'Dis is da kiddos No. 9
Since this spring I have been mightily enjoying the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic and am doing this character tag for my characters from the game. Joining us today are (in order of their creation)
Smuggler Captain Vozhaav
Jedi Knight Hundoda Dogoto
Bounty Hunter Ivrenun Seskirro
and Sith Warrior Thebiri Baccuro
(I realized after my latest character Thebiri that all the names save Vozhaav are three syllable three syllable what can I say I guess it just has a ring to it)
ANYWHO the tag :)
Where were you three hours ago?
Vozhaav: Uhh probs chillin with my crew
Hundoda: What do you mean "probs"? Can you not keep track?
Vozhaav: It's been a slow period broham what were you doing three hours ago?
Hundoda: Serving the Republic, as always ✊
Ivrenun: 🙄 I was doing some Alderaanian noble's work for them
Thebiri: I was en route to Alderaan, is it nice?
Ivrenun: Scenery? Yes. People? 🤢
Thebiri: 😕
Who are you in love with?
Ivrenun: *clenches fist* The Hunt
Hundoda: *clenches fist harder* The Republic
Vozhaav: Didn't you uh, commit some war crimes?
Hundoda: Yeah, for the Republic
Vozhaav: .... ooookayy well, I'm not really in love with anyone, I flirt, I have fun, we go our separate ways.
Thebiri: I am not capable of love
Vozhaav: bruh
Hundoda: A Jedi cannot form attachments and so I cannot be in love
*Kira in the background*: Remember how we were dating for a while? Haha good times!
Hundoda: 😳😓
Have you ever eaten a crayon?
Ivrenun: It was ONE TIME and it was for a dare
Vozhaav: I contented myself with the smell
Thebiri: That would be stupid
Hundoda: Yes it would
Vozhaav: I mean duh it's stupid but have you eaten one?
Thebiri: ...... mmmmaybe
Hundoda: No!
Are you hot?
Hundoda: These robes can get a little stuffy
Vozhaav: It's what's under the robes that counts 😉
*Kira in the background* Yes he's hot
Hundoda: Aw thanks babe—I MEAN PAL WE'RE JUST PALS NOW
Thebiri: I mean, the dark side of the force always make my blood run hot with passion but I get looks of fear and arousal when I threaten people so yeah I'd say I'm hot
Vozhaav: I think I'm pretty good ;)
Ivrenun: Uhh, Mako am I hot?
*Mako in the background* I'd know better if you'd take your freaking helmet off more
*Torian next to her* I mean he's not ugly
*Gault* He would be more appealing if he wasn't so scary all the time
Ivrenun: thanks guys
Favorite animal?
Ivrenun: Tauntauns. I wanted one so bad when we were on Hoth but couldn't find one to tame 😔
Vozhaav: I have spent many an hour in alleyways pspspspsing tookas
Hundoda: I like nexus
Thebiri: The big scary cats with way too many teeth?
Hundoda: Yup
Thebiri: Fair enough. I like kath hounds
Dream vacation?
Hundoda: A corner of Tython that's not crawling with Flesh Raiders
Thebiri: Onderon jungles sound exciting to explore
Vozhaav: I have some noble friends on Alderaan I'd like to bum a few weeks of luxury off of
Ivrenun: Every time I try to take a break it ends badly so I think movie night with my crew is as good a vacation as any
Vozhaav: But what's your dream vacation?
Ivrenun: Hmmm somewhere where I could get some peace and quiet
Favorite color?
Thebiri: The red and yellow of my lightsabers
Hundoda; Dark green
Vozhaav: I can never choose just one, right now it's light coral
Ivrenun: Uhh blue and gold stand for reliability and vengeance in Mandalorian armor colors and those are two attributes I stand by
Vozhaav: Vengeance? Who hurt you?
Ivrenun: You're asking the bounty hunter? But the Jedi. The Jedi hurt me
Hundoda: You can't blame a whole order on Master Jarro's overzealousness
Vozhaav: I did NOT COME HERE FOR FORCE NONSENSE YA'LL SIDDOWN next question please
*collective huffs*
Do you have any plans for tonight?
Ivrenun: Movie night but it's Torian's turn to choose and don't tell him I said this but he has the worst taste in movies
Thebiri: Who has the best taste in movies?
Ivrenun; Surprisingly, Gault
Hundoda: Kira has the best taste in movies in my crew, she has an artistic eye for those kinds of things
Vozhaav: I gotta ask, do you regret breaking up with her?
Hundoda: I.... It's not for a Jedi to have attachments!
Ivrenun: But it is for a Jedi to get awfully close with like The Second Worst Sith Lord and try to get his approval?
Hundoda: Lord Scourge is wise and experienced! Why shouldn't I try to expand my knowledge? Besides you're offending Thebiri
Thebiri: Nah he's got a point, it's pretty suspicious how close you've been keeping with the dark side, Jedi
Hundoda: Anyway I have plans tonight with T7
Ivrenun: You're hanging out with your droid? For fun?
Hundoda: T7 and I are working on a project
Thebiri: I'm doing a face mask and an audiobook
Vozhaav: I have ship maintenance to do
We're you an honor roll student at school?
Vozhaav: How do you think I got all my smarts for smuggling?
Thebiri: Of course, I trampled many a classmate to stay on top
Hundoda: My talents and strong connection to the Force kept me top of my class at the temple
Ivrenun: ... I dropped out
Vozhaav: Don't you have to be smart to be a bounty hunter?
Ivrenun: Street smart, not book smart, school was only holding me back!
What do you want to know about your future?
Vozhaav: Am I the best smuggler in history yet?
Hundoda: Is the Republic still safe?
Thebiri: Has Lord Baras choked on his own spit yet?
Ivrenun: Will Mandalore ever tell me he's proud of me?
Vozhaav: Dude
Ivrenun: Did I say that out loud? I mean will I still be the best bounty hunter in the galaxy years down the line?
This was pretty fun ^-^ Idk who of my readership will appreciate it but I will say it's interesting playing video game characters where the story has to go in a certain direction when I'm used to making everything up myself. Writing them outside of the game almost has a fanfiction feel to it in that I try to keep them to the established character, but it's a character I established, but I only had so many options in how to characterize them and it's been interesting and fun. :)
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