Chapter Six: OFFICE SLEEPOVER! Part Four
Max's POV
Star went over to Mason. He had a tear stained face and was forcing his eyes shut. Star picked him up and she struggled to keep holding him up. Alesa saw and she was enraged.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU TAKING MY CHILD!" Alesa yelled at Star. Stars eye started to change to orange when she blinked.
"Ummmm..." Star stuttered holding Mason in her arms.
"WELL GIVE ME BACK MY KID!" Alesa reached towards Star and she backed away.
"ALESA!" Adam yelled getting her attention. She turned to him and Star took that opportunity to run towards me. I took Mason from her arms and she hid behind my hugging the side of my leg.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ADAM!" She snapped back at him.
I looked down and saw that Star was crying. I could fell tears seeping into my jeans. She probably hated yelling and fighting. If I were a kid this would shatter me. Star doesn't even know Alesa until no and she's crying.
"FIRST OFF MASON IS OUR CHILD AND SECOND OFF THE KID IS STAR SHE IS FIVE!" Adam yelled back and Alesa's gaze softened.
"So you're telling me that the little girl I just yelled at was the one that you were talking about? The one that you said's dad you guys got arrested? The one that was with that guy her whole life? The one that hissed at you when she ran in with a gash in her forehead?" Alesa asked getting quieter and quieter and sounded less pissed off. She turn to Star and started walking to her. Star started to walk backwards. Her eyes orange and filled with tears. She must feel like the fight was here fault.
"Oh my God Star! I'm so sorry!" Alesa said walking closer to her to hug Star but she bolted the other way. Alesa almost ran after her if Adam didn't say anything.
"Alesa don't you scared her and now you need to let her come around. Her eyes turned orange because that is a warning to us that she will fight or flee..." Adam said trailing off and Alesa started to apologize.
"Adam I'm sorry I accused you of cheating I should have let you tell me. Now i feel like shit for doing that to a five year old that had that happen in front of you guys," Alesa said and Adam came over and hugged her. They made up great!
I wonder where Star ran off to? Em already left...
Star's POV
I ran to the only person who I could at the moment Red. I ran to his and Em's office that they shared and pushed the door open. Red was sitting at his desk looking at me as I barges in.
"Star what's wrong? Why were you crying?" Red asked walking over to me picking me up. Going back to his desk and setting me on his lap. He was doing work on his computer.
"I was with Max. We heard yelling and we went to go see *sniff* what was wrong. Adam and a person called 'Alesa' were yelling at eachother. It was about me. I saw a baby behind them crying like crazy. I pointed to him and Max let me get hi-him and Max took him from me and I hid behind him. 'Alesa' was yelling at me for taking him and stuff. When she knew who I was she walked toward me and I ran here. Can I stay with you for a while? *sniff* Max has the baby and the lady scares me..." I said lookin at Red. He wiped my eyes of tears and comforted me.
"I need to do some work but you can listen to some music while I do so," he said opening a thing on his computer and putting what Max called headphones on my head and I heard some music play. It sounded really nice and relaxing. He set me on the floor while I stared at nothing listening to the soft rings from the 'headphones'.
Red's POV
I put the music box from undertale on for Star as I finished up some work. Then I noticed she was blanked out completely. Max got her into Undertale so I think she likes the song. I continue to do some work when a knock on the door echos through out my office. I get up and go answer it. It's Alesa.
"Oh hi Alesa! What are you doing here?" I question her leaning against my door frame.
"I was wondering if I could see Star? We had a fight earlier so I wanted to see if she is alright," Alesa replies trying to get in.
"Sorry Alesa I can't do that. One I wanted to spend some time with her since she is almost always with Max. Second when her eye turn orange it's no the greatest thing to do to approach her for awhile."
"But Red I want to apologize for yelling at her!" She said.
"Wait hold on." I said closing the door again and walking over to Star who is now laying down staring at the ceiling. Her headphone cord was stretched out that if she moved back it would come out of the headphone jac.
"Hey Star what ya doin'?" I asked crouching next to her. She looked at me and giggled a bit. I looked at her eye and they were tinted orange.
"Lying down and talking to you!" She sang happily.
"Okay I'll leave you to it," I said and she stayed lying down staring into space.
"Sorry Alesa her eyes are still slightly orange so I can't let you see her," I said to Alesa and she looked mad and sad.
"Okay but can you see what size clothing she wears? Adam asked me to get some for her."
"Um I think you can check her other clothing. I think it's by Max's office."
"Okay Thanks!" Alesa said to me turning around and walking down the hallway.
I looked at the time and it was past midnight. I went over to Star and picked her up. I had just noticed her muddy feet and the go pro head band. I take it off her head and throw it at Adam. He returned an 'OW thanks'. I went over to the bathroom and began to face her feet. After a while I got it off and saw some cuts on the bottom of her feet and the cause on her head was bleeding through. I picked her up and walked to the kitchen. I took out the kit and started on her cuts. After a while I was finished and I headed towards Adam.
"Hey Adam!" I called walking into the challenge video set.
"Hey Red! Hi Star!" Adam greeted us. I set Star down but she clung to my leg.
"Are we going to play now?" Star asked looking Adam straight in the eyes.
"Well ah ah ah." Adam started and kept changing his view to star who is still staring at him blankly. "Yeah we just need to set up the cameras." Adam said tossing the go pro back at me.
"Is this why she had it on earlier?" I asked.
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