Chapter 15
"The heart wants what it wants. There's no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's that." - Woody Allen
I fell in love with her.
That's something I didn't want to accept or realize at first.
How did it happen, you ask me?
She was different from the rest, that's for sure.
It makes me happy to know that I have that effect on her, making her blush even at the slightest actions.
It's a sadist feeling but it's the truth.
It makes me furious whenever some other guy talks to her, touches her and make her smile. I didn't permit them to commit such foul actions.
Only I am allowed to do that.
I was supposed to be entitled to my own belief. Victory is a given. Victory is everything in this world.
But for the very first time, I was glad that I lost.
I lost to her.
I'd lost to my feelings.
I'd lost to love.
Yurika Sendo...
She's mine and I shall eliminate anyone who dares to oppose me.
I woke up feeling myself in a soft cushion. I feel hot and my head hurts. I realized that I have fever. How did I end up in my own bedroom?
So it's all just a dream?
"Nobody shall own you except me, Yurika Sendo because... I love you... and I mean it this time."
Everything that he said; everything that he did... it was all a dream? My heart sank at the thought. My hand went up to touch my lips, my index finger tracing down my bottom lip. He kissed me in my dream, I felt the spark. I can never forget how it felt. It feels like that warm feeling of the fire when you're surrounded by the blizzard. It was all a dream but... it felt so real to me.
My phone was in my nightstand, I had forgotten to bring it along to school. I reached out to get my phone to check the time but what caught my attention was a text. From Akashi.
I opened the message and was beyond shock to what I just read.
"You're not dreaming, my love. Good night."
My eyes widened in shock to what I just read. So it wasn't a dream after all? Akashi did confessed to me? He really did loved me? He really did kissed me under the rain?
I rested my phone on my chest and stared at the ceiling, completely at lost for words and emotions. "I wasn't dreaming... Akashi really did love me." I whispered to myself and instead of squealing with joy, tears of joy pricked my eyes and flowed freely past my cheeks and soaking a part of my pillow. I closed my eyes as I smiled.
He loves me.
Seijuro Akashi loves me.
I coughed, feeling cold then turned to my side, snuggling inside the thick blankets.
Akashi... loves me.
Even with a severe headache that's ready to explode any minute now, my mind was still reminiscing the scene back in the rain. I sighed and smiled, letting sleep devour me.
"Your fever has calmed down a bit but you still need to rest." Kisa stated as she patted my forehead with a wet towel.
I smiled. "Thank you, Kisa."
"For what, young miss?"
"For taking care of me, silly." I giggled.
Kisa smiled. "You seem to be energetic despite the fever," She commented. "What is it? In love?"
My smile vanished and bowed my head down. I bit my lower lip as I fiddled with my fingers that was hanging on my lap. My heart skipping a beat.
My silence gave Kisa her answer and she giggled. "Speaking of which, a really cute boy came here carrying you yesterday. Who is it? Your boyfriend?"
"No, he's not. He's just... a friend of mine." I kept on blushing, I bet my body temperature increased.
Kisa giggled. "Really? You won't mind if you introduce him to me?" She asked cheekily. Kisa is 6 years my senior.
I gasped and looked at her. "Unfortunately for you, I do."
"I'm just kidding, young miss, don't glare at me! Don't be a Yandere, you're scary!" Kisa exclaimed with a laugh, completely amused. "She's really in love." She whispered to herself.
"I heard that!" I stated, crossed my arms and pouted. "And I'm not a Yandere." I added.
"Now, now," Kisa cooed, patting my head like I was an innocent child and I was taken aback by her action. "I'll get you breakfast, young miss," she informed me then smiled. "What would you like?"
I smiled. "Tofu soup?"
Akashi's favorite...
"Right away, ma'am!" She saluted me and I laughed. I saluted back and then she marched out of the room, leaving me alone.
I sighed and leaned my head on the headboard, thinking of Akashi once again. Have you already eaten breakfast, Akashi? Are you already at school by now? I'm so worried about you, though. You caught the fever might as well. I mean, we were both under the rain that time... Oh, Akashi... I want to see you. I want to feel your skin against mine. I want to breathe in your scent and be with you all day... I want to feel your everything.
My phone vibrated at the nightstand, causing me to snap out of my daydream. I reached out and opened a new message from him.
"Good morning. Have you eaten your breakfast?"
I smiled. Aw, redhead is checking up on me.
"About to and it's your favorite. ;)"
"Tofu soup? Hmm, you stalked me?"
I blushed and I was glad that he was not seeing it.
"I just read it at an article somewhere and no, I'm not stalking you."
"Fair enough. Eat your breakfast properly and get plenty of rest. I want to see you as soon as possible."
I smiled like a total freak. I would be more than happy if he admitted that he missed me though.
"Yes, sir. What about you? You didn't caught a fever or something?"
