→ fifteen ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Jeon Jungkook's POV
I stared out of the small window encased with toughened glass roughly the size of my head, watching as the prison inmates enjoyed their free time while it lasted. In about thirty minutes it was my turn to go outside for an hour, but for now all I could do was watch from the window.
Suddenly the metal bars that closed me in my cell opened. I jerked round to see an officer staring down at me, holding the door open.
"You have a visitor." He told me bleakly, gesturing for me to stand up and follow him. I did so, wondering to myself who would want to see me after all I've done.
I was taken to a little booth, one of many lined up in a long row and sat down facing a pane of glass, an old-styled phone on the side of the wall. When I looked through the glass to see who came to visit, I felt tears prick my eyes. I never expected to see her again. All the guilt that I managed to push away over the past two months came flooding back to me as I gazed into her eyes, full of hatred and anger.
I picked up the phone slowly, still in slight disbelief that she came to see me, placing it next to my ear. At this she copied, placing the phone located on the other side of the glass next to her ear.
"M-Minji?" I stuttered. "Is that really you?" There was a small silence.
"Yeah." She replied bluntly.
"You, died your hair." I pointed out. "I-it's blonde now.."
"Yeah, I had it done just last week." She replied, twirling it round her finger before letting it drop.
"Why- why did you...?" I rubbed at my eye, clearing my throat.
"I came here to fill you in." She told me. "I thought that despite what happened, it would be harsh to just leave you in the dark without telling you anything."
There she is. Typical, kind-hearted Minji. I don't deserve to be filled in. I don't deserve to have guests after what I did. What I did to her baby. But still she came. Still she took the time to come and see me. I don't think I ever deserved her in the first place.
"After all, you are my brother." She added, and the pang in my heart grew. I was happy that she still considers me family, but... only family.
Stop being selfish. I'm so fucking greedy! Why can't I just be thankful!?
"So," She began. "How long are you in here for?" She asked, twirling her dainty fingers around the cord connecting the phone to the wall.
"My total sentence was fourteen years and six months." I told her, glancing up slightly. She looked up at me, startled.
"Fourteen years!?" She exclaimed.
"Yeah," I mumbled. "The thing is, I didn't tell you everything I was doing."
"Whats that supposed to mean?" She asked.
"Remember I told you-" I lowered my voice. "That Namjoon was a bad guy?" She nodded at me. "He deals weed." Her eyes widened in what I presumed was shock, but I kept going. "In return for the favour he did for me I had to deliver drugs to people and they would give me money that would indirectly go to Namjoon. He does this to everyone, because you get a longer prison sentence if you're caught dealing drugs, instead of being caught with them."
"So... someone caught you?" She clarified, and I nodded.
"It was caught on CCTV." I replied. "While I was paying off your debt to him."
"My debt?" Minji leant back a bit.
"He got you a job." I bluntly replied, leaning my elbow against the desk in front of me. "So he wanted something in return. I told him I'd do it, because I didn't want you getting involved with any of it."
The air fell silent around us again.
"Tha-" Minji started, but I interrupted.
"Please, don't." I uttered. I don't deserve to be thanked. She nodded, looking down.
"So, fourteen and a half years..?" Minji sighed, trying to get the conversation going again. "For Areum, Taehyung, and the deals?"
"I got time taken off though." I told her. "Because I snitched on Namjoon. Apparently they've been trying to find the supplier for years, and they didn't know who it was until I told them. In return they took a year and a half off my sentence."
"Can they do that?" She asked me.
"Well, they did... so I assume so." I replied.
"I heard about Namjoon's arrest." Minji spoke up. "A ton of weed was found in a warehouse under his name, but apparently they couldn't find any evidence that he was selling it, so he got seven years for possession plus an extra two years on probation." I glanced up at her.
"See what I mean?" I exhaled. "I get nearly double his time yet he's the one behind it all."
"Yeah. Thirteen years is a long time." She added, and I nodded.
"Areum will have grown up by then." I muttered without thinking, just imagining her entire childhood that I'll miss because of a stupid mistake.
"I know I don't deserve it, but I would really appreciate it if you could visit and tell me how Areum is doing. What I did was- unforgivable, and I completely understand if you never want to see me again after what I did, but-" I stopped mid sentence to rub at my eye, which had unconsciously been welling with tears. "But I do care for Areum, and you, and I would be eternally grateful if you could visit and tell me about her childhood." I looked up at Minji, who looked as if she wasn't convinced.
