Chapter 5 - Sane
Timeskip to after school because why the hell not?
Eren's POV
Eren pulled out his phone, looking at the Internet while walking home. His shoes tapped against the sidewalk as he leisurely sauntered home. Suddenly..
"Hey! Eren! Please, can you slow down for a moment?!"
God, it was her? (Y/N)?
"Do you need something?" He turned around, rolling his eyes and stopping. He was still a bit pissed with her.
She sighed in relief, seemingly calmed knowing he had cooled down from his outburst earlier. She jogged up to him, smiling with a twinge of guilt in her eyes.
"I.. wanted to say sorry." She shrugged her shoulders.
It irked him slightly. "Well, I was just overreacting. I.. I guess I'm sorry too, then." He gripped at his elbow.
"Oh, thank god! I didn't want to make you mad or anything." She gave a thumbs up before walking off in the opposite direction.
Ooookaaaaay theeeeeeen.
He shrugged, walking back to his home. She ran off, presumably towards her own house.
(Back to 2nd person)
Also timeskip forward to when they're better friends because fuck you I'm lazy
"Oh, definitely.. I think that the homework's pretty unfair, too." You nodded in agreement to Armin's exclamation.
Having finally gotten acquainted with your friend's.. friends, you knew them all by name.
Sasha (foodie), Connie (dumbass), Marco (Jesus), Jean (hopeless romantic), Christa (innocence), Ymir (Christa's whiteknight), Eren (needs a serious chill pill sometimes), Armin (bookworm), and Mikasa (Overprotective of Eren). That really made you feel good, knowing your friends that well. You especially enjoyed the company of.. all of them! You just couldn't fuckin' choose which was the best!
Okay, maybe Eren. KINDA.
His smile was pretty cool.
You went back home, looking forward to being able to talk to your boyfriend. He was long-distance, and you never really got to see his face. He was one of the only things that could make you smile any day. You did have your quarrels every now and then, but otherwise you seemed like your average lovey-dovey couple. He introduced himself as Steven. It was a nice name, in your opinion. Sounded pretty epic. Like your knight in shining armor- OH HELL, WHATEVER. YOU GUYS WERE REALLY INTO EACH OTHER, AS A 16-YEAR OLD (Y/N) WOULD DO.
Meanwhile, you had also decided to start a group text chat with your newfound friends. Well.. it was.. more of joining a group text chat that already existed. Whatever, it made you feel better! Shut up, reader behind the screen! (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I BROKE THE FOURTH WALL-)
You reached home, stepping in. "Mom?"
"Hey there, kiddo. Welcome back." Your mother came in and ruffled your hair.
"Moooooom! I had a thing going on there... dammit." You rolled your eyes, shrugging your backpack off your shoulders and placing it by the door.
"I'll do my homework later. For now, I'll be talking to Steven!" You announced, going to your room and gently closing the door, phone in hand. Immediately you ran to the bed, jumping onto it and burying your face in it. You did it almost every day. You received a text from both the group chat and Steven. But before that, you named all of your friends accordingly for amusement. You snickered.
💗Steven A💗 (As you had named him in your contacts list)
Hey babe! You doing alright?
Guys guys guys! Do you think you got full marks for the test yesterday?
(Why am I making (Y/N) have a strange obsession with emojis..? Meh, oh well. Who doesn't these days?)
You decided to respond to Steven first, because.. obviously. Priorities.
(Y/N) (L/N)
Hi there Steven.. I'm doing fine, just a bit of trouble with papers at school today! 😅
💗Steven A💗
Aww, that sucks. But you're smart, you'll make your way through this 💝
You smiled at your loving boyfriend's comment. He made you feel happy inside.
💢"Raise Rage" Jaeger💢
im not sure.. some questions were p bad
Your friends continued to talk as time went on, with the sun hanging low in the sky, you switching in between them constantly to maintain conversations with both your friends and your partner.
💗Steven A💗
...Babe, I think we need to talk.
(Y/N) (L/N)
You became both interested and concerned. You were his star, and he was your moon. You cared very deeply about each other. What could be wrong now?
💗Steven A💗
Something very important. Listen. I always want the best for you, but.. lately, I've been in love with someone else. I'm sorry.
(Y/N) (L/N)
Wait but why? I was gonna come try to meet you.. I've been saving up. (He lived across the country from you)
💗Steven A💗
Well, it's not as much of a love for someone else as much as it is an affair.
You paused, reading the text over and over again. You felt your soul fade. H-He couldn't have been cheating on you. COuld he?
(Y/N) (L/N)
Does this mean you've been cheating on me, love?
💗Steven A💗
Yes. If you know what's best for you, then delete the conversation and never talk to me again. It'll hurt you less - It hurts just as much as it does for you as it does for me.
You immediately deleted his number and contact, practically throwing the phone across the room. You curled up into a ball on the bed, sobbing hysterically. You never even noticed you had been crying the entire time, with tears traveling freely down your cheeks; as if waterfalls had began to pour from your eyes, making a wet spot on the pillow you had been laying your head on.
Lmao she's gone
📖Double A📖
She just disappeared XD
💢"Raise Rage" Jaeger💢
Robin are you there?
You were his star.
Now you simply felt like this star had died.
📞 Missed Call (2)
💢"Raise Rage" Jaeger💢
Your phone buzzed again. Finally, you got up and grabbed your phone, answering while silently crying.
"Robin?" His stern voice came from over the other side of the line. "Something wrong?"
You just softly sobbed.
"Robin..?" His voice softened at the sound of your sobs escaping from your lips, unable to be suppressed any longer. You emmitted an almost inaudible wail. "Robin, please answer me-"
"Please just let me listen to your voice.." You whispered.
"God, it's funny thinking how this is the only thing keeping me sane."
You laughed dryly. It was a laugh, but it had no meaning behind it. No purpose.
"Are you okay?"
You stared at the floor.
"Y-Your voice kind of reminds me of my ex, you know?
What I always thought he'd sound like."
"Wh.. what?"
Hahaha this story has a plot but it's straying ^_^;
Hope you liked this chapter :)
See you all later!
-Your slightly trustworthy author ( '-')=b
Edit: Jesus Christ this story took a dark turn
Intentional, but holy fuck one minute she's making new friends and another she's bawling her eyes out well diddly dang darn I'm sorry guys (this is written really badly BUT I PROMISE IT HAS A PLOT KINDA '^';)
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