Wow, I really did not wanna write today, but I'm writing anyway because this is somthing I want to commit to. XD
My morning was basically the same as always, so that was cool :p
We met up with my cousin for lunch, and then I went shopping with her later since she needed to get a new uniform. I ended up getting a cute little oatmeal coloured dress, and then later I ran a couple errands with my mom.
I crocheted for about and hour this evening, I wanna finish these paws so bad TvT.
Time skip to nighttime.
I was in cat mode around my brother, so I was walking on all fours and he was patting my back, I started to pounce around for fun, and sometimes we have these little contests to see who can pounce farther, so of course I tried to jump really far, AND I HURT MY ALREADY VERY SORE ARMS- I was supposed to be resting them for a couple days TvT but I keep being dumb and letting my cat senses take over and I keep re-hurting my arms >:c
I think I might be coughing up a bit of blood, but I'll probably be fine.
That's all for today, bye bye! 💜 -Glow
~ડ𝕥ꪖꪗ ᭙ⅈꪶᦔ, ꪑꪮꪮꪀ ᥴꫝⅈꪶᦔ~
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