Chapter Twenty Nine
Later that night...
I woke up to a soft knock on my door. I grabbed my crutches and made my way over to the door. I opened it to see Ms.Bitch going down the hall and a little girl in front of me. I bent down to her level and offered her a kind smile.
"Why hello, who are you?" I asked kindly, opening the door more. The little girl stepped into my room hugging a small back pack.
"I'm Makayla and... my parents just died..." she said quietly, a single tear rolled down her face as I frowned at her bending over to her eye level and using the pad of my thumb to carefully wipe her tear away. She looked up and me questioningly.
"Oh I'm sorry about your loss... I'm Starkensy but you can call me Star. My mom died when I was born and my dad is in jail... but that's where he belongs anyway. Makayla how old are you exactly?" I asked as I guided her towards 'our' personal bathroom.
"I'm this many years old," she said still hugging her backpack sticking up 4 fingers.
(Any time i have asked a little kid who doesn't know how to count they do that. It's incredible adorable)
"Okay... why don't you go change into a set of pjs and we can get to know each other in the morning. How does that sound?" I asked as I turned on the bright light in the bathroom.
"That sounds great... Thanks for making me feel welcome I guess..."
"My pleasure. Now go change you need your sleep," I said ushering her into the bathroom. She giggled and walked into the bathroom closing the door.
I sighed as I made my way to my bed. The only one in the room. I took one pillow out of the bed and dropped it on the floor. I went back to the bed and took one thin blanket. I put my crutches against the wall and went back to the blanket and pillow on the floor. I laid down and threw the blanket over me. I grabbed the pillow and set it under my head. I closed my eyes and heard the door open.
"She's just too nice," It sounded like Makayla. I heard soft footsteps make their way over to me. I felt Makayla's arms around my side as she rested her head on my shoulder. "Thank you," She whispered as she let go and made her way to the bed. I heard the sound of the mattress and blankets getting moved around as she got in.
After a while her breathing slowed to even breaths telling me she is sleeping soundly. I smile to myself as I slowly drift to sleep.
Time Skip
I wake up to a soft knock on the door. I sit up, opening my eyes yawning. I rub my eyes as I get up. I hop over to the door and open it.
"What do you want Lucas? It's six in the morning," I said to the brown haired boy with brown eyes standing in front of me. He was wearing a white tank top with light blue basketball shorts.
"So... my groups turn to make the food for everyone at the orphanage this month... Can you help us cook? Please!" He begged. I had helped the last months group cook but stopped week ago.
"Sure let me change real quick," I said going over to my dresser and taking out a SkyDoesMinecraft shirt with red Nike basketball shorts along with some other clothing that I'll need. I hopped over to the bathroom, closing the door and changing out of my pjs into my day clothes.
I brushed my hair, braiding it into a side braid and brushed my teeth. I heard a little squeal as I was opening the door.
"Ahh help me! Leave me alone! Stranger danger!" I heard Makayla shout as I walked out of the bathroom. Lucas was standing next to the bed near Makayla.
"Makayla be quieter. Your going to wake up the other kids. Lucas leave her alone, she just got here last night," I said as Makayla made grabby hands towards me. I picked her up and swayed back and forth until she calmed down.
"We also have to pack everyone's lunches for school," Lucas said with his right hand rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh we better get started then," I said putting Makayla on the ground, she clung to my arm as we made our way to the kitchen. Lucas was carrying my crutches as I held Makayla's hand.
We entered the kitchen and there was about six other guys there. They all turned towards us as the door creaked open.
"Finally, Lucas what too- oh hi Star," Markson said when he saw me.
"Well boys let me lay down some ground rules before I help you-."
"Who said we needed your help?" Markson interrupted me walking towards us.
"Me, we know nothing about cooking guys and we have to eat this too," Lucas said stepping in front of me. "Please continue Star."
"Thank you Lucas. One no talking back to me. Two do exactly what I say," the boys groaned as I continued. "Three everyone has to help, you don't help you don't eat. Four if you fail to follow those rules, I'm gone, got it?" I said picking Makayla up and setting the kitchen island. "Do you understand?"
"Yessssssss," they dragged on the word 'yes' as they all gave me their full attention.
"Hey remember I don't have to be here so, suck it up butter cup," I said with my hands place on the island I'm leaning on. I jump up and take a seat next to Makayla.
"Why aren't you helping?" Markson said with all the boys saying 'yeah' after.
"I'm wearing a cast on my leg dipship, I can't walk around like you guys right now," I said putting an arm around Makayla as she leaned against me.
"Okay, fine, whatever," Markson sighed deeply as he gave me a fake smile. "What do we do first?" He asked.
"Well, tell me what you want to make?" I asked. "Also who's making breakfast and who's making the lunches?" I added.
"Four guys making lunches and three making breakfast?" Lucas suggested.
"Okay who's making what and what are we making?" I asked.
"Sandwiches for lunches as well as the snacks with fruit or veggies, what's for breakfast? It's usually cereal but let's actually make something good," one of the guys said.
"Let's first introduce each other so we can get to know each other," I said as they all nodded.
"I'm Ricky."
"The name's Devin."
"You know I'm Markson."
"I'm Lucas," Lucas said.
"Well I'm Star and this," I said hugging Makayla "is Makayla Ms.Birch dropped her off in front of my room last night."
"Hi," Makayla said shyly.
"Hello Makayla!" The boys said kindly.
"What do you want for breakfast Makayla?" Markson said kneeling in front of her.
"I like pancakes," she whispered.
"LET'S MAKE PANCAKES!" Everyone cheered as Makayla giggled shyly.
"Don't you mean PUNcakes?" Lucas said with a smirk on his face.
"Shut up Lucas," Markson said putting a hand on his back.
I clapped my hands together loudly as everyone looked at me "Let's get started we need-"
Time Skip
I put the last lunch in a school bag and laugh. All the boys finished cleaning and were spread out along the ground extremely tired.
"Hey boys?" I said as they all looked up at me.
"Yeah?" They said and I let out a laugh.
"Go get ready for school."
Any one like the new cover? I REALLY like the covers app for Wattpad and I made a bunch of funny stuff that I think is funny.
Any people I'm going to go now... see you in the next chapter.
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