Chapter 29. - Bang Bang
A/N: Here it is! I'm putting this chapter out as my Birthday Present to you!
**TW&CW: Violence, hard sex, violent sex, talk of self harm Takes care babes and enjoy
Five years ago
Nat stood behind me with her deft fingers fussing in my hair. An unruly curly was the point of her focus, the strand of hair would not just seem to submit to her will. A thin line formed between her brows, a frown pulling her plush lips down in the corners. I watched her keenly an unreadable expression smoothing out her features as we locked eyes in the mirror as she met my studying gaze. My heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird's more than just nervousness filled my chest and I think she could sense it too.
I glanced away from her to study my own refection and for a moment I was catapulted into the time before the war. It had indeed looked as though I had just stepped through time. Nat had fixed my hair and makeup like had been fashionable it in the forties, she sprayed the unruly hair with a cloud of hairspray it finally bowing to her will as he stepped back to admire her handiwork.
We both stared now at my reflection. The sweetheart neckline of my wedding dress was higher, more modest than most of the modern dresses were now cut. It tapered down into a fitted bodice. The fabric was a sleek and shiny ivory satin that I would never have been able to afford back in the forties. It draped down from a vee shaped waist that flowed into a full-length skirt. The long-fitted sleeves of the gown had so many tiny satin covered buttons from my wrist to my elbow it had taken Nat and I ages to get them all buttoned. The way in which the sleeves gathered at my shoulders created an altogether timeless 1940's shape.
A simple, full-length veil was pinned into my hair with a crown of fresh white roses and baby's breath to match my bouquet. Yet as beautiful the dress and veil and flowers were, and as beautiful as this wedding would be, as beautiful as I looked... I could not help but have this sick feeling of dread that washed through me like the plague.
I let my fingers move across the smooth satin fabric that draped over my legs. Like everything that had happened after World War II was this awful memory that I was conveniently putting to the side.
Nat caught my eye in the mirror, "You know for someone about to get married you don't look, much like a blushing bride." She sighed and perched on the desk. The brushed rattled on the desktop where she had spread out hours ago. "You know its ok if you don't want to do this anymore." She frowned and folded her arms across her chest, "I know you and Steve have had your differences..."
I scoffed at her words as she trailed off her eyes meeting mine meaningfully. Yes, Steve and I definitely had our differences, but this wedding was what we had always planned. This was what we had always wanted.
Wasn't it?
"I love him Nat," A smile parted my lips, "and marrying the man who gave up everything for me is the least I could do. He loves me too, you know, and he wasn't this, this..." I trailed off because she knew what I was thinking.
"Do you though?" she asked the expression on her face dared me to lie to her. "Maybe you did once, maybe you still love the man he was before he went in the ice, before New York was blown to bits. But that doesn't mean you owe him Evelyn. You can be happy too, and that can be without him."
I swallowed thickly and nodded looking away from her. "This is what was always meant to be."
She hummed as though she was doing so to stop whatever other words were on her lips from coming out. I knew what they were, but Steve and I had agreed to put that ugly past behind us and move forward with the life we had always imagined together.
"If this is what you really want, then put a smile on your face and get to your groom. We are fashionably late you know." She said with a coy smile. A smile that didn't reach her eyes.
I nodded and stood and if at all possible, my heart picked up speed in my chest, my heart hammered, and we opened the door to the vestibule of the church. The entire world was waiting to see this. Regardless of what Steve's past transgressions were, he had helped save the world and now he was the hero once again. Even if he needed to be constantly reminded, he had nothing to make up for.
Nat squeezed my hand and opened the ornate wooden doors before she made her journey down the aisle to stand next to me at the altar.
I waited to hear my music cue saddened that there would be no one here to walk me down the aisle.
I thought wistfully to James.
I missed him.
There was a tap on my shoulder, I turned to find Toni. Her signature red lips seemed out of place at a church wedding. I looked down to find her dressed in a smartly tailored suit skirt that clung to all of her curves and showing off an ample amount of cleavage.
