chapter Two
First Day of school
The bus stop they are finally at the alteia high school the conductor yell alright kids were here get off my bus everybody got off the bus and went into the school Lance standing in front of Pidge and hunk take a look at the school and took a deep breath
Lance: can we go guys our first date in high school.
Hunk: ow I'm so nervous I think I'm going to puke.
Pidge: Punk do you have your vomit bag on you.
Hunk: Pidge don't be ridiculous know I always carry more than one.
Lance: pidge do you know where mr. Cron class might be
Pidge: please don't be ridiculous This is my this is my first day in this school... so of course I will know where mr. Cron class is follow me
Hunk: Lance both of us know that pitch always studies the school buildings so she knows where she's going.
Lance: I know why do you think I asked her.
Hunk: he pitch wait for us
Pidge: hurry up you too or I'm leaving you behind
Lance: Pidge that's no fair don't leave without us
Hunk and Lance the following Pidge me while they were walking Pidge was telling them the places that they passed by so at least they will know a little about school building they got to room 208 mr. Cron class three of them took a deep breath a lanced open the door and the three of them walked in the class
Mr.Cron: how to do children as you all know I'll be your science teacher and I shall also be your guyses homeroom teacher hey you three lads this class has no assigned seats so Yale can sit wherever you Lads want but use carefully because whatever said you Lads decide to sit that will soon be your sign seat but at least you'll can sit with your friends
Lance: wow Mr.Cron it's a really cool teacher
Pidge: yeah I like him already
Hunk: so where do you guys want to sit
Pidge: let's sit there* did you explain to a back corner*
Hunk, Pidge and Lance went to go set in the far back corner Lance, Hunk and Pidge they all like to sit in the back and make them feel more comfortable especially in big glasses the bell rang and it was time for class to start
Mr.Cron: alright Lads you have heard your fellow friend the Bell now let's get class started
During class both hunk and pitch we're paying very close attention Lance was bored out of his misery Lance couldn't stand it anymore and fell asleep floor Lance he doesn't have to worry if he falls asleep in class because if he has class with hunk or pitch straight A students he could just ask for their notes finally class ended hunk walked up to Lance and woke him up.
Hunk: Lance Lance wake up class ended
Lance stretched his arms then rub his eyes.
Lance: thanks hunk what class do you guys have next.
Pidge: I got mathematics
Hunk: history you
Lance: I got English next
Pidge: well we should be heading to class don't worry Lance I'll give you my notes in the bus okay
Lance: okay thanks page
Hunk: Bye Lance try not to fall asleep in English
Pidge: hunks right Lance we're not sure if we're going to have the same English teacher so pay attention
Lance: okay guys I'll try but I don't think I'm going to try that hard
Pidge: okay your fault if you got a bad grade
Hunk: see you later man
Lance, hunk and Pidge went their separate ways to head to their class lands check the school map and found his next class he walked in and set down in one of the back set's the teacher stand in front of the class ready to greet the students
Miss. Blue lion: hello everybody Welcome to my class my name is Miss. Blue lion I'll be your English teacher in this High School sunglasses that you guys will be attending or going to be mixed between freshman ,juniors seniors and sophomores we believe that this way you guys will have more communication with other students and it will help your learning environment or make it worse it depends the only class that is not mixed will be your homeroom which if you're a freshman in your homeroom everybody there's going to be a freshman and if your senior everybody in your homeroom will be a senior
Lance raised his hand meaning he had a question.
Miss. Blue lion: yes the one in the back what's your name my boy
Lance: it's Lance miss. Blue Lion and my question is we have a lot of students in this class wouldn't it make it confusing
Miss. Blue lion: good question Lance in some cases yeah it might but we have a program that allows us to make this situation work
The bell ring
Miss. Blue lion: you heard her now let's get class started
Miss.Blue Lion went to her desk capsa capex and gave them to each student then craft the teacher's book wanted front of the Whiteboard and started writing
Miss. Blue lion: okay class turn to page 9
As Miss. Blue lion was teaching her boring class Landscaping help it and fell asleep again Glens Falls somebody shaking him telling him to wake up Lance Mumble thinking it was hunk the one that was trying to wake him up
Lance: no hunk 5 more minutes
Miss. Blue lion: I'm sorry to disappoint you but I ain't your friend hung.
That's soft sweet voice it was miss. Blue Lion Lance opened his eyes and when he saw the miss. Blue lion standing right there he jumped
Miss. Blue lion: I'm sorry if my lecture was too boring but class has already end and you need to get to your 3 pired
Lance: no no no your class wasn't boring at all it's just I find every sort of learning boring and I can't help but fall asleep in class
Miss. Blue lion: well if you ever fall asleep in my class again after school you can come and ask me for help of the assignments that you missed would you like that
Lance: would I ever of course I would thank you very much Miss. Blue lion
Miss. Blue lion: of course I am I'm always here if you need me
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