I'm standing near my death when one hand catches my waist and pulled me to the ground.
I looked at the face of the person.
"Pourquoi une belle dame comme vous voulez mourir?" He talked to me in a language which I can't understand.
Reading my face he understood and talked to me in English.
"Why a beautiful lady like you wanted to die? " he asked me.
"The one who is the love of my life, my husband, broke my heart by cheating me. Do you want any other reason? " I asked him.
He gave me a hand and lifted me up.
"Did you see him cheat you? " he asked.
"Yes! " I nearly shouted. Im at the top of my anger.
"Did you asked him about that? " he asked me.
"No" I said. "But i saw everything! He was kissing some other lady willingly. He hugged her.. I feel like I want to die!!! " I already started crying, he tried his best to make me stop crying but in vain.
"Beautiful lady, there is a solution for every problem. Dying is not the solution. Go to your husband. Demand an explanation. Slap him. Punch him. Do whatever you want but don't ever think about sucide" he told me.
" Thank you sir, before a minute I was like... If you werent here I would be dead already. Thanks for saving me. The one who betrayed me doesnt deserve my life" I said as stood up.
"Time to go back to room" I said stood up.
We said our goodbyes and I returned to our room. Room which Ani booked for us here.
Saying his name even inside my mind is killing me. I shouldn't have believed him. Wait Y/N! You cant just make up your mind that he cheats you. What if he might have an reasonable answer.?
Well... Kissing a girl in lips while hugged her so tightly in our honeymoon might have an reason?
Let's see if he openes up anything.
I highly doubt.
I opened the front door of our suite. Anirudh is sitting on the couch with his face sinked on his palms. As soon as he heard the door closing he ran towards me and hugged me tightly. Guilty much ?
"Where were you been ? I was worried about you? " he asked.
"Ani... What happened after I blacked out? " I asked him.
Though I hate to talk to him. I have to know his side of truth.
"Baby I quickly lifted you and carried you to our room. I was about to call doctor but luckily an old lady residing beside us is a doctor. So I left you in her room and waited here. But when I checked you, you was not there. Where were you? " he clearly just hid about that lady.
" I'm tired" I said as I went to bed.
" Baby, I ordered you dinner. Eat something and then sleep ma" He said. Is he really care about me or is it just acting?
I ignored his 'caring' part and just lied on my bed covering me with sheets.
Ani lied beside me. Even though my eyes are closed, I could sense him staring at me. That made me uncomfortable. I opened my yes to see him stare at me.
As soon as he saw me looking at him he hugged me tightly and kissed my shoulder.
I feel disgusted. He kissed ne with thise lips that were kissing an unknown girl 20 minutes ago.
I jerked off him and turned the other side and closed my eyes.
Why did he do this to me?
"Why did you do this to me? " I asked him still facing the other side.
"Did what baby? " he asked as if he didn't done anything.
" You really like that girl very much Ani, don't you? The way tou kissed her and hugged her tightly and never let go of her shows it all. " I said still not wanting to look at his face.
But i got up from bed cause i do not feel sleeping in the same bed with him.
He quickly grabbed me which made me fall on his lap. I quickly got up. This timw he got up and he touched my shoulders.
"Baby its not what you think" he aid calmly.
"THATS WHAT ALL THE CHEATERS SAY" I screamed t the top of my lungs which made Ani close my mouth.
"After all Atharva was right" I said.. More to myself.
"I know that bastard was a part if it" he said.
He closed my mouth again and hugged me tightly. I tried to push him but i cant. His grip is too strong.
"Baby im sorry but i didnt mean to do this. I never cheat on you" he said. I pushed him slaooed him hard on his cheek. He stayed still.
"Slap me baby, hit me all you want. But don't ever leave me. I can explain all of this. " he said.
I looked at him silently, he took that as yes and started to speak
"I was paired to a girl named Nisha. when I saw Atharva paired to you, I was too shocked.
When you fainted, he dissapered and I and Nisha took you to our room. We left you to the old lady and waited in our room.... Then Nisha started to talk about things... That she love me way before i started to love you and she said so many sad things about her life and... I dont know how to convince her... She started crying, hugging me. I tried ti get me off from her but i honestly don't know when the kiss started. Honey, this is the truth. Im so sorry baby"
His explanation made me more angry.
"Ani, will you forgive me if I TOLD THIS TO YOU? " I shouted at him as i started to cry.
"And there was no old lady Doctor. There as Atharva only" i shouted.
" youre lying Ani. I never thought you would do this to me" i cried so much that i could feel myself my eyes puffing up.
" baby please forgive me I promise you this won't happen again. I promise you i wont be meeting her again. He aid as he hugged ne tighly and placed kisses on my face.
I didnt said anything. I just wanted to sleep.
I wish to restart today. No dance. No Atharva. No Nisha. Wait! Is Nisha is a plan of Atharva?
Nikki as Nisha (pic above)
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