White in colour.
Of course.
I swallowed back the ache in the back of my throat be it anger or sadness I wasn't entirely sure.
"Hey there Evelyn, I thought you might like an escort down the aisle."
I couldn't believe the audacity.
I could believe it. I had just hopped that rather than accepting the invitation Steve had forced me to give her that she would be drinking herself into a stupor. Rather than standing here beside me, forcing herself into my wedding.
"No?" she arched a perfect brunette brow, "Don't tell me your jealous?" she laughed.
My spine stiffened I clenched my bouquet so tightly I felt the stems of the flowers begin to pulverize beneath my grip.
"He did choose you Evelyn, so I thought you would be glad I was here so you could gloat over that fact." Her eyes were sharp, and I found myself wishing not for the first time that I could look into her, to see her true motivations.
I sneered at her, "Just leave Toni."
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" she hummed in a sing song voice, "I can't have that now, can I? Sorry to burst your bubble Sunshine, but you're not getting rid of me."
I hated that she used the name that only Steve called me. I wanted to kick her out of here. Right out the doors and down the steps of the church on her spoiled rotten ass, but the music had started. I should already be standing at Steve's side. I could hear the murmuring of voices from inside the church, at the sounds of the media and fans outside the large entry to downtown New York.
I was screaming on the inside.
So, I did the only thing that I could, and I let her take my arm and walk me down the aisle. To onlookers the tears in my eyes were because I was marrying my childhood sweetheart but in the very depths of my soul it was because I was so angry and furious that the only thing I could do, was allow the tears to slip down my face. Nat's face was set into an expression of blank fury fire burning outwards towards Toni.
Steve turned, I noted the trepidation in his eyes but what more was there for me to do but swallow back my tears and square my shoulders as his eyes first locked with hers and then slowly moved to mine.
This was a farce that I could do nothing to put a stop to.
All at once I felt like a girl playing dress up for the cameras, and not at all happy to marry the man I had loved for the better part of a century.
When we stopped next to Steve, Toni guided my hand to his letting her red enamelled nails linger longer than necessary against his outstretched hand. A pit of doom spread over my entire body. I was the prize, I wasn't here because he wanted me, because he loved me. I was here because he didn't want anyone else to have me.
I watched her sleep, what else could I do? The look on her face when I revealed what I had seen would not allow my mind to rest. I saw the heartbreak. I saw her relive a thousand other moments because of what I had said, and I felt an aching guilt within me rise to the surface.
She twitched in her sleep a whimper falling from her lips and I moved forward taking her hand in my own. Her skin was cold, and I watched as a line formed between her brows. The calm that had spread over her features was gone. That worry line etched between her brows only deepened her brows pulling tightly together and she pursed her lips. Her entire body clenched. I found myself moving closer from my position sitting next to her. I leaned close soothing her with as little noise as I could. I knew what it meant to be awoken from a nightmare, I didn't want to put her in harm or myself for that matter. Even if I knew that I could take whatever she could do to harm me. I wouldn't allow her to harbour that guilt. A guilt that I knew so well, that could take me down such a terrible path.
Slowly she woke her eyes blinked one. Then twice, "James?" she asked as her eyes finally came into focus.
"Yeah, Baby it's me its ok."
She nodded and I noted the wobble of her chin as she took a deep breath and then sat up looking away from me. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it firmly before she wrapped herself around me.
"Bad dream?" I asked.
She nodded into my chest. I couldn't bring myself to ask her what it was about because I knew that it would only open her up to more sorrow. So, I merely wrapped myself around her and held her as tight as she was holding me.
"J-James," her voice was laced with sleep when she finally spoke, "What are we going to do?"
I took a deep breath, "We're going to find him, and we are going to do what we came to do and then we are going to go home."
She took a shuttering breath, those green eyes peered up at me blood shot and achingly tired, "To the end? For a happy ending?"
