During the day the sky began to darken, it's autumn chill picked up and winter briskfully stormed in. Emily stopped what she was doing and looked up as a winter wind danced around her.
"It shall snow soon. " She said quietly to herself.
Around her, no one seemed bothered by the new season approaching. The men were busily building homes, women were huddled around the stream as they washed clothes while children were staying close to the village as they had been told.
Emily's eyes veered off into the woods. Longing filled her and it drew her close. Leaving the safely of the village center she crept off into the woods. The words of Thomas Grant rang out only once but they were of little value compared to what she desired to do. She glanced back once she was thick within the treeline to see if her absence had been noticed. No eyes followed her so she continued on. It was not a long walk to her destination and as her heart rate picked up she raced on, picking up her long skirts so as not to fall. In the process, her bonnet flew off and hung down her back, her golden brown hair flew wildly behind her.
Her eyes began to moisten as she arrived at the spot. Kneeling down, her fingers reached out and felt the chilly and rough stones. Her hand lowered and found itself on the cold dying grass. Beneath the stones lay her mother's body.
Emily's eyes locked on the sight and her mind traveled back to that horrible day. The day after the Mayflower had landed.
"We are gathered here to honor a good and nobel woman. A beloved wife and mother. Her memories live on and she will always be in our hearts."
Emily had missed the sorrow in the minister's voice and had only heard stiff meaningless words. She had sat beside the freshly dug grave, her fingernails clung to the earth and her tear streaked face was unbearable to look upon.
"Mother, I need you. Why did you leave?" She had said the words over and over mixed with frustration and anger.
Emily had been the last to leave, Mrs. Mary Smith had had to release Emily's nails from the ground and made her stand up. As they walked away her new caretaker had spoke kindly,
"My dear, I aplogize but it has been hours since and you must get rest."
The wind blew Emily's hair and she was brought back to the present. Since then she had not had many an opportunity to visit her mother's grave.
"Mother I wish-"
She stopped as she had no more words to say. No wish- no matter how fervently was pleaded- would do any good.
"I love you and I miss you." She said as her voice began to break.
"Why- why did we ever come here? I am all alone and- I feel such pain. I'm always so cold mother, why am I always so cold?"
The grave did not reply and Emily did not expect it too. She took a breath and made herself smile as though her mother was before her.
"It is going to snow soon, the sky is that dull gray color you like and it smells of Christmas."
The words, the memories were too much. Her fake smile failed and she collapsed to the ground and wailed.
It was Mr. Smith who had found Emily an hour later once her presence had been missed. The snow had begun to fall and a light dusting had blanketed the ground. Mr. Smith took in the scene of the girl asleep over her mother's grave, his heart crumpled and he could say no ill words against her. He too had cried himself to sleep many a time after his own loss. He walked towards Emily, gently picked her up into his arms and carried her home, leaving a trail snowy footprints as he went.
I'm not sure how, but writing about the funeral completely slipped my mind. It was really sad to write but I really enjoyed this chapter and it shed a nicer side of Mr. Smith. Please comment your thoughts.
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