Mistress of Death
Thanos- Mistress of Death.
Death- Thanos. You have arrived at last.
Thanos- I hope you are pleased with my offering.
Death- Why half, Thanos? If you wished, you could have offered the entire universe to me. I am not insulted, but perplexed at this show of half-hearted love.
Thanos- I did it not just for you, death. I did for all life in the universe. The population has been kept in check, everything is balanced and my life's labor is there for all to see.
Death- You say you balanced the universe?
Thanos- Yes.
Death- How?
Thanos- My execution was completely indiscriminate and random.
Death- That doesn't mean it is balanced. Take for example, the number of old and young souls in the universe. The old ones have nothing more to give or take, the young ones have barely begun their transactions with the world. Yet you have killed them both in equal measure.
Thanos- But an unbiased, random execution creates balance!
Death- That was already there. You have disturbed nature's order which was already perfect. The Titans perished because they were unwieldy beings not destined to live.
Thanos- Death, you are insulting my fallen brethren.
Death- Which doesn't address the point. You hide behind you theories of balance, when all you want is to become a God. You wish to believe that you are the savior of the universe, when it doesn't care a trifle for the likes of peasants like you. Your flimsy justifications for mortal glory disgusts me.
Thanos- So you too think me mad, like all others. You don't understand me either. But do you not accept my love?
Death- If you did it for love, I would have been pleased. But you pursued glory and power beyond what was given to you. Well, there it is, the universe is out there to receive you. Go and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Thanos- Oh dearest Death, tell me what can I do to prove my love to you?
Death- First, take off your battle armor.
Thanos- Certainly, I will leave it in my ship.
Thanos has taken off his battle armor in his ship. He is now dressed in a white laborer's garb, though he still wears the gauntlet and his leg armor.
Thanos- I have done as you asked, Mistress of Death.
Death- Good. Now take off your gauntlet.
Thanos- Why do you ask for that, Death?
Death- Would you not do it, then?
Thanos- You will destroy the entire universe. I cannot let you ruin the beautiful symphony of life in balance throughout the cosmos. To do so will truly make me a mad titan.
Death- Love can only be between equals, Thanos
Thanos- I sacrificed my daughter for this!
Death- I will not be a willing slave! No being should possess power like this. And even if you do agree to take me as an equal, there will always be doubt that I travel with a peasant due to his cosmic trinket. It is a matter of my honor.
Thanos- So you abandon me too, Death.
Death- Yes, Thanos. You cling to your power, and I to my honor. Should you change your mind, you know that I am always here.
Thanos- So be it. I will keep your memory as a treasure to help me survive in this now dark, desolate universe.
Death- And I yours, my poor, long-suffering lover. Farewell, wielder of infinite power.
Thanos- Farewell, the most honorable, pure goddess ever to be.
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