My chest ached, I wanted to promise her that, but I knew better than most that happy endings were only for fairy tales and movies. So, I stayed silent and only tightened my hold on her.
She melted into me, and I felt the brush of her fingers on my back, and I couldn't help but close my eyes as the guilt of the information I'd given her weighed down on me like a ton of bricks. I'd seen the way that her face had fallen and the hope that had been in her eyes had faded with it.
The Steve and Toni of this world had ruined her, ruined any hope and chance at happiness and I felt it was my duty to her and to Steve to make sure that she wasn't left to any more ruin.
I pulled back looking down to the top of her head that she pressed to my chest, "Soon we have to go sweetheart. We have to find the Stones and Thanos and fix this."
"I know." Her voice was hollow.
I took a deep breath.
"Can we just stay here just for a moment longer"? she asked, "Can I please just have you in my arms, just for a little while? I need to feel something other than fear."
I nodded. My throat tight.
I understood completely.
It was hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that she had also endured each and every mission that I too had to endure. That she had a hand in killing the same people I had been charged with killing. That she had the same ledger on her soul that I did as well. So, when it came to this small moment of pretence, it was the only thing that I could for sure give her. I looked up to the stained-glass windows above the night sky barely illuminating the colourful mosaic of glass and said a silent prayer in my mind to give me the strength to be her guiding light. To be her strength and to be whatever she needed from me. I would destroy this world and whatever other world I needed to destroy just to see true happiness on her perfect face. And if we were not able to complete this mission... I would ensure that I did everything in my power to make sure that she made it out of here in one piece no matter what that meant for me.
"I'm here Sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere I can promise you that."
She seemed to ease at my words and her body pulled closer yet to mine, her face buried now in my neck her mouth placing small evenly spaced kisses against my throat. This was not what I had in mind, but I would never deny her.
Words fell against my skin next, her tone far off in remembrance, "When the Winter Soldier would come out of stasis it was much like this," she began and my breath stilled in my chest, "they would put us in a room with wide walls. The concrete floor was cold, and we would stay wrapped up in each other's arms. The only comfort we had was in one another. Even if sometimes we could barely remember our own names," She paused and I dare not speak, her voice was smooth and dark and there was a rasp to her tone I wasn't sure I'd heard before. "The things they made us do back then. When I think about it now, I always wondered why we didn't rebel against them," she broke off and I could only grunt a reply because I'd often found myself wondering the same thing.
"After we murdered The Starks, we'd gone completely feral," her voice had gone hard, "they separated us because they thought we were trying to kill one another. Maybe we were." She admitted, her eyes far away as though she could see what she recalled, "But it was so much worse than that. Both of us knew. Both of us remembered them. In a way we were fucking just to feel something other than that awful guilt and horror of what we had done."
I watched her speak, her eyes downcast, the plush of her lips was in such contrast to the words that she spoke, "I think I wanted to die then. At least then it would have been in bliss rather than guilt." Her eyes flashed to mine and her breath was quick, "It's a lot like now."
My breath hitched then.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"If I don't get out of here with both you and Steve, I'm not sure I want to get out of here at all."
My heart stalled in my chest and then stumbled upon itself because I think I understood her completely. My life in this world or in my world would be nothing without her. What would it be without Steve. He was my only true tether to my past, though she had been through it with me as well I did not share the same memories. I could only live that past life with her as she told me those stories. She had lived through hell with me, but I had lived it alone. I couldn't imagine how my life would be different if I had shared that burden with her.
I knew though Steve would be furious, we wouldn't allow it, he knew that we all had to go on no matter what, no matter who was left behind.
"Don't say that." I said tucking a stray lock of dark hair behind her ear, "You deserve everything even if it is without either Steve or I." She shook her head the wobble of her bottom lip was back again.
"I don't want it now that I've had a taste of what true happiness can be," the tears welled in her eyes, and I pulled her into me again this time placing my lips so close to hers that I shared her breath.
