Okay...maybe it's better when she was looking everywhere but him - that look is cutting him to the core!
"You're Jeon Jeongguk. You lied to me,"
"I didn't -" His hands are in his hair. "I didn't lie to you, I just never mention it -"
"You -" Her hands fell on her sides and she's now...stomping...or tiny steps...of anger. Okay...understandable... "You're all the same!"
"What?" Okay, he's confused. Oh wait... "Hang on, did you just compared me with your boyfriend?"
"My bad, ex-boyfriend - who got married without telling you, who lets his mother disrespects you like that? I mean...I didn't say my name and suddenly I'm...that guy?? Please - the Jeongs aren't even at my level -"
"See?! Fine, you might not do exactly the same things but the fact remains - you're both liars and you're both mean!"
"How did I lie??"
"You didn't tell me you're Jeon Jeongguk!"
"Okay, so I like the fact that you don't know who I am - sue me for trying to be someone normal for a change!"
She lets out an obvious sarcastic laugh. "I knew there's something wrong with this whole thing!"
"Why are you so mad at me?"
"I've said things about him!"
"About who?"
"About Jeon Jeongguk!"
"I welcome it, deserve it even! don't worry -"
"No! I've said things to Chae!" She stomps again.
"About me? What things?"
"That you're a player and you think you can get away with anything just cus you're so good looking - you have this damn status and gazillions of money -" She's pacing. Wait -
"You think I'm good looking?"
"I didn't - Chae told me you're so good looking and I told Chae that you're the worst! I don't even know who you are and how you looked like -" She's still pacing.
"Chae...Chae, your housemate?" Jeongguk's not sure what he should focus on right now. Processing these information with her pacing around - he knew he should apologise but SHE JUST SAID HE'S GOOD LOOKING! He's heard it countless times but damn, this is the best day of his life!!
"Yes! I told her that cus she talks so highly of you it's...ugh! And now -"
"Your housemate thinks highly of me?"
"Now it's like whatever she said was right and I was wrong -" She's shaking her the ground. "She's so gonna be up in my face -"
"What was she right about?"
"About how charming you are! And - and how you're so damn charming all the time and that's why all the ladies and media loves you and - and how you smell fresh like laundry all the time -" It's obvious that she's blabbering about with no filter what-so-ever - which is good, because Jeongguk's dying to know more! She just said he's charming...2 times! A win!!
"How does Chae know what I smell like?"
"I don't know - she's always meeting producers at clubhouses and she said you were there with your friends and girlfriends -" She rolls her eyes.
" okay, I didn't know that...thanks for telling me -" He never felt so bad about wanting to laugh! "But I don't have gazillions of money -"
"Don't laugh at me!"
"I'm not - when am I laughing -"
"Your face - I know you're laughing at me!"
Jeongguk pursed his lips. Good to see she remembers his expressions! Seriously, does she know how crazy he is for her right now?! Like, how can someone be so fucking hot and so fucking cute at the same fucking time??
"I'm not...I'm not laughing at you okay?"
"You are and I hate you. Leave me alone!" Okay, that hurts. She made a move to pass him but stopped when he blocks her again.
"I'm sorry," He dipped his head closer to her. "I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you who I am. I wanted to, but I liked the way you talk to me without knowing who I am. For the first time, I don't have to question whether someone is being fake in front of me or not. Please don't hate me for that. I couldn't tell you before...I wanted to but then you sounded like you hated people like 'Jeon Jeongguk' so I...I'm sorry. Please...other than my name, everything I told you...everything that I shared were real. Please believe me,"
It felt like he had ran a mile. All the honesty takes a lot of energy - phew! He's so desperate for her not to run from him, he couldn't even think properly! Please be okay...please...
She's so close, it takes a lot of self-control to not just pull her in his arms. She stares up to him through those thick, long lashes, and his mind wonders to how her lips tastes like. Would she slap him if he leans in? Most likely. Can he accept the rejection? No.
"There's one more thing you need to apologise,"
Jeongguk leans back and thought what else...what else is he missing...
"Is it it cus of what I said at the house back there?"
