Kim Taehyung's POV
The two of us had stopped arguing for the time being; I was leant against the wall holding my head in pain whilst Jungkook was holding his head in his hands for a different reason.
He was freaking out.
"You're wrong.... you're wrong..." Jungkook kept repeating, whispering to himself as if he were trying to convince himself of his lies. "You're wrong. She's my sister... she's my..."
He paused.
"My sister." His voice became clearer, and I looked up to see he was staring me straight in the eye. A mixture of sudden realisation and fury ignited his entire being. "You did that to my sister."
"Oh shut up!" I yelled, my head banging with pain.
"You forced my sister to have sex with you!" He began to yell back with disgust and anger laced in his voice.
"I didn't!" I cried out. "I-"
"Do you even realise what you've done!?" He yelled, walking closer to me again. "You assaulted MY SISTER!" He - once again - grabbed my collar, and the material felt tight around my neck.
"I bet you fucking enjoyed it too. Didn't you?" He spat. "I bet you fucking loved all the times you were groping her, and violating her, didn't you?"
"Jungkook!" I cried out.
"OF COURSE I FUCKING DID!" I cried out. "WHAT DID YOU EXPECT!?" He stared blankly at me as my blood boiled. "She's a fucking hooker, and we had sex!"
I felt a sharp pain on my nose, and bent over to protect my face whilst my hands covered the area in pain. Did he just punch me..? Jungkook proceeded to shove me into his furniture, breaking one of his cheap wooden chairs and causing me to fall on the floor.
"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" He bellowed. I didn't waste any time in scrambling to my feet, but before making my exit out of the treacherous building I said one last thing to him.
"Everything you said that I did," I began. "Are you just jealous of me?"
"What!?" He put on a bold front, but his eyes didn't lie. I'd caught him out.
"You are jealous, aren't you?" I scoffed. "You just want to do to her exactly what I did. Right?" I laughed, but then turned stoic once more.
"Fucking scum. How could you do that? You're disgusting."
And with that I left the apartment.
I was on a date with Jungkook just a week after my... encounter.. with Minji. She actually helped me a lot, and I feel more confident around Jungkook because she keeps boosting my confidence. I don't know where I'd be without her help.
"Wanna go and study?" Jungkook asked as the two of us walked out of our lecture together, a small smirk playing on his face.
"Okay." I smiled. "My house again?"
"Sure." He replied, and with that we set off on the short walk to my home.
"Hey, is you're mum in?" Jungkook asked me once we'd walked inside and we were making our way up the stairs.
"No, she's out." I smiled, letting him into my room and turning around to close the door. "She told me she was having a spa day so I-" I turned back around only to see Jungkook removing his tie. Then unbuttoning his shirt. He stared into my eyes, his lustful gaze burning through my skull.
"You still want to study?" He asked seductively, throwing his shirt on the floor in a crumpled mess, then stepped closer. His abs almost glistened as he walked, and each and every muscle was as defined as it could possibly be. I swallowed hard, feeling my adam's apple bob as I did so. He smirked at me.
"Well?" He asked, undoing my tie and throwing it on the floor next to his.
"N-no." I stuttered, heart racing. "W-we don't need to s-study." He chuckled slightly, leaning towards my face.
"Perfect." He whispered.
"Hyung." Jungkook looked at me as we were walking down the street on our way to get ice cream. It has been a few days ever since we.. we had sex.. and Jungkook has become slightly more clingy than he was before. "I have a really serious question."
"Yeah?" I asked. "What is it?"
"Do you have any kinks?" He glanced at me with a straight face.
I choked on my own saliva.
"I- uhh.." I spluttered, caught off guard by his sudden question. "N-not that I know of.. why?"
"Just wondered." He sighed, pausing for a moment before continuing. "If I wanted to try one.. would you be okay trying it too?"
"I-uhh, I guess so." I mumbled, as we made our way into the shop.
"You getting chocolate again?" I asked him, and after pondering on the question for a while he shook his head.
"No, I'm gonna try something new this time." He concluded.
"What flavour?"
That night I made my way to the 'bar', and the lady recognised me this time.
"Oh hello again." She smiled. "You back for another order?"
"Haha, yeah." I smiled awkwardly. "I'm booked in for 11pm. The name's T-"
"Taehyung?" She asked, and I nodded. She handed me the key to room 15, sending me a cheeky smirk.
"Have fun~" she teased, and I made my way through the back door.
"80085.." I mumbled. Oh for god sake. I just realised that it spells out BOOBS. Seriously how old is the guy that runs this place?
I unlocked the door and made my way in.
"Tae!" Minji smiled. "You're back!"
"Yeah, haha," I smiled awkwardly. "Nice to see you again."
"How did it go with that guy?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Truthfully," I looked into her eyes sincerely. "Thank you Minji, you gave me so much confidence. It- it was amazing." I couldn't help but grin at the thought of Jungkook.
I love him so much. Just hearing him say I'm 'so good' just makes me so happy. I want to do more for him.
"Oh Tae I'm so happy for you." She smiled at me. "So I'm guessing that you picked a different flavour this time?"
"Yeah, I did." I replied. "I picked coffee."
"Do you know what coffee is?" She smirked, staring straight into my eyes. I shook my head, but her smile only grew. "I just knew this would happen."
"Come over here." She ordered, and I sat down on the bed. "Close your eyes." I did as she told me, and didn't peek once. I heard her reach in her drawer and pull something out, then felt something cold around my neck, tied tightly so it was wrapped round it completely. I felt her presence next to my ear, and opened my eyes.
"Oh Taehyung." She whispered, giggling slightly. "It's choking."
The next day me and Jungkook were walking back to my house. He kept saying he bought something special for me, but he won't tell me what it is until we get back to mine. Despite my frustration, I complied with his request and waited until we got home.
We made our way up the stairs of my house and into my bedroom, and I closed the door hastily and turned to face him. He placed his bag on my desk, and was about to open it when he noticed I was staring.
"What?" He asked.
"What did you buy!?" I cried out, the anticipation eating at my insides. A small smirk grew on his face.
"Will you go sit on the bed? Facing the mirror?" He asked, and I did so willingly, crossing my legs like a child and staring at my reflection in the mirror. He took off my tie, throwing it to the floor and then proceeded to undo a few of my shirt buttons. "Close your eyes for me." He whispered. "I don't want to ruin the surprise." I did as he said, sitting on the bed listening out for subtle noises he made.
"Remember yesterday when I asked if you'd try a new kink with me?" Jungkook asked, and I nodded, keeping my eyes closed. Wait.. has he got..
I felt material wrap around my neck tightly, and a small hum came from Jungkook.
"I knew it would suit you." He spoke softly. "Open your eyes." When I did, I looked at myself in the mirror. A black collar. "What do you think?"
"I.. I like it." I mumbled, gripping to the bedsheets with my hands nervously. Are we really going to try it?
"Do you want to give it a go?" He whispered into my ear.
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