Another Curtain Call
"Jakob!" Sierra walked out of the kitchen. "I need to get dressed. Watch Will and make sure he doesn't die,"
"Is there a worse person you could give that job to?" Pig asked, sitting in his food bowl.
"Maybe the talking feline with no opposable thumbs?" She countered.
Pig glared at her. "At least you wouldn't have to worry about me trying to kill the chef,"
"I can't kill him," Jakob sighed. "I can't have blood on me when Dovie gets here,"
"Yes, because that's the only thing wrong with that plan," Josh called from the living room.
Sierra handed Jakob a wooden spoon and ran up the stairs. Jakob walked into the kitchen, and saw Cassie sitting at the breakfast bar, and Billy and Sylas slaving over the stove.
"Hey," Jakob nodded at his sister.
"Hey," she snapped back.
Billy glanced over his shoulder. "Are you guys going to apologize or something?"
"That's not how it works," Sylas informed him.
"How does it work?"
Cassie looked at Jakob. "Next time you freak out like that, your ass is the grass, and I'm the lawnmower. Got it?" Then she walked out.
"Sure," Jakob nodded, handing the spoon to Sylas. "Wait a second, where the hell did you come from?"
"I was here yesterday," Sylas told him. "Kallie and I moved here a few days ago,"
"Oh... Okay," Jakob nodded, as if this all made sense.
The front door opened. "Hi everyone!"
Billy glanced up. "Is that your girlfriend?"
"No," Jakob furrowed his brow. "My girlfriend is french," he went and peeked out the serving window, into the dining room. "Oh shit. It's Emma,"
"Do random people just walk into your house on a regular basis?" Billy wanted to know.
"They never lock their house up," Sylas informed him. "It's their thing. If you want to come in, the door is always open. They love people here, and they're willing to help everyone. But if you fuck up, you won't be allowed in again,"
"In other words," Jakob glanced at him with a menacing look. "You could've used the door instead of the window," then he walked out, to greet the new arrival.
Sylas glanced at Billy.
"I'm guessing you've heard," he sighed, moving a pot off the eye, and transferring another into it's spot.
"That you climbed through the window?" She asked "Yeah. That's why Jakob hates you. In his mind, you've already messed up. He thinks you were trying to rob them. And to him, you shouldn't still be here, because you shouldn't get a second chance,"
"Honestly, I'm wondering why I'm still here, too," he admitted.
"Because you're a good dude. I can tell," she patted his shoulder. "Were you trying to rob them?"
"No," he chuckled. "I didn't even know they'd moved in until I was already in the house. I thought it was empty,"
"Than why did you come through the window in the first place?"
"That window's lock has been broken for years, but the rest of the openings have always been locked up tight. I've been in this house a million times before these guys moved here,"
"I was... looking,"
"For what?"
Billy hesitated, then turned away to rinse out a pan. "Maybe answers," he shrugged. "Maybe myself,"
"We don't have to talk about it," Sylas assured him, receiving a grateful smile in return. "But I want you to remember something,"
"What's that?"
"These people, are some of the greatest people there are in this world," Sylas told him, frankly. "And you shouldn't worry why you're here. You're here cause you fit in. The Chamber's are like a puzzle where only the funkiest shaped pieces fit together. And you're one of those,"
Billy smiled at her, then grew serious "Do you ever worry you'll hurt them?"
"Not much anymore," she admitted. "That family in there has been through a lot of shit together. Too much, too recently. But they're strong as hell. Just be you. If they didn't like you, you wouldn't be here. Remember that. These people love you,"
"Not Jakob," Billy laughed.
"Jakob is weird," Sylas admitted. "But he'll surprise you. He always does,"
Sierra soared into the room "Wait where's Jakob?"
"He went that way," Billy gestured out the serving window.
"I told him to-" she slapped her forehead. "Nevermind. How do I look?"
Sylas glanced over at her short skirted white dress, and gave her some applause.
"What about you Will?" Sierra asked.