"What - about you and your 'old friend'?" She laughs but the tone is already implanted in his memory bank. Is she...? No...that's not it. She's not giving any signals out other than - "I don't care," There it is! Yeah Guk, why would it be that?? "I mean...of course you've been with her - or the whole Seoul -"
"The whole Seoul?" He chuckled. "I should be flattered that you think I'd have that kind of energy but no, not for the whole of Seoul. If it is, I would've been with you too,"
"Mmm...but you forgot. I'm not from here -"
"Ahh yes. That...maybe that's why I'm hooked," What is this bravery?! Where is it coming from? He's not sure but he's so close to her now that he can practically feel the intensity of her stare...and her breath on his neck...maybe she doesn't need to give him any signal...maybe he should just take the leap -
"Train - made me miss my train," She takes a step back.
Is this what a date feels like? Of course they're not on one, but let the guy imagine!
They've been walking around - talking about random things they found along the way...teasing each other - or more like her teasing him most of the time...having actual fun just in the company of each other. Now they're in the third store, looking through what they can get to survive the night. So far they had bought sleeping clothes and a few snacks - because Lalisa said she gets hungry in the middle of the night. They also got a few essentials.
What's really hard is picking out what she wants to wear tomorrow. That's why Jeongguk haven't bought his yet. He wants to see what kind of outfit she'd wear so he could pick out the same style. Yes, exactly...the prospect of people thinking they're a couple excites him. He's being a doofus for this girl...and he doesn't even mind! He enjoyed today so much despite all the issues...and after this they'll have dinner together...tomorrow they'll spend more time going back together...he doesn't want it to end!
"What do you think? Does it look good on me?" She pouts, fixing the pineapple-shaped frame of the sunglasses she'd put on. Of course she looks adorable!
"'s so good - do they come in pair? I bet I can rock it too," He search for something similar on the rack. It's fun picking out all these random things in all these local stores. Jeongguk's not really an obnoxious or demanding shopper, but he rarely goes into stores like this. Not that he has a problem with cheap things, the guy just knew his style well and what he looks good in. Most of his comfort comes from brands he's used to.
"I bet this would look cute on you," She picks out a yellow heart-shaped one with a mischievous look on her face. Jeongguk laughed when he saw his face in the mirror. "I like it!"
"Okay then - it's all we need!" If Lalisa says she likes it, Jeongguk will get it! She laughs, obviously enjoying the random options displayed in this store. The interior is so colourful and vibrant - it's the main reason why she had pulled him in!
"Everything's so cute! It's like...I need everything," She puts on a hot pink cowboy hat.
"You need a cowboy hat? For what?"
"I don't know yet. But I could need it,"
"I'm so intrigued now - okay, I will need your schedule for the next 3 months. Or maybe 5 months - I don't know. How long does it take for you to get bored of something?"
She laughs and takes it off, placing the thing back to the hanger. "Depends on how much I feel for it,"
"Okay...what's the thing that you kept the longest so far? And still use by the way - not hide it somewhere in the attic,"
"Mmm..." She stops facing him, thinking. "Oh, I still have a plastic purple ring with me - when was it...I won it from a claw machine back in Thailand! I can't remember when exactly but I was still in school,"
"A claw machine? But that's accidental - not something you'd 'feel' something for right?"
"Oh no, it means a lot to me, I swear! I remember that day...I was waiting for my mom to pick me up and I spent all my pocket money on the machine, but I kept losing. I was so mad at it," Her face lights up recalling the memory. "I sat in front of the store - it was just a small one and they only have that one machine. It was raining and I sat there feeling so shitty I didn't win anything. Then the store owner came to me and gave me 3 coins. He said I should try again. I didn't want to take his money but he insisted so I gave it a go. The first 2 rounds I failed but on the third, I got it! That purple ring!! I was so happy - I went and told him. He smiled so big and said to me that if I fail, I should try and try again until I get it, just like I got that ring,"
"Wow...that's so nice of him,"
"Yeah...I still wear it sometimes, especially when I feel down. That ring is magic," She leans forward closer to him. "It turns bad days into good ones," She whispers as if revealing a big secret. Jeongguk unconsciously held his breath at such close proximity. Her eyes are so mesmerising, it's impossible to look away! Is it warmer in here or is it just him?
