The Rebel and the Mansion
They said don't ever go to that old mansion. No one ever have a concrete reason why, it was one of those things about her villiage, that was done without question.
The mansion at the outskirts of the town is haunted, most people would say, but none had ever dared to go confirm it, so how did anybody know in the first place?
At times she would walk pass the mansion after school and find herself starting longingly at it. Why? she had no idea. But she had always been the rebellious kid, the one with the taste for adventures.
The more stories the people made up about the house, the more she desired to go in. She would return and laugh at them for being silly. If she pulled it off, she will become the only one in the villiage with courage. Sure, it would be a fun thing to brag about in the years to come.
Her mind made up, she hatched her plan. She couldn't go in the day, or she risked someone seeing her and trying to stop her. Plus, going in the night would be the braver move.
She waited till she heard snores form her parents room then sillped out through the window. She made sure she had her phone with her; what use was there in going on such huge adventure, if she wouldn't have pictures to back up her tale.
She made her way to the old mansion, hesistaing at the gate. She stared at the house looking above her and shook her head. She overestimated her courage, the house did look scary at night.
It was a story building that must have been beautiful ince upon a time, but we're now overgrown with vegetations. The house looking like it could barely support itself.
The wind brushed past her sounding like a silent whisper and she found herself considering if going back was such a bad idea.
She shook her head, it was too late to turn back now. Time to show those superstitious villagers that they were all wrong.
With that she pushed the old gate open, using all her might. She began to make her way in, using the flashlight form her phone as a guide. She wasn't really thinking back then, if not she would have wondered why a path to the front door existed when no one had used it since like forever.
Her heart thumping in her ears, she pushed open the door, and was surprised at how easily it gave way, without any resistant. She stepped in, and launched into a coughing fit, irritated by the dust that greeted her.
She raised her phone and took a few pictures. The was exactly as she had imagined it, dust, debris, and damaged funitures.
Her eyes rivted to the wooden staircase wondering if would be wise to go upstairs. She shook her head, no one had used the house in years, who knows the condition they are in.
The more she stood in the doorway, the more her ciuraged return until fear became a distant emotion. After a while she began to walk in.
It was as silent as a graveyard inside, the only sound being the tapping of her feet against the wooden floor. When arrived at what seemed to he the sitting room had to hold her breath, as an awful stench invaded her nostrils.
Ignoring the smell, she beagan to take new pictures. The sitting room was huge, she began to inagine a family sitting in the couches, gossiping, drinking coffee or whatever.
A lot of stories had been spreading about the house, but the most popular one was that it was occupied by a family of five, who was mudered by a trusted one. The stories claimed the ghosts of the family still laid trapped in the mansion, and time had turned them into viscious killers.
She chuckled, "Ghosts my foot."
She headed to the dinning area, using her hands to clear the cobwebs in her way. She started another round of photo taking there. She raised up her phone took some selfies, smilling into the camera. She couldn't wait to show everyone the pictures.
Deciding to check the pictures, she opened her gallery, and began scrolling through them. It didn't take long before she noticed it. There was a shadow like figure in every pictures. The figure was dark, so it almost merged into the background.
Her heart thumped in her chest as she raised her head from her phone. Using the flashlight, she began to scan the house, but no figure was there. She shook her head, there is nothing in the picture, she was just imagining things.
Imaginations or not, staying in the house one more minute no long sound alluring. So she started heading back to the door, her pace faster than normal.
She almost did a happy dance as she got close to the door, though she wondered why the door was close. She was sure she left it open.
Whatever, she just needed to go back to the comforts of her bed. Her hand streched towards the door knob, but then a chilling breeze brushed past her, freezing her. It was like the last time, it sounded like a whisper.
The need to leave the house mutiplied ten fold, but when she turned the knob, nothing happened. She tried again and again but the door would not budge.
"Calm down," she told herself, as true panic behanyto seep through her defenses. The house was old, a gust of wind must have blew the door shut and it must have bolted it. Of course, that would be it, the alternative was too terrifying to think about.
Using the torch she began to look around, not sure what she was looking for. Her eyes made contact with the window and she headed in that direction. She found it was only covered in glass. She could break it and leave the mansion through there.
She rubbed her hands against the glass but jerked it back, as it brought some sought if senstion running down her palm. She shook her head, telling herself to stop being paranoid, but her b atibg heart and shaking limbs could not be brought under control. For a moment, it felt like the mansion was alive, like it was talking to her. She shook her head, she had to get out of there, fast.
She used her flashlight and resumed scanning the building, looking for something to break the window with. The chilling wind came again, creating goosebumps all over her skin.
"God, help me," she whispered.
She saw a metal rod on the floor a few feet away from her and she headed towards it, hoping that break the window it.
She had walked only a few steps, when a howling sound invaded her ears. She turned her flashlight towards the sound, but didn't see a thing, as she found herself lying on her back in the next moment.
She jumped back to her feet, trying to tell herself she must have tripped, but she couldn't deny it anylonger; something had pushed her. The villagers were right, the house was haunted.
With the acceptance, came a crippling feeling, never had she been so scared.
It was at that moment she realized the building was cast into darkness. She must have lost her phone when she fell down. She knelt down and began searching for it but didn't find it.
Deciding to do without the phone, she took the remaining dew steps and grabbed the metal rod.
She ran back to the window and began hitting it, creating a crack that deepened with each strike.
Just a little more. A few more strikes and she would be home. She swore to herself to live like expected from that moment on. No more rebelling or trying to Snoop into what wasn't her concern.
Her hands frized midstrike as the howling sound returned. Then she resumed breaking the window with more bigor than before. The tears she had been holding back streaming down her face.
"Just a little more," she kept telling herself. The window on the verge of shattering.
The howling got even louder but it wasn't it that froze her. The howling had been joined by the sound of crawling and walking feet. And the sound seemed to be getting closer and closer.
"No, no, no," she screamed, still hitting the window. She stopped, once she realized the building was quiet again. Not even the sound of crawling could be heard. She wasn't sure it was really a good thing.
She then heard a something like a whisper, and she began to feel some sort of presence standing behind her.
Gathering the remainder of her wits, she turned around, the Ros pointed before her.
The sounds of her scream echoed through the town, waking many from their sleep.
The village never knew what happened to the young Mark's daughter, but rumor has it, her body lay within the mansion, and her spirit trapped within those walls.
But no one was ever rebellious enough to go and find out.
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