"I wouldn't let that happen," I bared my soul, "Come hell or high water I promise you Evelyn that all of us will get out of this alive so that we can go to the farthest corners of the earth and live out the rest of our days in complete bliss."
Tears fell down her face and she leaned into me angling her face towards mine and I could do nothing else but meet her halfway letting my mouth angle over hers. Her lips were soft, and her kiss was all encompassing. If these were my last hours, then so be it. As long as she was by my side than I would die a happy man. She clung to me as though I was the only thing tethering her to this world and I too felt the same way. I could feel the beat of her heart as though it was my own when I pressed myself into her and she bent to my will.
"James." she moaned into my mouth and the way she said my name like a prayer was like an invitation, "please, she whispered, "please."
She didn't need to say what she wanted, my cock had been hard since she had folded herself in my arms, but ever the gentle man I would not move forward without invitation but now, now that she had uttered that word.
I would not deny her.
My hands were everywhere all at once. Buried in her hair devouring her mouth, then moving down her body, pressing over the smooth leather of her suit, tasting the curve of her hips and breasts. The press of her ass against my palm, all of it all at once was like the call to the baser beast that lived inside of me.
One that I dared not let escape since Wakanda.
"Let him loose," she said with a breathy whisper as though she could read my thoughts, "let him out and let him take me like he has wanted since I fell out of that portal."
Damn this woman, she knew me like none other had ever known me before.
"Idi, Soldat," she whispered in Russian, "pokazhi mne, chto u tabya yest." Come soldier, show me what you've got.
It was like a dam had burst and my mind had flipped, and I was no longer the gentle timid man she had come to know but she had with that single phrase unleashed the chained beast within.
An inhuman growl erupted from the back of my throat.
At that, a feline smile spread across her features, "there he is," she practically purred, "Show me your worst Soldat." She taunted and I grasped her by the collar as I stood dragging her with me.
Something had to be wrong with me because the only thing that I wanted was this. The feel of him, the taste of him, and the violence of it all, when I should not be wanting anything of the like. I should be laser focused on our mission.
How easily I threw it all to the side to forget those awful memories...
I'd sooner remember this, than all of the other moments. To make the memories that I shared from my world mean something because now I was with the man that I loved, that loved me back, that could be with me without any sense of betrayal because together all three of us had decided this was what we wanted.
What we needed.
I grunted a little as he lifted me to my feet pushing me none too gently into the stone of the wall on the other side of the old tracks.
How had we moved so far?
My mind was bathing in endorphins that quickly told me to lose all logic though and live only in sensations. The backs of my shoulders hit painfully against rough walls a moan rather than a grunt of pain left my lips. His eyes were blazing into my own with an intensity that sent a thrill into my very soul. An intensity that I was loath to admit that I had missed. That sent a small sliver of fear into my soul. I would take all of that pain because it was nothing like the pain that there had been all those years ago. This man was a very integral piece to complete my heart, every single part of him, the man, and the beast.
His forearm pressed against my throat, the metal icy against my heated flesh, I felt the flush of my skin, burn hotter and hotter against the chill of it.
"Please," the plea fell from my lips again, it was either a plea from him to stop or a plea to continue ceaselessly. Either of which I couldn't even decipher myself.
"What is it Thaw?" his lip curled. The way in which he drawled my name made my toes curl in my boots, "Too much for you to handle?"
I opened my mouth to speak but there was too much pressure on my throat so only hoarse whispers erupted.
"I think the Bucky from your world was a bit of a pussy." His eyes roved me with an intensity I'd never experienced, "Because if this has you hot and bothered you've seen nothing yet."
I bit my lip.
He wasn't wrong.
His eyes darted to my mouth, and they flashed with an emotion that I could not decipher. He reached up with a hand pulling my lip from between my teeth, "None of that Thaw," he pressed himself into me, I could feel the hard length of him pressed into my stomach. "I bet you think that I'm gonna take it easy on you, just like he did huh?" His face came close to mine and for a moment I wasn't sure what to expect, his eyes were wild filled with such darkness and hate. A far cry from the James I had come to know in his world or my own.