"That' you have it now?"
"No," She leans back. Thank God! She was making him nervous! His hands have been itching to touch her again since they left the house, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable and be a stranger again. He has to play this thing right - especially now that she's found out who he is.
"That's too bad. It could've cheered you up on a day like this huh?" She looks confused. "With everything's that's happened...with your ex,"
She paused for a second. "Oh...yeah..." Then shrugged, moving on to look at other things.
'All booked. I must say I'm proud that you asked for 2 rooms. I thought you would've sealed it by now'
Taehyung's text makes him smile. Yeah buddy...I would've thought the same -
"I've decided," She came out from behind the curtain with all the clothes bundled in her arms.
"So...which one?" Why can't she be like one of those normal girls...who purposely show people their outfits to gain unnecessary compliments??
"The black one," She took 3 black ones in there - which one? Why does it matter - it's black!! All he has to do is buy a black shirt to match with her!
"Do you always wear black?" Jeongguk takes a second to look down on the shirt he tried. Oh yeah...he was wearing black too earlier. And yeah...his wardrobe is 90% black too! But this is different - it's not because naturally, black is his favourite colour...
"Why? Black is cool right?" He ruffles his hair down to the back of his neck - a habit whenever he's nervous.
"Mmm..." She nodded slowly before getting up and looks around. Why - does he not look good? But it's black, he always looks good in black! Does she not think so?! "What about this?" She holds up a yellow jumper.
"Wow..." He can't help his gasp. "It',"
"Yellow's my favourite colour," She looks down to it, smiling warmly.
"I'll get it then!"
"You should get black pants too! Then we'd match -"
Did he hear her right?? He might imagine it - maybe he wanted it so much that he's hearing things now!
"I got myself a yellow top too! Although mine has flowers on it,"
"You -" He almost stumbled trying to zip so fast. "I thought you got a black one," He takes a deep breath before walking out from the dressing room. Wow...he managed to sound normal!
"I got black pants, yes,"
"Then I should get black pants too,"
She laughed and her cheeks are squeezed up like little tiny balls of sunshine. Jeongguk wanted to pinch them so much! Not the painful one of course.
Is this what 'falling in love' feels like? For the first time, his heart keeps speaking louder than his mind - shit, there wasn't even much time for him to think with all these emotions overwhelming and controlling his every actions! It's like the girl had brought out a whole different person in him and there's nothing he can do to stop it!
It wasn't as intense as this before...was it? Yes, he's into her before but he could still justify and somehow put a stop to this infatuation. He kept reminding himself that it's probably just that rare beauty. When she made him laugh? Probably his nerves fooling around. Hey, anyone could be funny when you're nervous about being kicked out of the family right?
Anyways, something is definitely not leaving his is she so okay with what just happened with her ex? He doesn't know much about a relationship but he definitely know women. I mean...yeah, she definitely cried this afternoon - but she seems fine since! The only emotion that came out of her pertaining the subject was the obvious anger when she found the monkey!
"Kook, I really can't eat anymore..." She whines. It took a lot of his might to not burst out laughing. She's still calling him 'Kook'...just like he still calls her 'Lalisa'. Does that mean something? "I'm really full - I always eat only one meal for dinner. I didn't ask you to get a 3-course-meal -"
"Okay, okay...just leave it then,"
"No! It'll go to waste! You eat it,"
"Huh? I'm full too -"
"But you ordered it when I told you not to,"
"But you didn't eat much -"
"You'll waste food!"
"You need more food than I do -"
"Omo! Are you...bodyshaming me??"
"No!" Aish...this girl is just -
His mouth is stuffed with the salmon before he even knew it. Her face lights up as she smiles in triumph - obviously happy with herself - and Jeongguk can't help but froze! She just fed him! She just fed him so how couples do...her face...looking so fucking cute - stop it!!
Is he pink? Is he red? Is he purple??
"I'm okay!" It's like time had doubled its speed and Jeongguk's on a chewing. Okay, chill...chill...she probably did it to stop him from talking so much -
But she's taking another spoonful. And now waiting for him to finish. Oh God, can time move any faster?? Fuck that, chew faster!!
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