Chapter Fifteen: Who are you?
Max's POV
"That's Star, Our Star..." I started to smile and it turned contagious. Everyone had a smile except the very confused four year old Mason.
"Who's Star? That was KID HERO! Kid Hero has no known name!" Mason said in a 'Duh' tone.
"Star was a little girl we used to record with. Here I have a picture," I said showing Mason my lock screen of when we were walking back from the taco truck.
"Was that the girl mum scared?" Mason asked and we all nodded. Tears of joy filled my eyes. I was smiling like an idiot, but I didn't care I could get Star back.
"Cool we know she's not dead. I'm going to adopt her." I said walking to the door.
"DADMAX!" Ross yelled and I turned to him smiling.
"I guess so," and with that I walked out of Adams hospital room that filled with laughter that echoed down the hallway. I walked out and it was dark and cloudy. I see the police car and two figures talking. One man and a girl by a police car.
"So we need to do some questioning back at the station and then I'll drive you back! Since tomorrow is Friday do you want me to bring my son to work. He goes to your school," the cop said to Kid Hero.
"What's his name?" She asked shaking looking up at him. I was still walking over towards them.
"STAR!" I called out as she looked at me then back to the police officer. He put her behind his back as he looked at me.
"How may we help you sir?" She asked looking at me. Her dark brown eye staring at me as I saw her S necklace. She still wore it.
"Yes I would like to adopt little Starkensy here," I said looking down at her. She went into the police car and locked the door.
"I don't know you but you better not tell anyone her name. I don't know how you know her name but she isn't up for adoption at the moment according to by order of the police department," He said going into the driver side of the car.
"Star you don't remember me? I gave you that necklace! I saved you from your dad! Please Star you have to remember!" I begged as they pulled out. She looked me in the eyes before they drove out.
"Who are you?" She asked as they sped off.
Those words shattered me. She didn't remember me, is ANYONE! I hung my head low as I walked back into the hospital room. Everyone had a smile on their face as I walked in. No Star behind me as I wish, as I hoped...
"Hey Max where's Star?" Ross asked as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"She doesn't remember me. I can't adopt her because of the police department so she is still an orphan..." I said slowly more and more with every word I said starting to cry. I went to the corner and cried. She should remember.
She needs to remember...
Star's POV
We drove off as the red headed man started to cry.
"What's your kids name?" I asked again breaking the awkward silence in the car.
"Sebastian," he said as I recalled Sebastian. He was the first kid to pick on me at the start of the day and also the last. He cut my arm with a stick earlier today at school. The teacher and principals couldn't careless.
"Don't tell him about me or that he is seeing me. I want to see how he acts out of school. I will just say I got another guy arrested. During it could you be somewhere in the background?" I said as we drove to the police station.
"Sure?" He said more of a question. I nodded indicating I'll tell him later. I walked in and was greeted as normal and everyone calling me by my actual name.
"Hi!" I greeted back walking over to one of the questioning rooms.
I was back at the orphanage waking up. I get out of bed and change into some of the only clothes I had that still fit me. Most of the clothes fit me from when I was six. I changed into a blue tank top, pink basketball shorts, custom hat I got for winning a contest at Lids and my Nike black and blue sneakers. I walk to the door and hear muffled laughs as its boarded up again. I sigh grab my school back, belt, tazer, badge and necklace I never left without and climbed out the window. I skip breakfast and mostly lunch to be alone and away from them. I walked down the street towards the school. I passed buildings and made some rounds to make sure nothing was happening that could hurt or worse. Nothing like that as I went be walking to the school. Busy streets as I pass people staring at their phone walking past. One guy with brown hair and blue eyes was staring at his phone and crossing the street as a car was speeding towards him. I sigh and ran backward, pushing of a pole is launched towards him and barely missed getting hit. I sighed and got up reaching down to help the man up. He took my hand as I helped him up the best I could and started to walk back towards the school. Before I did I whispered a quick "Look up from you phone sometime" and walked off. I never get thanked and never want to. It's just awkward I guess. I turned into the school playground area and was thrown to the ground. I looked up and saw him.
"Sebastian I need to go would you not?" I said standing up as he pushed me down again.
"Let me think. NOPE!" He shouted as a teacher passed us without a care in the world.
"Hey leave her alone!" a Swedish male voice shouted walking over to me. He helped me up as I brushed the dirt off my shirt and shorts. My knee was bleeding per usual. I was pushed to the ground again by one of the guys from his 'posse' using his foot.
"HEY WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!?!" The man snapped at him as I stood up. It was the guy who I saved from getting run over.
"OH MY GOD ITS PEWDIEPIE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AND WHY IS HE HELPING KID HERO?!" One kid yelled as 'PewDiePie' stood next to me helping me off the ground again as I stood next to him.
"I'm just visiting and this is what I see some bros doing? Standing around as this girl gets bullied and is bleeding!" He said to them.
"But we're not hurting her plus she is goody two shoes. Miss Kid Hero and she's an orphan!" One protested as I looked at him.
"But you could have stopped it from happening. Bystanders are to blame aswell and why do you hate Kid Hero. She just saved me from getting hit by a car! C'mon kid let's get you patched up," he said taking my hand and walking into the school.
"Mister it's fine this is my life. They couldn't careless about what happened. If you're doing this to repay me don't I like helping and saving people it's kind of my jobish," I said escaping his grasp as he turned to me.
"Hey kid you saved me and you are nice. Maybe we can hang out sometime I could take you around here as I visit. I could introduce you to my fans aka bros. I have the most subscribers on YouTube," he said as we walked into the office. I just shrugged as he gave me his phone number and skype name.
"Thank you for that. I'm going to get to class now,"I said walking down the hall when I remembered. "Oh wait I didn't catch your name!" I said walking back.
"Felix, your's?"
"Call me Star."
Crapy chapter again. I am fighting writers block and sleep rn. It's 11:20 PM but I usually don't sleep until 3 AM since I would be reading/ trying to write fanfics.
Also yay I learned how to Bold, Italic and Underline! I got Wattpad not to long ago so I'm still working on learning how stuffs works also, I'm using my phone to write since my dad won't let me use the computer so I write fanfictions in my room late at night... Well BAI!
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