Some days it hits harder then others. Today was one of those days.
I think one of the hardest parts of being a therian is one we can all agree on, the moments when I'm just enjoying my day, trying to get things done. When suddenly a wave of sadness hits, because I realize. No matter the gear i wear, no matter the things how many things I try to replicate. The hunting, The feeling of running through a forest. Even just contently living in my family's home. I will never, ever physically be a cat. Some days it just hurts to think about it more.
Sorry for being such a downer! I just needed to get that off my chest. Plus this is 🤩My🤩 ✨journal✨
Today...I woke up, Amazing right!? She did it twice in a row! I did the usual, check wattpad, eat lunch. But- I went to the library! That was nice, And the library was giving away bookmarks :0 this is what it looks like!
It's literally so perfect- I can't even XD
I clicked on to youtube to find the crochet tutorial I'm using, and this video popped up in my recommended,
I just thought it was really cool, and a good reminder for everybody, human or not!
After crocheting for a bit, and practicing my Spanish on duolingo, I went on a walk! I love just taking a moment, just to admire the sky as the sun sets, mostly the time right after. When the sky is pink and teal and it's just so pretty ^-^
Quick tip for cat therians: you've all probably seen this by now, but in case you haven't. Cereal to mimmick kibble, and other dry cat foods, I'm having some oat crunch cheerios right now! Hehe, that's all for today! I think I'll go practice some quads now,
~ડ𝕥ꪖꪗ ᭙ⅈꪶᦔ, ꪑꪮꪮꪀ ᥴꫝⅈꪶᦔ~
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