He was however, correct.
If this sensation was even a sliver of the fear and desire my Winter Soldier could elicit, he was a far more dangerous creature.
What exactly had he known without me?
"You know what?" His chest pressed painfully into mine as he continued speaking, his forearm leaving my throat causing me to inhale deeply his hand moving to my hip.
I blinked up at him.
"I think that you've told me about him to make me jealous." His steel eyes were hard his fingers even harder as they pinched into the skin at my side. I was certain there would be bruises on my hip bone, "I think you tell me all about the Soldier and what he had with you, as depraved as it all was, because you know it fucking kills me to know that there had once been the small sliver of a chance that I could have been happy."
I opened my mouth to speak but he slammed a hand into the wall beside my head all words died on my lips. The stone crumbled beneath his fist. "I don't wanna hear your bullshit Thaw, I know what I know." Damn, I should be furious at him, mad at him but that wicked part of me, the part that I'd tried to hide for so long was practically panting, hanging on his every word imagining those skilled hands doing terrible things to me.
He knew it too.
"Look at you," he leaned in, his eyes filled with furious intensity as he tipped his head closer and closer to mine. The hand on my hip moved to my jaw, holding me roughly in his grasp. He inspected my features his eyes landing finally on my lips, and I could not help the grin that spread across them. His fingers tightened for a moment before he let his hand slide over my throat. Letting his fingers press into the sides of my neck, the slick heat at my apex intensifying beneath his violence. I pressed my thighs together needing the pressure.
My mouth hung open, my breath coming fast as he placed pressure not on my windpipe but the artery beside it, the delicious pressure firing all of my synapses. A strangled moan left my mouth,
He tutted. "I should have known you would like this, your just as filthy and debauched as I am." His eyes were heavily lidded as he watched me squirm.
Keeping one hand at my throat he moved the other from the wall at my side to the front of my suit. His fingers slid over the smooth leather, and I felt everything as though it were my own skin. His hands moved over my breasts skimming the taught nipples and further down until he cupped my pussy in his hand. "I can smell you," his whispered, "your arousal, your want," he moved closer licking the side of my throat slowly, "your need."
I tilted my head back, "oh god..."
"There is no god here Thaw, just you me and the devil, who is watching, his dick just as hard as mine." He gritted his teeth, "Your fucking perfect you know that."
I could only nod my mouth dry with lust. My breath hitched when his fingers came to the top closure of my suit. I wanted him so fucking bad.
A coy grin curled on his lips, his white teeth bright in the darkness, and there was a moment of calm before the storm. Our eyes just met, and our souls connected and then he blinked, his eyes were dark almost black, and I knew that there was no trace of my James left in this man any longer, only the beast, only My Soldier.
My suit was pulled none to gently down my body and tossed to the side after he'd discarded my boots with a rage filled growl. My body lifted from the ground my back slammed onto the subway platform, I was like a doll ready for his every aching need. My own desire so overwhelming I would have done anything at that point as long as he promised me my reward.
My eyes watered at the force of which I hit the ground, but the pain only furthered my want and I let my hands trail down over my breasts. Kneading them in my palms, pinching each nipple my eyes sliding down his body. Still completely clothed he leaned over me his dog tags fallen from where he'd kept them beneath his clothes, his tags as well as Steve's dangling between us, the metal sliding up my body as he positioned himself between my thighs. I could feel his eyes on me drinking in the sight of me, palming his cock through his tactical pants. He grunted as he moved, his metal arm shooting forward grasping both of my hands and hauling them above my head. The bulk of his weight pressed in on me as he crawled up over me. His mouth hovered over mine as though he was going to kiss me, but our lips never met. His mouth fell on my throat, his right hand moved between my legs his fingers finding my folds, his fingers sliding skillfully over my clit. I heard him groan because of the obscene amount of wetness that he found there dripping from me.