"It's great," he mumbled, bending over a pot on the stove.
"You barely looked," she pouted.
"I saw," he insisted, purposely keeping his eyes glued to the opposite wall.
Sylas glanced at him. "Your face is really red, bro,"
"It's the steam!" He insisted.
"Riiiiiight," she smiled at him.
"Shut up and make yourself useful, goblin,"
Emma bounced over the back of the couch and landed on Josh's stomach, with a thump.
"Look at you!" She exclaimed. "You're uglier than when I saw you last,"
"I'm sorry dear," Josh rose his eyebrow. "But in order to insult me, I must first value your opinion. Take some clothes off and try again,"
Leo, having just made it to the top of the stairs, turned around and took the trip back down.
"Not until my girlfriend gets here!" Jakob demanded.
"Hey Jakob!" Emma smiled, lying down across Josh's much taller frame, and smiling at him.
"Guys!" Jakob called. "Emma's here!"
Jake and Jack walked in and waved, but when they saw their mother coming, ducked back into the hallway.
"Hey, how's it going?" Dad smiled.
"I'm good!" She smiled back, stroking Josh's beard, as he continued gaming on the tv. "I just missed this guy so much!"
"Your ass must be jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth," Josh rolled his eyes.
"Fight me on PS4," she demanded, then grinned evilly. "Oh wait. You don't have a PS4,"
"Fight me in real life," Josh replied. "Oh wait. You don't have a real life,"
"Bitch!" She smacked his chest.
He didn't flinch. "I've been called worse,"
"Like what?"
"Your boyfriend,"
"Careful," Dad laughed "Or you might not have any titles,"
Taylor ran in, and stopped short upon seeing Emma. "Who's she?" She asked Mom.
"Who's she," Emma asked Josh.
Josh shrugged. "Nobody important,"
Taylor frowned.
"What? You were adopted,"
"Well at least they wanted me," she replied.
"Burn!" Jake and Jack laughed, slapping each other five. Emma's mouth dropped open, and Dad nodded at Taylor with pride.
"Dude!" Jakob howled "She fucked you up!"
Josh rose his eyebrow, and then the corner of his mouth twitched. "Alright, you got me," he laughed. Then he threw the remote to a different seat, and pulled Emma up against his chest, squeezing her tight. "Are you happy now? Is this what you wanted? Needy bitch,"
Emma let out a couple choked laughs, then smiled up at him and nodded.
Jakob checked his watch. "Guys it's almost nine!" He began grabbing family members and lining them up in front of the doorway. "Oldest to youngest everyone,"
"Jake, Jack, stop shoving each other," Dad demanded.
"I'm older!" Jake snapped.
"No you're not," Jack rolled his eyes, trying to shove himself into the spot between his twin, and Cassie.
"Stop Jack, I am older,"
"We came out at the same time, move!"
"You sure as hell didn't," Mom huffed. "Or else I'd be in a wheelchair right now. Jake is nine and a half seconds older. And that in itself is a magic trick. Now get in line!"
"Josh," Jakob yelled. "Put away the game,"
"Make me," Josh replied, now bent over a game on his phone,"
Jakob reached out, and Josh pulled the phone out of reach. "Touch my phone, and I'll help you slip into something a little more comfortable. Like a coma,"
"Where's Dennis?" Mom wondered aloud. Jake and Jack cast mischievous grins at each other.
"Who cares?" Jakob asked, then he gave up on Josh and turned to face the kitchen. "Sierra! Quit making out with the chef and get out here!"
Sierra peeked out the serving window and gave him a disdainful look. "Do you want Will to burn the cake, or not?"
"Cake?" Jakob exclaimed as she ducked back into the kitchen. "I thought we agreed nothing exciting! Oh forget it,"
"How long is this going to take?" Leo asked, as he tugged on the collar of his dress shirt. "I've really got to get back to work on that intelligence chip tht Pig stole,"
Taylor looked down at Pig, who merely continued cleaning himself. "Aren't you going to tell him you didn't actually steal it?" She asked.
