Chapter Twenty Three
(Posting at lunch in school CX)
Star's POV
After fighting myself to not do something I promised someone I wouldn't do, maybe I'll go visit him later... I took a shower and changed my clothes. I checked the time on my watch and immediately started to freak out.
7:45... SCHOOL STARTS IN 15 FREAKING MINUTES! SHET SHET SHET SHETSHETSHETSHETSHET! I kept repeating in my head as I grabbed my backpack and BMX scooter and jumped out my window.
BIG MISTAKE! (Everyone else 'NO SHET!')
I land on the ground with a loud THUD. My left leg starts to ache but IM GOING TO BE LATE! Can't make any rounds today gotta HURRY DA FUDGE UP. I started to smash my right foot on the pavement as I rush to school on my scooter.
After frantically panicking I go to school and ran to my lineup outside against the wall I just go to the end of my classes when the bell rang. I sigh a heavy sigh as we file into the building.
I walked into Mr.Valcry's classroom and took my seat at my table in the very back right of the classroom and started the morning activity worksheet as Mr.Valcry walked in.
"Okay class we are going to be doing our timed Math drill!" He said handing us our sheets walking by our tables.
I just finished the Math work sheet and checked it over once before the door opened. I was still checking over my sheet so I my eyes were glued to it. After Math was free time aka recess.
"Students may I have your attention please? We have some new students here with us today. Boys please introduce yourselves." Mr.Valcry said as I looked up and saw two boys standing awkwardly at the front. One had brown hair and blue eyes, he looked like the boy from this morning. I then shifted my gaze to the other boy and he had light dirty blonde hair and green eyes, I'm pretty sure that's Rift's brother.
I sighed, sitting alone at my table looking over the everywhere else packed classroom.
"Hi umm... My name is Oliver, I like video games, blue and hockey... And I'm from Canada." The boy with brown hair said. Everyone looked at me. I was the only other Canadian here in this class before the new kids came.
"Hello so... My name is Riley, I like drawing, green and video games... I am also from Canada..." The boy with blonde hair said.
"It's nice to meet you Oliver and Riley! We have a full class with only two available spots," Mr. Valcry said and looked over to me. Shit! they were going to sit next to me... "The spots are at the back next to Star! Star can you raise your hand please?" He asked as I half raised my hand up as they started to walk over.
I immediately put my hand down as they started to walk over. Riley sat next to me and Oliver at the very end. I looked over my paper one more time before standing up indicating I finished. While we were doing Math timed drills they boys walked in so Mr.Valcry stopped the timer.
"Psst hey Riley, Oliver," Meloney said turning around in her seat.
"Yes?" They both said in unison.
"Don't talk to her she was rejected by her family and famous YouTubers. She is just a loser." She whispered as I could feel their eyes staring at me as I stood up fully.
"1:01!" Mr. Valcry said as I wrote it on the back off my sheet and headed to the front to hand it in. I got tripped by Steven as I passed his group of jocks. I stopped myself from falling by grabbing the table and pushing myself up and continued walking. I handed it in on his desk as I waited for the bell to ring.
After five minutes of waiting the bell rang as all the kids started to shout and make there way to the door for recess.
"Who would like to show Oliver and Riley around the school?" He asked as everyone made a run for the door leaving me alone in the class with a teacher and the new students. "Looks like you have to Star. Is that okay with you?" He asked. Anytime a teacher asks you to do something it's more like a command then anything else. I just nodded my head walking over to the boys as my light scarlet red hair bounced on my shoulders.
"Hi... I'm Star as you both know and... I'm going to be showing you around I guess... Follow me," I said avoiding there eyes as I spoke to them. They didn't know about my colour changing eyes and I want to keep it that way. I made my eyes a dark brown and looked up to face them. I turned around and started to walk out. "Coming or what?" I asked as they broke out of there own little worlds and followed me to the hallway. They were still pretty far back as a group of older kids were gathered in the hallways.
"Hey freekazoid!" One of them yelled as I kept my head down.
"Leave me alone Danny I have to do a job!" I said still looking down.