In a sudden movement he slid two fingers into me, and I arched my back with the sudden but not unwelcome intrusion. "Yes!" I cried out. As though my one word of affirmation was fuel to his fire, he continued to pump in and out of me his metal arm squeezing my wrists tighter in his grip. I watched him as he finger fucked me. His eyes were intently on mine as if daring me to tell him to stop.
I would not.
I felt my orgasm building fast.
So did he, and I whined as he pulled his fingers from me and straightened. He tilted his head to the side as he watched the motion purely predatory. He let go of my wrists and sat back on his heels his thighs spread wide making mine spread further apart. Slowly never breaking eyes contact he brought his fingers intently to his lips. He licked the glistening wetness from them, slowly as if it were the most decadent thing in the world. I lifted myself up onto my elbows raising a brow, "That wasn't very nice Soldier I was about to cum."
He didn't reply, a slow blink of his eyes was his only reaction.
I tilted my head to the side moving one of my hands town my body, over my belly and to the mound between my thighs letting my fingers brush over the sensitive nub as I widened my legs to give him a better view.
Again, he blinked slowly his nostrils flaring and before I saw him move. I felt myself being flipped over and dragged closer to the edge of the platform. My legs were hanging down towards the tracks the perfect height for what he had in mind. The gravel crunched beneath his boots as he jumped down positioning himself behind me. His hand was at my throat again pulling me closer to him the sound of the zipper being pulled down on his pants made my heart trip in my chest as it echoed in the silent space. I could feel the smooth head of his cock pressed at my opening.
"Please," I pleaded.
He stilled, "Are you begging me thaw?" his voice was ragged.
I nodded, "Yes Soldier, I am begging," I glanced back to him over my shoulder.
His only reply was a hard slap of my ass. I gritted my teeth at the sting of it.
Then again just as he had earlier with his fingers, he abruptly entered me, this time with his cock. His hand pressed down on the back of my head my cheek pushing into the cold ground as he positioned himself to strike. I tried to arch up to him, but his strength clearly overpowered my own, and I could only struggle in his grip scratching my face against the rough stone.
"Please," I begged.
His hand pressed harder, my cheek painful against the ground, skin breaking, my cheek bone protesting, my heart ripping over itself in sick desire, his dark rich tones filling my hear as he ground out roughly, "Don't fucking beg me Thaw." He didn't stop his thrusting each word punctuated by a thrust,
A grin widened on my lips as I finally understood what he fucking wanted. He didn't want to just take, he wanted the same from me, he wanted us to battle, to fight, to fuck. The warmth in my chest spread to my fingertips. And it took me a moment to get my arms beneath me and pushed myself up against his hold, my muscles trembling beneath the strength of it.
His hand moved from my head his steel grip falling to my throat as he thrust in and out of me holding me to him. I pressed back into him his chest now crushed against my back my body slipping from the platform, but he held me against him not letting me fall. I reached back grasping at him, slipping my hands into his pants pressing my fingernails into the skin of his ass as I gripped it ever so tightly. His mouth fell to the spot at the crook of my neck where it made wild goosebumps spring upon my flesh. His cock hit me so deeply that it bridged on the edge of pain, and nothing had felt more perfect.
His left arm slid from my hip skimming over my flesh. The cold metal such a juxtaposition against the heated flesh of my clit that I cried out violently when it began to pinch and prod the bundle of nerves.
"Don't stop!" I demanded letting my head fall back onto his shoulder. I could feel my orgasm once again beginning to rise.
He stilled his fingers and stopped his thrusting a dark smile on his lips. A frustrated growl fell from my lips. He chuckled darkly behind me. I spun on him and raised my foot to his chest the smooth leather of his jacket beneath my bare foot his eyes widened for a moment as I used my strength to push him back. He was launched back into the wall, and he landed on the tracks with a thud.
