chapter 3 its love again
After the convention me and ash went for some coffee I really needed it bad. We were sitting in the diner when someone tapped my shoulder I turned around it was Jensen he said "lets go for a walk" we got up and me our way to the plaza on the way he said" I never caught your name" I said " oh I am so sorry it's Chloe Diane Osenbaugh its a horrible name I am changing it to Hayden lane Isom" he said "I like your real name and I like Hayden lane really formal" I laughed but he was serious then he said " I am so sorry about that kiss I should have never done that" I said "why would a guy like you kiss a girl like me someone who is just out of collage looking for a acting spot with her acting degree a low life ugly 26 year old girl" he looked at me and said" stop calling your self ugly you are a very beautiful women trust me I know beauty when I see it". I said " you are just saying that to be nice because you have to work with me" then he graves my hand and spun me around and kissed me again then said" I am going to keep doing that unroll you stop saying you not worthy of me Chloe" I looked at him with a smile on my face and said " I am falling for you hard and if you don't like me then stop please" he said " Chloe I fell in love with you from the time I saw you from stage I want to be with you will you be my girlfriend"I was shocked Jensen fucking Ackles just asked me out I said "of course you idiot" he said " earlier did you say you had a acting degree" I nodded he said " in that case you have to be the one who stays on the show and guess what you are Dean Winchester love intrest we already gave you your parts" then I hear a screech from behind me I would now that scream from Africa it was Ashtyn being her stalker self as usual. She said " I have to post this" I said" with what pic" she showed a picture of me and Jensen kissing and then a video of it all the hole convo I yelled at her to do not do that Jensen said" well words out now might as well tell the boys" I said "won't that bring a lot of paparazzi I hate them they make me nervous" " you have a acting degree and yet scare of the paparazzi well I will be here for you no matter what okay because I love you and it also gives me a good chance to show the world you are mine" I looked at him in aww he smiled at me if I was a emoji I would look like this😍
Jensens pov
Chloe looked at me with a beautiful smile and glare god how did I just land her even though she doubts herself I will show her she is a beauty a hot goddess I am so lucky I am blessed. " Chloe you are a angel from heaven how did I land you in less than 13 hours wow" "because you have that affect on people and thanks for calling me a angel but in all honesty I am not that innocent so just so you know "I said " how are you not that innocent " she looked at me with a shy look then finally said" I am a jail bird I just got out a week ago I was in their for 3 months see not that innocent" he said " dean would love that but in reality for what" " I was always in fights I never started them but I always fine had and I got punished but I also put them in the hospital most of the time so that's why I was telling you that you needed someone better" I cupped her face in my hands and said" Chloe I don't care what happened I live you for you no matter what you did or did not do"
Chloe pov
Jensen was holding me in his arms I felt safe and secure he did not want to let me go but the sun was setting I said" jay I have to go its getting late I will see you tommarow" he said " the hotel I paid for you know that I am staying their too how about I walk you and I could stay with you tonight" I said"yeah of course" he said " I will sleep on the couch" I felt bad I did not want my bf sleeping on a small couch especially if he paid for the room "no you are not sleeping on no couch Jensen you will sleep with me in the same bed" he stated to protest but I held my hand up cutting him off he stopped trying to reason with me because he knew I was not going to budge. We walked back to the plaza I went in and took off my clothes and wore this
When I walked out Jensen was staring at me he walked up to me and pulled me into a soft but eager kiss. Ashtyn cleared her throght we looked at her she said you two get a room" I said " well actually he paid for this room and I am his gf so its our room so leave please" she shrugged her shoulders and left. I locked the door then threw him on the bed pulling the covers of over us because it was getting cold he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me into a deep passionate kiss then he ruined the moment he picked me up and layed me on my back and he stayed on his and said " I promised Jared that I would not try anything with you" I said " I heard you and Jared talking you said you would ask me out before you did anything which if I remember correctly you did " he said "your right I did so come here beautiful". He pulled me back on top of him and kissed me he ran his hands under my sweatshirt sending shivers up my spine he undid my bra I pulled of his shirt then off came his pants and boxer breifs. I kissed my way down his stomach then licking his balls then stuck his whole penis in my mouth he put both hands in my hair and gripped tight he said" Chloe I can't handle this " I said patience jay patience" he said " don't have any" I worked my way back to his neck he pulled of my sweatshirt and bra then grew me on my back climbing on top.
Jensen pov
I studied her body then slowly taking off her shorts and pants then opened her legs and licked up and down then kissed her flower then devoerd it she started to twitch I held her in place she yelled my name so loud I bet Misha heard it 2 floors up I kissed her stomach then in between her breasts then graves a condom but she stopped me she said" jay you don't need that I can't get pregnant and I am also on birth control" I put away the condom and slowly stuck it into her just gazing the surface she closed her eyes and moned in pleasure
Chloe pov
Jensen was slowly putting himself inside me I raped my arms under his arms and gripping his shoulders he never noticed I was begging for more god he was so good I never wanted this to end I never thought I would be in bed with Jensen Ackles but her I am having sex with him.
Jensens pov
Chloe raped her arms under my arms gripping my back I could tell she wanted more but I was not going to give in not yet anyway I watched her her eyes opening then closing how she gripped the sheets. then I lost it I started going faster I try to get a hold of myself but I couldn't I dug deeper into her she started scratching my back I thought she was going to skin me I started going harder she yelled my name so many times I lost count ( and yeah did) I lost count the first thousand times then she flipped me over and sat on top of me ridding slowly and toying with herself I watched while gripping her breasts she bit her lower lip while moning I could not take that any more I threw her back over and slammed into her she screamed so loud the door started being rounded with knocks I quikly grabbed a role tie for around me I was sweating so I t was pretty obvious I opened the door to see a very angry Jared then Chloe's sweet voice came from around the corner and said " baby what's wrong who is it" I turned and looked at her she froze when she saw Jared then she had a panicked look on her face she ran back to the bed and his under the covers Jared said" you promised me really" I said" dude chill I already asked her out plus she came onto me first and she heard our whole convo anyway". Jared was relived then he left I shut the door and locked it i walked over to her and said " now where were we oh what I know"I walked over beside her and slammed back into her gripping her hips
Chloe pov
Jensen slammed into me once again god it was so good then he released a bucket load into me I closed my eyes as he came close to finishing it was so good then he rolled over on his back breathing deep I said" you done already" he nodded his head I got up and headed for the shower I let the water run down my skin I took a long hot bath I walked out and put back,on my previous clothes and la yes beside Jensen he was dressed I la yes my head on his chest drifting off to sleep with his heart beat
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