Just like I wanted, time actually flew...
It was like one day we were in university still studying film making and then the other day we woke up and we had graduated.
Slowly with time, it was like all my dreams started coming true, I had completed my studies, found myself a job, and even managed to make a short film.
I still had a lot to achieve, but this was the start, and I couldn't have been happier about it, everything just seemed so perfect.
Aditi had moved to New Zealand to settle there after she was done with college and I was kind of sad, I mean she was my best friend and now she was so far away from me, but we always talked on video calls whenever we had time.
Jai had gotten married to some girl he met at work last year and he had also started a small business which was doing really well, I was happy for him and that he had moved on and he was happy with his new life.
We all were happy in our own lives actually, of course there were days when we weren't happy but that was what life was right, you can't be happy always, but you can be whenever there's the chance to be happy.
Throughout our college years, Arnav and I maintained our strong relationship, of course with time things went up and down, but we stayed by each other's side through thick and thin.
Like every other couple out there, we had our own disagreements, arguments and even times where we were so mad at each other that we dint even want to see each other face, but in a few days, we would miss each other and make up.
I guess that's what love is about, staying even when things get hard, work things through and let your love win.
As time went by, Arnav grew as a person, it was slow but you could definitely notice the change in his character... he had become less intimidating, people were no more scared of him and he even managed to make a few friends.
He had stopped pushing people away and had started by making himself strong to handle things if they got terrible, and I saw that, a lot of times when we fought, a part of me was scared he was going to run away, but every time he proved me wrong, he stayed and fought for us.
If I'd look back to where I began for, I couldn't believe what kind of a person I was, just like Arnav, I had changed too, a lot... I had realized a lot of things, learnt a lot of things and slowly with time, I became a better person than I was.
When you fall in love with the right person, you become a better person too, I had always heard people say that but I had never really believed it until I met Arnav and fell in love with him.
Love, makes us better people and I felt lucky to have fallen in love with Arnav because it made the both of us who we are today and I couldn't have asked for anything more, this was exactly the kind of love everyone out there should have.
That kind of love where you grow together, you become better people today and stay together through every rough patch, I was thankful to have found that kind of love.
"You waiting for Arnav?" Jiya asked as she walked inside the mansion along with her cute boyfriend, she had just started dating this guy from her college who looked like a nice guy, I dint know much about him but he seemed pretty nice.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"You two should get married now, you're always here or he's always at your house, you're getting old anyway." Jiya teased.
"You mean to say you don't like me coming here?" I pouted.
"Of course I like you coming here, I love you company that's why I am suggesting that you get married then you can live with us forever."
"Aww, that's sweet." I smiled at her, in the past few years, I spent a lot of time here with Arnav and with Jiya too, and the three of us had such a great time together.
I did come across their father a couple of times too but he dint seem to bother really he would show up at the house for like a few minutes and leave, he was never around, and both Arnav and Jiya seemed to have accepted the fact that they both had to be on their own.
My relationship with my father was okay, I mean we weren't that close, of course I couldn't forgive him for what he had done in the past, but at least unlike Arnav's dad, he had time for me, we usually spent some time together and that was enough.
We could still be dad and daughter without me having to forgive him for the terrible things he had done in the past. I had just come to terms with them.
"He's outside in the garden waiting for you." Jiya said.
"Idiot, he couldn't tell me he was there, I've been waiting for him for like an hour now." I frowned as I stood up, Jiya just giggled as I walked outside.
I found him setting up the projector, there was a cute date like setup outside, so I knew we were going to spend our time here today.
"I was waiting for you inside." I pouted as I walked towards him.
"Sorry, I wanted to arrange this stuff for you so we can have a small date. I've got us a really interesting film to watch, and guess who made it." He smirked.
"You?" I looked at him curiously.
"Yes, I finally made my first film." He said excitedly, I rushed to hug him immediately I was so happy that he had finally managed to do this, I had made my first film like months ago but he had still been struggling, it was good to see that he had finally made his film.
"I can't wait to watch it." I smiled at him.