A smirk fell upon my face as I made my way over to him swaying my hips and running my fingers through my hair. I stood over him, one leg positioned on either side of his torso giving him ample view of my wet dripping cunt. His expression was outwardly menacing but his eyes playful and devouring everything he saw. His hands moved to my legs as though it hurt him to spend one moment not in contact with my skin. His touch skimmed up and down my calves as his eyes sliding from my breasts to my cunt and back again, he knew I would be his downfall.
"Is this what you want My Soldier?" I asked my voice deep and husky moving one foot from beside him to press it against his throat, "Is this the violence you wanted?"
His mouth curved into a cocky grin. His grip on my calf tightening, his other hand holding my foot so delicately where I pressed it into his Adam's apple. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, and I nearly came undone at that.
For a long moment neither of us moved, only the sounds of our heaving breaths filled the space.
Finally, I moved, and I lowered myself to straddle his lap. I ran my hands all over my own body, putting on a show as much for myself as I was for him. Slowly I seated myself completely all the way down his steel length. For a moment as I looked down at him the Soldier disappeared, James shone through, a sigh of relief whooshing from him as he squeezed his eyes closed. After only a brief moment his eyes once again shot open all hardness returned his mouth grim. Playing the part, I needed him to play.
His hands once again fell on my hips his bruising grip helping me thrust deeply in and out of him. I threw my head back my orgasm crawling up my spine. It was rough and violent the gravel beneath my knees cutting into my flesh my fingernails cutting into his. The scene playing in my mind was sinful, I was completely nude while the soldier was mostly clothed his cock exposed for me and only me. He was showing the world off what was his and no one else but him and his best friend could have and touch and hold and fuck.
His arm moved around my back pressing me into him his mouth pulling me in for a brutal kiss that was full of teeth and tongue and violence, and it was positively perfect. He pounded into me at a relentless pace, and I met him with each and every thrust the sound of my cunt slapping against him was lewd and just as perfect as everything else. I cried out loudly with each deep stroke he took.
"Yes," I cried out, "Don't you dare fucking stop me," I raged at him my hands clamping down on his wrists to stabilize myself as I sat up again. He bucked up into me and one moment I was on top of him the next he was on top of me thrusting so deeply I saw a splash of light behind my vision. My arms pinned above my head.
Yet I did not submit. I fought for control attempting to flip him back onto the ground beneath me, gravel from the tracks matting into my hair. He fought back, both of us trying to gain control. In a swift moment he picked me up and pressed me back into the wall thrusting so deeply that stars burst my vision and I came so hard that I screamed out his name.
"JAMES!" My head hit the wall with every thrust only fuelling my orgasm to stretch wide within me.
"Fuck," his mouth came down against my shoulder, "holy shit."
"Yes!" I called out as I felt him get even harder inside of me, "Yes fuck, it's so good don't stop."
He grunted as he continued to thrust, his metal arm holding us against the wall pressed so tightly into the stone that it crumbled beneath his grip, spiderwebs of cracks moved up the wall behind my back as he thrust into me. Just when I thought my orgasm was ebbing, I felt him explode within me throwing me back into another earth-shattering release.
This time I screamed.
So did he, a string of curses fell from his lips, lines of praise that made me blush and preen all at the same time.
He finally stopped thrusting and his forehead came to rest against my own his steel eyes meeting my own. "I love you," he whispered closing his eyes.
"I love you too," I said as I wrapped my arms around him.
A loud slow clapping side echoed through the space. James moved in a flash covering my naked body with his mostly clothed one.
"A little late for that Buck." The voice made my blood turn to ice in my veins.
It was Steve.
I met those blue eyes as the man himself leaned against the wall beside us just a way down the tracks.
"Besides," he continued speaking, "I'm impressed. I don't think I've ever heard her come like that no wonder why she was so unhappy with me, had I known..." he pursed his lips, a cruel smile erupting on his face.
"What the hell Steve." James backed up a bit not realizing that this was not our Steve.
