Always In My Mind
"Bad news," Lisa placed her phone in her back pocket as she reaches Chaeyoung and their 4 bags of groceries. "Jisoo unnie just called. We've just been called to pitch for a project and the client wants a presentation on Monday. I have to go to the office at noon for a briefing and brainstorming -"
"You're lying," Chaeyoung stares at her as if she just killed the girl's pet fish.
"I wish I'm that good at lying...but I'm not. You can call unnie if you don't believe me -"
"Ugh! Why - why does it have to be today!!" Her best friend whined while flailing her arms around, sounding like she's about to cry. Lisa felt bad...but not bad enough!
She never wanted for the dinner date to happen but she can't say anything because...because Chaeyoung doesn't need to know everything. Lisa knew who the admirer is - she's been ignoring the guy's messages on Instagram for about a month now! It wasn't hard to guess. Sehun's feed is filled with pictures of him and his boys - Chanyeol included.
It wasn't the lame introductory text of 'I feel like we've met before' or his cheesy pick-up lines like 'you look like a guardian angel - wanna guard me?' that made her roll her eyes and locks her phone immediately every time. It's not even about anything physical - the guy looks like he could be Captain-freaking-America without any bodysuit to emphasise!
Yes, he's too good looking that Lisa had to do a triple take on his profile just to make sure it wasn't a scam! But Lisa is just...not interested. It's not like she'd turned off by men completely. No...she's still very attracted to men. It's just that it's that one man...
"I think I'll get more wine -"
"Should I...not come back tonight?"
"Yahh!! It's for me to drown in my sorrows! If you're not joining for dinner then what's the point of having them come?"
"I thought Chanyeol's so handsome when he plays guitar -"
"He only wanted to come after asking me if you'd be there," Chaeyoung looks down and muttered sulkily. Oh no...
"Chae...why would you get so excited for this guy who's not excited about you?"
"I stupid..."
Lisa sighed. That makes two of us!
"Hey, what if I reschedule the dinner to tomorrow?"
Lisa wanted to shout and shake her best friend back to reality but she couldn't. Chaeyoung is looking at her like a love-sick puppy - already perked up at the brilliant idea she just had. She couldn't just say no...the girl is making whole lot of efforts to make this happen!
"Okay...let's push it to tomorrow,"
Chaeyoung shrieked excitedly before grabbing her arm as they head out from the supermarket.
She pulled Chaeyoung to the side of a shaded store as rain started to pour. The girl whined while wiping her wet arms as Lisa cursed at herself for still failing at wearing a proper winter attire. She kept on forgetting and by the time she realised it, she's already out the door. Too lazy to go back inside and change, she would just tell herself that she's a strong woman, and there's no season that can break her. Yes...Lisa has a brilliant mind. She's already gotten through 2 flus in the past month. Did she regret it? Probably for a day, yes.
Lisa looked to her left, noticing a man sharing the same shelter as them. He's fixing his brown coat while clipping a newspaper between his body and arm. She tilts her head a little at the face on the paper. It's him...looking dashingly always.
It's funny that 2 months had passed by, but the day she met Jeon Jeongguk always felt fresh in her memory. She's not sure why but since she met him, his face is plastered almost everywhere. She never noticed it before then. She's been seeing him...and keeping track as well - as much as she hates this newfound habit!
She guessed that he had a successful 'talk' with his father - as news broke out last month that Jeon Corporation was launching a new entity to tap into the gaming industry. Not gonna lie, she felt so proud of him for making it happen! She hates him, yes - but not enough to change the fact that she still likes him.
She never mentioned it to anyone - including Chaeyoung - about what happened. As far as her friend's concern, all those late night tears belonged to Jaehyun. Not that she needed to say or lie about it - Chaeyoung had came to the conclusion all by herself. She's thankful though...she knew the girl tried really hard not to ask anything. Even the trip back home didn't do much for her.
Of course, the one month of all the planning, preparation and executing half of the work for the dance studio had kept her busy and her mind off the guy - but he's still there...lingering around before she sleeps. She told her parents that she and Jaehyun have broken up - but left out the 'how' to not add more fuel to the fire. Her father seemed so happy about it! He mentioned after that he knew Jaehyun wasn't the right one for the daughter - saying that the guy seems 'boring'. Lisa laughed before remembering how Jeongguk said the same.
All in all, it had been an emotional roller-coaster ride for her. On her good days, she has nothing but good wishes for the guy whenever he 'appeared'. On her bad nights, she still cries over that shameful feeling of getting paid for sex by the guy she fell for. Hmm...maybe she should give Sehun a chance -
No - what she needs is to focus on the dance studio! They just hired 4 instructors and once they get the 5th by the end of this month, they'll do a grand launch and will be opened for registration. Everything is in order back home and Lisa already planned on going back for the opening. She already contacted the few surrounding schools to spread the word around and she's been receiving good response so far. It's all coming together and she can't wait for it to finally be operating!
"Ooo...fancy car," Chaeyoung's voice brought her back to the now. On the road in front of them, stopped an all-tinted, black BMW. The heavy raindrops are no match for the shine on the body.
"Must be a celebrity -" She whispered to Chaeyoung.
"Stopping by to get..." Chaeyoung looks behind them and into the store. "An ice-cream?"
Lisa laughed. "It must be really good. We should get one and wait inside. It's probably gonna be a while," She peeks into the store. There are only 3 tables occupied. Is it really that good?
"Oh -" Chaeyoung grabbed her arm, making Lisa turned almost immediately to her and to what she's looking at.
Who...more like who she's looking at. Is she dreaming? Did she zone-out and day-dream that Jeon Jeongguk is walking under that umbrella and heading towards them? That must be it...because there's no way that Jeon Jeongguk would be under that umbrella and walking towards her.
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