"No. Why? Are you worried about me?"
I bit my lower lip, debating whether to admit that I got worried or not.
"That's good because if I ever find out that you caught a fever and still go to school, I'll march over there and drag you home, redhead."
"You are so worried."
"Eh? Stop grinning at your phone, young miss. It's creeping me out."
I yelped so loud and choked on my own saliva I swear I was like a deer caught in headlights. I quickly put my phone away and looked at a smirking Kisa with a tray of tofu soup, water and a capsule on her hands.
"K-K-K-Kisa," that's a lot of stuttering. "How long have you been there?" I asked as I coughed to regain my normal voice.
"Long enough to conclude that you have gone nuts." She stated with a giggle as she went her way to me. I glared at her but she pushed it aside. "Sorry, did I bothered you?" She asked as she placed the tray of food on my lap.
I looked at the soup in front me, inhaling its yummy scent. "No," I said as I grabbed on the spoon. "I've been waiting for you, actually." I blew on the hot air away from the soup. "I'm starving."
After a few hours, my fever was finally gone. I pushed the covers off of me and took a quick shower then went to the music room for relaxation.
At the middle of playing the piano, someone knocked on the door and Mei appeared on the doorway.
"I apologize for the disturbance, Yurika-sama," Mei plastered on her sophisticated voice and bowed her head as a form of respect.
I shook my head and smiled. "Not at all. What brings you here?"
"You have visitors, young miss. They are waiting at the living room." She stated and I frowned slightly. Who would be visiting me at this hour? I glanced at the wall clock and it was already a little noon. After class... maybe it's Yukari and Eri? This was my first time being absent so maybe they got worried.
I sighed and parted my bangs that was covering my eye and shifted my gaze at Mei who was waiting for my cue. I nodded and smiled again. "I see. Thank you, Mei. You can go."
She nodded and closed the door, leaving me alone. Mei really obeyed the rules. Treat me like I was royalty. Kisa became my friend quickly but I guess with Mei... it'll take a while.
I ran my fingers through my damp strawberry red hair then stood up to meet with the visitors.
As I was descending the stairs, I heard familiar voices, and they are not all feminine than I expected.
"And I finished the game with just three fingers!" I heard someone brag, his laughter echoing through the whole living room. "I didn't know that Yu-chan is also rich! Her house is like a palace!" I face-palmed. Typical Kotaro.
Thank God, my parents weren't home, they've got a lot of paperwork to sign and fill out. If by any chance my parents got dismissed early, these visitors would face insult and interrogation.
"Really? That's so cool!" Yukari exclaimed then giggled. "And yes, her family is also one of the most distinguished families in Japan, it's crazy."
"Wow, Nebuya-san, you're all stuffed!" Eri commented, gesturing towards his muscular body. Eikichi just belly laughed in response. "Are you a pro wrestler somehow?"
"He even does the long belching whenever he overeats," Reo commented with a grimace. "He eats like a gorilla."
"Yeah, thank you!" Eikichi said with a laugh.
"That's obviously not a compliment." Kotaro butted in.
"I can't believe Yuri is friends with a bunch of cool guys!" Yukari said with a grin.
"Yeah, she didn't even bothered to introduce you to us." Eri added with a pout.
I sighed and decided to catch their attention. "What are you pouting about, Erika?" I asked whilst making my way to the group, the laughing ceased and their heads snapped to me. "You already met them." I smiled.
"Yu-chan!" Kotaro grinned as he saw me.
"Yuri-chan!" Reo came running with open arms and attacked me with a tight bear hug, rubbing his cheek against mine in a motherly manner. "We were so worried about you!"
"Hey, you might trade faces with her." Eikichi said as he pushed Reo away from me.
"What are you guys doing in here?" I turned to Yukari and Eri which had big grins on their faces. "And since when did you guys became friends with the Uncrowned Kings?"
"Just a while ago." Yukari replied.
"We noticed that we hadn't seen you after what happened yesterday and Sei-chan said that you caught a fever," Reo informed me.
"He said that we could just ask your friends for your address but turns out that they are headed for your house too!" Kotaro chimed in.
"So we decided to tag along!" Eikichi finished.
"But don't you guys have basketball practice?" I asked them and they smiled then shook their head, in unison.
"Sei-chan?" Eri asked with a confused tone.
"Akashi," Kotaro corrected.
My eyes snapped at Kotaro at the mention of his name. "Oh, so how's Akashi doing?" I asked them as I made my way towards the sofa. We can't just stand there, you know.
"He's pretty busy with meetings regarding the upcoming school festival," Reo said as he sat across me along with Kotaro and Eikichi. I sat in between Yukari and Eri. "If he ever happened to have a free time, I'm sure he'll also come along with us because he misses you."