"I can neither confirm nor deny," Pig stretched.
"She should be here any minute," Jakob announced nervously, turning to watch Taylor and Kelce straighten out each other's dresses.
Cassie glanced down at her phone, and typed out a message.
"Cassie would you-!" But his complaint was rudely interrupted by a knock on the front door. "She's here!"
"Oh my God, places everyone!" Josh exclaimed, in a high, mocking, voice.
Sierra rushed out of the kitchen, shouting instructions to Billy over her shoulder. "-and wear oven mitts! Sylas if he dies I'm blaming you!"
"No pressure at all," Sylas replied.
"Ouch!" Billy yelped.
"Goddammit Sylas!"
"Sierra!" Jakob snapped.
"I'm coming!" She snapped back, running to her spot next to Josh.
Jakob glanced over the group one last time, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
" 'Ello everybody," Dovie smiled, after entering and planting a kiss on Jakob's face.
"Guys, this is Dovie LeBlanc," he announced nervously.
"She's hot," Josh nodded respectfully, earning a laugh from Dovie, and a sharp pain in his ribs from Emma.
"Alright, let's start over here," Jakob lead her over to the parents. "This is my Mom and Dad,"
"Zank you for 'im," Dovie smiled, pumping both of their outstretched hands. " 'E is very awkward and pushy, but 'e is very sweet,"
Leo squeezed himself between his mother, and Josh, so he could be next.
"This is... the out of order brother, Leo,"
"Ze mad scientist?" She asked, watching Leo shake her hand hurriedly, and immediately disappear into the basement.
"And apparently track star," he moved on down the line. "This is Josh and his girlfriend Emma,"
"Ze lazy slacker!"
"Aaayyyy," Josh cheered lazily, leaning backwards and giving her two thumbs up.
Jakob moved on, and found Sierra missing. "Where's-"
"Kitchen," Mom whispered.
Jakob rolled his eyes and continued.
"And you know Cassie,"
"Ze painful one," she smiled at her "I remember you from ze boxing ring,"
"I bet you do," Cassie smiled back.
"These two are Jake and Jack. Jack does magic, and Jake is mostly useless,"
Jake huffed, and Jack pulled a bouquet out of his twin's hair.
"Eet smells like strawberries!"
"That's my shampoo," Jake explained sourly.
"Mine smells like chocolate," Jack crooned, giving her an exaggerated wink.
"MOVING ON! And these two!" Jakob continued hurriedly "Are Kelce and Taylor,"
"Ze cute one," she pointed at Taylor, then she pointed at Kelce "And ze creepy one,"
Kelce turned her large grey eyes towards Jakob, two hands on a kitchen knife. "Why do you say that?"
"No reason. And here, finally, is Sierra who belongs up there," he pointed down the line towards Josh.
"Nice to meet you," Sierra ignored her brother, and waved at Dovie.
"You are ze beautiful one! Ze one making terrible life choices wiz-" Billy chose that moment to wander out of the kitchen, with a sheepish look on his face, and Sylas in tow. "Ze zief!"
Sierra and Billy glared at Jakob, who smiled without shame. "This is Billy, the thief,"
"Chef," the family interjected.
"-and this is Sylas, a family friend. She's cool. He's not,"
"And I'm the cat," Pig announced, with an air of pride.
Dovie rose her eyebrows, and then looked at Jakob. "I... It... 'e? Talks?"
She hesitated. "Ze mad scientist?"
"If something happens, that we can't explain," Mom said "it's usually the mad scientist's fault,"
Micheal walked into the house, staring at his phone.
"Who is zis?" Dovie asked, trying to place the familiar face.
"Nobody important," Jakob growled.
"Welcome to the club," Billy announced, to Micheal.
"If you're around him long enough, you'll find that the world contains a lot of unimportant people," Josh informed Dovie.
"Alright Jakob, get in line," Cassie snapped. Then she walked over to Micheal. "Come on Big M,"
"It's your turn,"
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