"Hey look at me when your talking to me!" He yelled kicking me against the middle school kids lockers. The older kids got lockers while my grade and lower got places in our classrooms to keep our stuff.
"HEY LEAVE HER ALONE!" said a voice I don't recognize. I look up to see Oliver and Riley running over to me as I try to stand up but get pushed down again. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!?!" Oliver yelled running up and punching Danny in the face using his momentum to his advantage. Riley helped me up as I looked up at them.
"I'll let you off with a warning THIS time only because you guys are new and don't know how this school works yet. See you later Kid LOSER!" Danny said walking away down the hall. As he turned the corner I though I saw him put a hand up to his jaw...
"Hey Star are you okay? Did he hurt you cause if he did I'm going to kill him! It is not okay to hit a girl let alone anyone in general!" Riley said putting a hand in my shoulder. I just shrugged it off and continued down the hall.
"It's fine guys... It's just it happens all the time so it's really nothing to worry about... I glad you guys care but you don't have to... No one has to..." I said as I continued the tour.
"Yes people do and I might have just turned into one of them... Hey Star? Wanna be friends?" Oliver asked turning me around.
"Yeah I wanna be friends too!" Riley said and I smiled at them.
"I don't know... I've never had friends before..."
"Well then we are your firsts!" Riley said peppy and loudly.
"Friends?" Oliver asked as I looked at them and smiled even bigger.
"Friends!" I said as they both cheered as I started the tour up again.
Time Skip to after the tour.
The recess bell just rang and we have to go back to class.
"Oli! Put the ball down we got to go nowwww!!!" I yelled running to the lineup against the wall. Rye was right behind me. We were playing HORSE with a kick ball that WASN'T deflated unlike everything else.
"WAIT FOR ME!!" Oli yelled running over to us as the door was closing. I held it open for him as Rye was next to the door ready to jump out at him. We are already so close even though it's inly been half an hour. I knocked my shoe against the door signalling he was getting closer.
"OLI HURRY UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" I yelled as OLI started sprinting over. I hit my shoe again looking like I was growing impatient. He was about to walk in when I stomped and Rye jumped out.
"RAWR!" He yelled tackling Oli to the ground.
"OH MY GOODNESS DON'T DO THAT RYE!" He yelled pinned to the ground.
"Rye up!" I said looking into the hallway, a teacher saw us and came over.
"Is there a problem here? You three should get to class, the bell is about to ring," he said as I shook my head no and looked outside Oli and Rye were standing there covered in leaves and dirt. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing while biting my lip.
"Yes sir," we all said in unison. I giggled slightly was we made our way to the classroom as Oli and Rye tried desperately to get the leaves out of their hair and dirt off their clothes.
"Hey Star want a hug?" Rye asked walking towards me with his arms open.
"NOPE NOPITY NOPE NOPE YOUR COVERED IN DIRT!" I said walking faster and into the classroom as Oli and Rye follow. Right when they make it in through to door the bell rung.
"Okay class you have 10 minutes to eat your snacks then we will start our lessons," Mr.Valcry said at his desk as everyone got up to get their lunch kits. I just sat at my table working on my almost finished map.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Rye asked sitting next to me eating an apple. (RIP APPLE DEATH BY RYE!)
"No I'm not hungry right now..." I said. I'm leaving at lunch to go to the college/university thing.
"Suit yourself!" Rye said turning and talking to Oli.
"STARKENSY TO THE FRONT OF THE SCHOOL PLEASE! STARKENSY TO THE FRONT OF THE SCHOOL PLEASE! THANKYOU!" A loud voice boomed over the PA system. Everyone started to 'ohhhhhhh' as I stood up and got out of my chair.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow..." I said waving and walking out. They waved but both had a curious sparkle in their eyes. I sighed heavily and made my way to the front of the school.
"Starkensy you need to get a parent, guardian or friend to drive you since we can't. Do you have a phone number or person coming to pick you up?" Principal Wattpad said. I nodded and walked over to the office phone. I pulled the paper sheet out of my pocket and dialled.
"Hello?" A voice rang after three rings.
Comment your guesses!
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