Part 30
Everything between Arnav and I was so perfect, our first official date went so perfectly and I really dint have anything to complain about, I loved everything he had done for me, every bit of that date was more than perfect.
There were two things that I was mostly worried about though, one the conversation with Arnav regarding his past and all the fear he had of hurting me, I just hoped it was going to go well and make things easier for the both of us.
Secondly, Aditi. If she found out, she was going to hate me, she would never forgive me and I somehow felt trapped because I couldn't be entirely happy about this relationship.
Of course, this relationship meant a lot to me and the first person I wanted to go and tell about it was Aditi, but given the problems she had with Arnav, she wouldn't understand me. I wasn't saying that Arnav didn't do anything wrong, maybe he did, and maybe he was a terrible friend to Saakshi, I dint want to force Aditi to forgive him or anything.
I just wanted for her to understand me and my situation here, Arnav was so important to me, but so was Aditi and I dint want to lose either of them.
I did want to tell about Arnav to Aditi myself, and I had to do it soon because if she found out from somewhere else, it could make things worse, at least if I told her and explained things to her myself, she would try to understand me.
"Hey." Arnav's voice brought me back from the thoughts, I looked at him as he sat down beside me on the stairs with a cute smile on his face. I loved his smile, he looked so good when he smiled.
"Hey." I smiled back.
"I missed you, I couldn't wait to see you today." He said.
"Aww, how cute, Arnav Raizada missed me." I giggled.
"You're supposed to say things like I missed you too or something, not aww."
"Nope, I don't feel like saying it." I shrugged as I pretended to look at the people around, I just wanted to tease him a little bit, it was always fun.
"Why not?" He frowned making me want to laugh at him already.
"Just like that." I replied.
"Did I do something to already hurt you? Did I do something wrong on our date?" He looked at me worriedly. Seriously, just a little bit of teasing and he was thinking he had done something wrong to me, he thought he could hurt me that easily?
"No, Arnav I was just joking, of course I missed you too. Why do you always end up thinking that you'll hurt me, don't you trust yourself even a little?"
"I don't." He said, he looked really sad. This must have been so hard for him, if everything was going to make him feel scared that he had hurt me, how was he ever going to be happy about our relation then?
"Arnav, you have to start trusting yourself, if you don't trust yourself how will you trust anyone else. I know it's scary but that's why I'm here, to help you. Tell me about anything that worries you."
"Okay. How about you come home with me in the evening, we talk about it. I want you to know everything that I have done in the past. I am not a bad person Khushi, I don't want to be, I don't know how I always end up hurting people."
"Okay, we'll talk about it in the evening but until then promise me you wont worry that you're hurting me or anything, when I would feel hurt about anything you do, I will tell you about it myself, that way you can know where you are going wrong."
"Okay, I'd like that." He nodded.
"Good, now let's go to class, and no flirting with me in the class, I have to concentrate." I smiled as I grabbed his hand and stood up and pulled him along.
"You wish." He smirked making me laugh. This idiot. I just felt so happy being around him and talking to him, I felt these stupid butterflies in my stomach also.
At lunch time, Aditi came to my class to call me, so I left in a hurry just incase Arnav would try to talk to me and she would notice which I dint want to happen yet, first I had to figure out how I was going to tell her about Arnav and I and then let things go with the flow.
We met Jai outside a few blocks away from my class, as soon as he saw us, he walked towards us.
"Uhh... here's comes your friend." Aditi rolled his eyes.
"What, he's a good person." I laughed.
"Hey... I have been looking for you since morning, I dint see you around so thought you hadn't come." He said.
"I just went to class early. You've had lunch or not yet?" I asked as we continued walking.
"Not yet."
"Great, how about the three of us go out to eat?" I asked.
"You sound rather happy today, what's the good news? Last I remember you were all sad for God knows what reason and now look at you smiling and being so happy like you're in love." Aditi laughed and then she stopped laughing all over a sudden.
"You're in Love! Who's the guy." She grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me seriously. Oh, Come on! Was I that easy to read? How did she know it was about a guy?
"I am not in love, urghh." I shrugged as I rolled my eyes at her pretending to be disgusted by even the thought of being in love hoping she would believe me.
"Darling, I know a look when I see it, or are you in love with this guy and you're too embarrassed to tell me?" Aditi looked at Jai and then at me, Jai really seemed offended.
"Okay, you don't have to keep on insulting him." I said seriously.
"Wow, you're defending him, you're definitely in love with him." She laughed at me mockingly, I just looked at Jai feeling bad for him, Aditi was just making his pain worse.
"Enough Aditi. I am not in love with Jai, and you don't have to make fun of him, it's time to grow up." I looked at her angrily.
"Hey, you used to make fun of people like him too."
"Yes, I used to, I've grown from that, I've realized people are much more than what they just seem to be from the outside." I shrugged as I walked away. I mean of course I used to be just like Aditi, we used to despise people from the lower class or anything and make fun of them, but since I met Arnav, I realized even rich people can have messed up lives and sometimes the lower-class people are happier than us rich people.
I mean look at all the money Arnav's family has, yet look at Arnav searching for happiness, not even being able to trust himself. Since I met Arnav, a lot about me had changed, somehow I had just become a better person and he dint even try to make me one.
She dint follow me, instead she turned around and walked the opposite side, look at me, I was going to try and tell her about Arnav, instead I made her mad which was going to make things worse.
"You dint have to do that." Jai said as he ran behind me.
"I am sorry, I know I've sometimes behaved that way with you, it's just this stupid mindset we had, but I guess I've grown from it, I am glad to have you as my friend." I smiled at him.
"Looks like being with Arnav is doing good to you." He smiled at me.
"Or maybe I'm just growing as a person." I smiled.
"So... are we still going for lunch or you're going to talk to Aditi?" Jai asked.
"I don't even know if I should go talk to her right now or let her calm down first then talk to her." I pouted.
"You should go talk to her, I'll eat in the canteen. If you two make up you can join me there." Jai smiled, I nodded as I followed Aditi while he headed to the canteen.
Seriously though, was I ever going to come out of this mess?
I went around places looking for Aditi but I couldn't see her anywhere, it was like she had disappeared all over a sudden so I decided to head to the parking lot to check for her car, if it was there it meant she was around and I could still keep on looking for her.
I went around a few car until I finally saw her car but she wasn't inside, it meant she was around and in the campus but where? Maybe in her class.
I headed back towards the classes block hoping to find her, I just hoped she was in the class because I had looked everywhere possible and I couldn't find her.
I pushed the door to her class open and I finally found her, just that she wasn't there alone, she was with Arnav. She was leaning against a wall and Arnav had his arms on both sides blocking her way, as soon as I opened the door, Arnav stepped backward immediately and Aditi kind of looked flabbergasted. I had no idea what was going on here, and according to everything I knew, I dint want to think of anything negative, but my mind was going there.
What was happening between them two before I walked in? Was I supposed to worry or not? Oh God, help me.
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