Star's POV
We were walking for a bit then I remembered I don't know their names. I tugged on the guys finger and he looked at me. He picked me up and I whispered in his ear.
"What are you guys names?" I asked and he started to point them out starting with himself.
"I'm Max, that's Tim, Ross, Adam, Jordan, Em, Red, Barney, Tristan, Ethan, Jake and Cory." Max said that's a lot of names but I think I can remember them. We went to a place Max said was Olive Garden. We sat a big booth and I sat in between Max and Em.
They were talking when I saw them. The people who hurt me. I looked up at Max and planned on telling him.
"M-Max?" I said looking terrified and my voice was shaking.
"Star what's wrong?" He said as the people came closer to our table.
"They!" I said pointing at them "They did this to me." I said and the guys came over.
"HEY THERE YOU ARE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" 'Dad' yelled and came storming over to our table. "Come to me NOW!" He commanded me I just hugged Max' arm.
I whispered to him "Max I-I'm scared" I said and he got mad. He stood up and started to yell.
"YOU DON'T CALL A 5 YEAR OLD A PIECE OF SHIT!" He yelled at him. Dad dragged Max out of the booth and threw me of the booth and I hit a chair and fell to the ground.
"NEXT TIME I TELL YOU TO COME YOU COME!" Dad yelled and grabbed my arm. I hissed at him and he slapped me. Adam came over to us and punched my Dad and picked me up. He walked me to the table and put me it the booth. Em was hugging we and checking in case I got injured bad.
Max stood up and helped Adam as tears fell down my face onto Em's arms. She put me on her lap and held me close. I heard sirens and my Dad was arrested and so was the other guys in his group that were scattered all around Olive Garden.
"Hey Star?" Ross said next to Em.
I whimpered out a 'yeah' and looked him in the eyes. He showed he felt sorry for me as he saw what my family is. I told Em that I had to use the bathroom so she put me down and I went searching for the bathroom.
Adam's POV
"Where was she going?" I asked Em after Star left.
"Washroom," she said plainly.
"I just can't believe that she had to put up with that," Max said wiping his face with his hand.
"I feel bad for the kid," Tim said and we all nod out heads.
"Guys I just realized her dad is in jail so is she an orphan? Did we make Star an orphan?" I said feeling slightly guilty about everything that happened.
"What about her mom? Does she have one?" Em asked.
"I don't know but I don't think so. I guess that's why she hissed at us earlier. She lost trust in 'males' because of her father if he even deserves to be one," Max said looking at all of us with our sad looks.
"Hey guys!" I looked around and saw Jess (Aphmau) waving to us.
"Hi Jess. What are you doing here?"
"BREADSTICKS!" She yelled and we laughed and went back to sad. Or at least I did. "Why you people sad? What happened?" Jess said more serious and kinda scary.
"Oh Jess well we met this kid. Her name is Star and we sorta kinda sent her dad to jail..." Ross said trailing off.
"Was that why there is police cars outside?" She asked and we all nodded. "Can I meet her?" Jess asked.
"Sure she just left to use the restroom not to long ago. Speck of the devil hi Star," I said as she went to sit next to Em.
"Hi Star!" Jess said and Star waved sheepishly as Max put her on his lap. "How old are you sweetheart?" Jess asked looking at her.
"I'm 5 and a half," she said quietly. She is only five and she went through that wow poor kid.
"Hey Star?" I said and she looked at me.
"Yes Adam?" She said quietly her green eyes turning blue?
"Do you have a mom at all?" I asked and tears started to roll down her face.
"No... If I did I don't think he would have done the things he did to me. She died when I was born..." She said as Max tried to comfort her.
"Aww poor thing! Who is going to take care of you then?" Jess asked and she shrugged looking at us.
"I don't know. I don't think anyone would want to after this. I think I should go now." Star tried to get out of Max' grip but he wouldn't let go. "Max can I go?" She asked looking at Max.
"You going to be a Dad Max?" Ross said ready to run.
"I would beat you up is Star wasn't here. Star I don't think it's the best idea to roam the streets alone. We could drop you off," Max suggested but she just shook her head.
"Max where would I go? I don't think I have a home anymore," she said looking up at him.
"IDEA!" I shouted and everyone was waiting for me to carry on. "We can have an over night stay at the offices. Star can stay there for the night then we can take her some where to stay for awhile tomorrow. We could V-Log it aswell! Office sleepover Vlog! Who's in?" I said and everyone started to think.
"I am!" Ross shouted.
"Me too!" Tim said.
"I'm in!" Red said.
"Mes threes!" Barney said. Star went over to Max and Em.
"Are you Em?" Star said looking up at Em.
"Sorry sweetie I can't" Em apologized.
"Max?" Star said and went over to Max.
"Uh... You know what sure I'm in," Max said picking up Star and hugging her.
"SO CUTE!" Ross said.
"Whatever Ross."
We payed for our food and headed back to the offices. This is going to be fun!
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