I blushed and laughed nervously, playing with the tips of my hair. "You don't have to say that..."
"Did he already told you?" Kotaro asked, his eyes sparkling.
"Tell me what?"
"Well, we knocked some sense into him and it took him a few hours to realize that he loves-" I stood up as the speed of lightning and covered both of my hands on Kotaro's mouth, blushing even harder.
"You don't have to say that!" I whisper shouted to him. I didn't know what to say if that question ever comes out of his mouth again and it's kinda embarrassing. Reo and Eikichi just laughed at my reaction.
"Eh? Yuri, is there something you're not telling us?" Yukari asked and crossed her arms across her chest, Eri mirrored her move. "Speaking, there's a rumor spreading that you and Akashi-kun have something and such. So, it's true then?"
I sighed and removed my hands on Kotaro's talkative mouth and returned to my seat. "I guess..." I mumbled.
Yukari raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, 'I guess'? It's either yes or no, there's no in between."
I bowed my head down. "Well, Akashi did say that he loves me... but I don't know what he thinks of our relationship. Neither did I."
"Oh, my God!" Yukari squealed. "He confessed?"
"Yeah, you could say that..." I gave them a shy smile.
"Okay, here's the main question," Eri said, making my attention snap to her. I know she's trying her best to keep the sanity of her fangirl side. "Do you love him?"
I smiled, looked away and bit my lower with a blush. And they got their answer.
Yukari and Eri both stood up, held hands-
"Guys, cover your ears." I warned the Uncrowned Kings and they gave me confused looks before doing so.
And they squealed. Yup, their fangirl mode is activated, folks.
"I ship Yurika and Akashi-kun forever!"
"Kyaaa~ KYAAA~!"
"What's with girls and their fangirl attacks?" Eikichi wondered aloud and I just smiled sympathetically at them. I pity our bleeding eardrums.
They stayed for another hour telling random stories and jokes. But the topic that really hooked me the most was the fact that Katou-kun confronted Akashi and asked what black magic he used to make me fall in love with him. I can't blame him though, it took his all to make me say yes to going out with him but he failed.
And Akashi got mad and... let's just say that Katou-kun won't be included in this story anymore and won't even breathe the same air as Akashi breathes.
Hayase keeps on flirting with him and it triggered my Yandere side. I'm just kidding, it just irritated me a bit. But I will do nothing about it. I know that Akashi won't entertain her and he's not a tad bit interested. I trust him as much as I love him.
"Hey, Yu-chan, you'll come to school tomorrow, right? Right?" Kotaro asked me, his face inching closer with each word and eyes sparkling with excitement.
Reo pushed his face away. "Don't get too close to her, it's creepy."
I giggled. "Of course, I missed a lot of lessons already."
"Don't worry about that Yurika, I'm sure Akashi-kun would be glad to lend you his notes~" Eri sang and I glared at the duo with identical smirks on their faces.
"We'll see you tomorrow~" Yukari sang and walked away.
"Thank you for coming." I smiled and gave them a wave.
Eikichi and Kotaro just waited by the gate because Reo wanted some time alone with me. "You have great friends, Yuri-chan."
I smiled. "Thanks. I'm not joking when I said they're nuts though."
Reo chuckled. "Sei-chan is so lucky," He muttered and looked at the sky from the doorway. I did the same. "He has you."
"I'm sure you'll find yours someday," I patted his back and laughed then sighed. "You know, I was really surprised when he said that he loved me. He once told me that he has no intention of loving me back..."
Reo glanced at me and it was his turn to pat me on the back. "Love... what a powerful word. It defeated the emperor."
"No, I don't. Hate is such a strong word."
"Stronger than hate," I mumbled.
"Oh, I almost forgot," Reo turned to me with a smile. "Sei-chan said don't play in the rain again because you have such low immune system." He prepared to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow, Yuri-chan. Ciao." He said with a wink then went to his teammates.
I laughed and nodded. I waved at them goodbye. They waved back. "Thank you for coming, guys!"
I closed the door and leaned my back against it and sighed. I never thought that this day could end this way, I'd expected that it would end dull and boring. But nonetheless, it ended just fine.
After dinner alone, I went back to the music room not to play music but to relax. I went to the balcony and sat on the wide railings, staring at the dark sky full of stars.
"Yurika..." I mumbled just as I found the biggest star he named after me.
Are you looking at that star right now, Akashi?
As if on cue, my phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out, reading a new text message from him.
"Are you looking at the stars right now?"
I smiled and replied.
I wish i could dedicate this book to all of you! But I'm updating with my phone and connection is lost. I'm just connecting with the neighbor lol XD forgive me, neighbor. ;3
Thank you so much for the feedbacks! It makes me so happy~!
Feel free to vote/comment or anything! Let me know your thoughts in this story! :D
Bye guys! :D
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