"It wouldn't have to be often!" I added, panicking. "Just like, once a year. Or less, I just-" I heard Minji's voice and subsequently stopped talking.
"Oh god." She mumbled. "I completely forgot. You don't know."
"Know what!?" I burst out. "Is she okay? Oh god please tell me she's not-"
"No, no, it's not like that." She told me. "It's just... she... she's not living with me anymore."
"What!?" I exclaimed.
"Social services took her into their care about two months from now, a month after the incident." She explained to me, her head low. I heard sniffling noises come from her too.
"Oh god..." I exhaled in shock and sorrow. "Minji I'm so sorry.."
"It's not the worst that could've happened to her though." She added.
"They called in Jimin, and asked him to raise her."
"They did whAT!??" Now I was nearly yelling. The thought that the bastard could raise a child!?
"I told them they were insane. It was a little ironic; as soon as he walked through the door Areum ran over to greet him like they were long lost friends." I couldn't say anything. I just kept staring at her in disbelief, my mouth agape in shock.
"Turns our that he was one of the 'friends' she made at the park that day. Remember, she was naming them and mentioned that her friend Jimin was older." Her voice started to waver, and she took a deep breath. "I honestly thought we were done with him. Why the hell would he turn up at a dingy park next to a pot-infested apartment building?"
"What happened, when you were discussing Areum's custody?" I prompted her.
"Well, they said that Jimin would look after her. Areum was confused as to why I couldn't look after her, and eventually figured out that Jimin was her dad." I kept staring at her as she spoke, not believing my ears. "We'd always told her that her dad was a bad person, so she became wary of him when she figured it out."
"In the end I showed the lady my scars, and told them about our past. All in front of Areum. All because I panicked." She took another deep breath to slow her shaking and quick-paced voice. "Areum may know all about it now, but at least what I said made the woman change her mind. Areum has been living in the foster home for two months now."
"I can't believe this." I mumbled. "The poor girl, she's been through so much and I-" I took a deep breath. "I feel so bad. It's all my fault Minji. I'm so so sorry. If I didn't have that outburst none of this would've ever happened. I should've never brought Taehyung back with me or-"
"Have you heard about Tae?" She butted in, her voice hardening. I looked up at her, shaking my head slowly. "He suffered from a concussion and a broken nose, and had a lot of bruising on his back." I hung my head low. "Did you really do that to him?" I nodded slowly. "Why?"
"Because of what he did to you." I replied. "I couldn't let him get away with it. He was - a friend - that I thought I could trust, but then he goes and just... violates you."
"Jungkook." She began. "You have to understand that it was consensual. Yes, it was my job, yes he paid me, but I had the opportunity to walk away if I wanted to. I wasn't there against my will."
"That's not making it any better." I grumbled, squinting my eyes closed whilst covering my eyes with my hand. Stop thinking about it. Not here. She's here right now, you can't think like that! "I just hate it. You know I hate it. Ever since what happened to you in high school I've hated it." I took a deep breath. "And it just so happened to be the thing that I hated the most, and it sent me crazy."
"I should get going." Minji spoke up after a long pause.
"Wait!" I blurted out in a panicked fashion. "You know that... I love you... right?"
"I know." She replied.
"Are you...." how do I phrase this..?
"I'm not visiting again, if that's what you were going to ask." She spoke harshly, and I looked up in shock at her stern face. "Seeing you makes me think about everything that's ever happened to me, and bad things only ever seemed to happen when you were around."
"W-what..?" I stuttered.
"So I'm not going to associate myself with you anymore." She continued. "When you get out please don't try to find me, or Areum. I'm starting fresh: a new name, a new identity, a new life. I assume Areum would want to do the same."
"Minji," I scoffed. "You.. you can't be serious?"
"Have a nice life Jungkook." Minji sighed. "Just know that you'll always be Minji's brother, no matter what." There was a pause.
"But I'm not Minji anymore."
She hung up the phone, standing out of her seat and walking away, leaving me sat in my seat, completely dumbfounded and frozen to the spot. So, that's it? I've lost everyone in my life that I care about. My parents, Areum, Minji. Even Taehyung.
"Get up!" The officer yelled, grabbing my forearm and yanking me out of my seat. "There are other people in this goddamn place you know!"
As the officer dragged me back to my cell, the whirlpool of thoughts came gushing back. And I'd almost got rid of them for good.
"Well, that's it." "You've lost your chance at ever being loved." "I guess no one really cared for you anyway." "You were destined to be alone." "Because you're a monster." "You're a freak." "You're disgusting."
They're right. I'm disgusting.
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