"Neither can I, let me set everything up then we watch it together."
"Okay." I smiled excitedly, I was so excited, I couldn't wait for him to finish setting everything up so we could watch it together.
We lied down on the mattresses he had put for us in front of the big screen that was setup for us, we grabbed some popcorn and lied down as he finally played the movie, I had literal goosebumps as soon as it began playing, I was curious to know what it was about and everything else.
Of course it was a short film so it was just fifteen minutes long, half way into it, I could get the story, it was just a usual story about a couple how they met fell in love, it felt kind of similar to our love story.
Wait, was this our story? Had he actually made it into a short film? No way! This was our story!
"Are you serious?" I looked at him half way through the film.
"About what?"
"This is our story Arnav, how we met, how you asked me to sleep with you." I laughed.
"Just wait it." He shrugged, he seemed pretty serious, wasn't he excited for his first film? Or he was mad I figured he had turned our love story into a film? I couldn't quite understand him right now, so I just lied down beside him and continued watching it.
A few more minutes and I was sure this was our story I mean it wasn't into much details but everything about it was about us.
"What are you looking for?" I asked as she suddenly sat up and started looking for something while the film was still playing.
"My phone, I don't know where I put it." He said as he looked for it in his pocket, I tried to help him look for it until I was distracted by a song that had started playing on the screen, so now he put a song in the short film? I wasn't too sure if he was actually going to upload the short film somewhere or so, short films were usually supposed to pass a message and I dint know if our love story did pass any message.
I looked at the screen and saw some words pop out and I swear I was so surprised. No way! I stood up in surprise as I looked at Arnav who was smirking.
"Will you marry me babe?" He asked holding out a ring in his hand, the same words were written on the screen currently.
My eyes were full of tears of joy, I wasn't expecting this at all, I thought this was just one of our usual movie dates and he turned it into a freaking proposal!
"Yes!" I jumped up and down excitedly.
As soon as we were done with our studies, I kept hoping that he would propose but he just wouldn't until it came to a time where I gave up on hoping, I wasn't sure anymore that he even wanted to get married yet and just when I stopped hoping was when he did this!
I was so happy, I couldn't believe it was actually happening. He pulled the ring out of the box and slid it on my finger, it fit so perfectly.
He stood up and grabbed me by the waist immediately pulling me into a kiss, he kissed me softly and then looked at me once again wiping off the tears that were still rolling down my eyes.
"Yayyy, she said yes." I heard Jiya's voice I looked to my left as saw her running towards us, okay so she was on this? She knew he was going to propose?
"You knew?"
"Of course, I knew, I am so happy for the both of you." He hugged both of us together and then jumped up and down excitedly like a baby.
"That's why you made a film about us?" I looked at Arnav.
"I figured I had to do something really special about the proposal so why not turn our love story into a short film for the both of us, this is not for the public though, just us, you and me so we can always watch it and remember how we met and fell in love." He smiled.
"Aww, I love you Arnav." I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight.
"You better learn something from this, I need a cute proposal like this in the future." Jiya said to her boyfriend.
"Sure babe." He laughed.
"Okay, we'll leave the both of you alone to romance now." She giggled as she grabbed her boyfriend's hand and pulled him with her inside leaving both of us alone, I looked at the beautiful ring on my finger with the huge diamond on it, Arnav had really made everything perfect, the ring, the proposal, it came as a complete surprise to me.
"I thought you weren't ready for marriage yet."
"I wasn't, but I am now. I want to spend each and every minute of my life with you, we've dated for long enough now, it's time for us to get married and have our happily ever after together." He smiled.
"Aww, you're the sweetest." I moved closer to him and kissed him, I was so happy, we were finally going to get married, it was all I had dreamt of since we started dating and the dream was coming true. What could be more exciting than that right?
I know, i know, it's a sudden ending, but i was really stuck, i dint know what more i could write ahead or any twists i could bring up so i thought instead of making it boring, i'd just end it lol... sorry for the rushed ending though, i promise to end my other stories in a better way.
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