"It's not him," I whispered my hands shaking.
James' head swivelled back to the direction of the Fallen Captain, which made the other mans smile only grow, "it's been a long-time pal, I'd say I missed you, but I just watched you fuck my wife, so I think were at an impasse."
Slowly James walked us closer to the ledge where my clothes were, keeping himself between me and the other man, "Get dressed Evie," he hissed his face hard not tearing his eyes away from Steve. He didn't need to tell me my fingers were already on my clothes, and I dressed as fast as I could. I slid my feet into my boots my mouth was dry, what the hell was he doing here? How did he find us. What did that mean for our Steve?
I couldn't help the ache from returning to the back of my throat that had been there earlier. I turned back to James to find that he had barely moved a muscle as he glared menacingly towards the other man. Steve still leaned against the wall his arms folding as though there was so much time in the world that this was not a bother at all to stand here and watch any of this. He almost looked bored.
I recognized that dark sliver of rage that lingered in his eyes.
The hatred.
I noted the clenching and unclenching of his jaw. His beard was longer than I last remembered seeing it, his hair greyer than it had been too. There was no whisper of the man I had loved in him. How had I not seen it before?
"What's the matter Sunshine?" He tilted his head to the side his eyes watching me with deliberate dark amusement, "You think I didn't know you were here the moment you came back through that portal?"
My breath hitched.
He chuckled, "I know my wife," his eyes flashed to James, "She doesn't give up, I knew she would come back."
"Then why bother to send her away, I thought you wanted her to be kept safe?"
Steve's intense glare faltered for a moment before it flared in anger, "It's never been about that, Evelyn could never see the big picture."
I scoffed. His eyes pinned me to the spot and any words that had been on my lips dried out.
"Both of you should come with me," he said as he straightened from his place at the wall.
"We're not going anywhere with you." I spat.
He shrugged and turned walking down the tracks, "Suit yourself then, I'll be sure to tell your precious Steve that you haven't changed, that you will always go crawling back to him." He pointed back to James with his thumb, "I'm sure deep down he won't be surprised."
I gasped. "No, you're lying."
He frowned and he turned back to me, "I won't lie to you Evelyn, I never have."
I froze to the spot, and I felt James's hand slide into mine, "Let's go."
Other Steve
I was pissed, there was no other word for it.
She was mine.
Fucking mine.
But I should have known dropping her in that world in the world that defeated Thanos that she would immediately go to them. To have the both of them. Like she tried here. There was no way. She was mine and every time I'd touched her, I could not help the anger that rose in my blood because she had fucked him, my once best friend. The man who left rather than fighting, the one who had been blipped and hadn't had the chance to fight for her.
Who would she have chosen then?
Would she have made us make the same decision she had made these men enter?
Fucking depravity.
I clenched my teeth.
I didn't have their precious Steve, he was smart, too smart.
Hell, why was I so surprised? He was me so of course he was smart. I should have known she would come back too. I'd lied when I said I'd known she would be back. She should have stayed where she was. Now she was causing the chaos I'd hoped to avoid. I had fucking saved her from all of this. I had sent her away so that she wouldn't be hurt, so she would never know.
This damned girl had followed me my whole life, she had been what I wanted once and of course I'd married her, what choice did I have. I'd ruined my whole fucking life for her...
I slammed my fist into a crumbling building.
I looked back over my shoulder to see both sets of eyes warily observing me. Evelyn offered me a hateful look that said all that was on her mind, she had never been good at hiding her emotions from me, but Bucky...
His look was hard, filled with fury but he seemed calm. He'd been the cause of the explosion, I didn't need him to admit it, it had been a long time since I'd seen that sort of destruction aimed at Thanos. A small part of me was impressed he'd even had the gall to do it.
But I knew he would do anything for her.
Even betray me.
He had done it before.
I was glad he was snapped by Thanos.
That meant she was all mine.
I grit my teeth.
She shouldn't have fucking come back.
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