Your most embarrassing moment
In this chapter you are different ages. I will put what age you are for each character
~ Megatron ~
(You are about thirteen)
Now that you were getting a little older you discovered that you were starting to have sudden urges. You would always take care of those 'urges' on your own after locking yourself in your berthroom. Unfortunately the walls of the housing unit you lived in weren't as sound proof as you thought.
"Y/C/n, there is something that we need to talk about." Megatron said one evening while having dinner.
"Look, if it's about that mech I punched it was because I was defending myself." You said, not wanting to be in trouble.
"No, it isn't that. I'm proud of you for defending yourself. You're getting older now… And I know that you've been taking care of certain… Urges you have… But you need to be quieter." Megatron said awkwardly.
"O-oh… Sorry sire." You said, blushing heavily.
~ Starscream ~
(You are about five)
One night after you and your sire went to recharge you were a little hungry. You got off of your berth, snuck out of your berthroom and went to the kitchen. Earlier that day you and your sire made energon cookies, and right now you wanted some. You moved the stool to the counter with the cookie jar and you got on it. Before you knew it you were enjoying some sweet energon cookies.
You happily munched on a cookie, thinking that you were being sneaky. Unfortunately, Starscream heard you walking down the hallway past his berthroom. Right as you were about to grab another cookie the kitchen light turned on.
"What do you think you're doing?" Starscream asked you, crossing his arms over his chassis.
"Um… N-nothing sire…" You said bashfully.
"And why is your servo in the cookie jar?" Starscream asked, smirking.
"Nothing!" You said as you quickly took your servo out of the cookie jar and put the lid back on.
Starscream rolled his optics as you got off of the stool. He turned the kitchen light off before you both went back to your berthrooms. Once you were back in your berthroom it didn't take you very long to go back into recharge.
~ Soundwave ~
(You are about seven)
One day after your sire dropped you off for school you heard a few of the other younglings talking about some new mech. You didn't think much of it as you headed to class. However, you weren't watching where you were going and you accidentally bumped into the new mech.
"I'm so sorry!" You said, hurrying to class as fast as you could.
The mysterious new mech couldn't believe that you bumped into him. He wasn't mad, but he wondered who you were and why you weren't looking where you were walking.
~ Knockout ~
(You are about 11)
One day when you went to school you forgot your lunch. Knockout realized that you didn't have your lunch, so he decided to bring it to your school. When he arrived at the school you went to he walked to your classroom. Since the door was wide open he just walked in. You tried not to blush when you saw your sire talking to your teacher.
"Is there a problem?" Your teacher asked Knockout.
"Oh, no. It's just that N/n forgot her lunch." Knockout said, using your nickname.
The teacher understood and let Knockout give you your lunch. Knockout left the classroom and the school after he gave you your lunch and a quick hug. After he left, some of your classmates began snickering. You blushed heavily as you slouched in your seat.
~ Breakdown and Airachnid ~
(You are about thirteen)
One day while you were doing some homework in the living room you heard some strange sounds. You tried to ignore them, but they wouldn't stop. You decided to go see what was making the sounds. As you walked down the hallway you noticed the sounds were coming from your creator's berthroom, which was cracked open. Right when you opened the door Breakdown and Airachnid stopped what they were doing.
"Frag! I did not want to see that!" You yelled as you ran away.
Breakdown and Airachnid were shocked that you walked in on them 'doing it'. You ran to the backyard so that you could sit outside and clear your processor. From then on Breakdown and Airachnid would let you go to your friend's housing unit whenever they wanted to frag.
~ Dreadwing ~
(You are about nine)
One evening while your sire was in the washracks you found a strange bottle of pink liquid in a cupboard. It was about halfway full, but you didn't know what it was. Since your sire was busy you took the bottle out of the cupboard, opened it and took a quick sip.
"Yuck!" You said, not liking the pink liquid.
What you didn't know was that you had just tasted high grade energon. After you closed the bottle and put it back where it was you felt a little funny. You went to the living room and decided to have some fun. You started playing your favorite song full blast on a datapad and started singing. However, you were slurring the words and you were singing the song wrong.
"Y/C/n, what is the meaning of this?" Dreadwing asked you as he walked into the living room, having finished washing and drying himself.
"I d-rwank some pink stuff and now I feel happy!" You said, turning the song off.
Dreadwing silently cursed at himself for not hiding his bottle of high grade. He picked you up, carried you to your berthroom and had you go to recharge early. Then, he went to go hide his high grade so that you would never find it. However, he was never going to let you live this situation down.
~ Shockwave ~
(You are about eight)
"...And then I found out that butterflies go through metamorphosis." You said, finishing telling your best friend about how you used to think butterflies were made.
"Um… What's a butterfly?" Your friend asked you.
"It's a tiny fragile organic creature with beautiful wings." You told him/her.
"Kind of like a Seeker?" Your friend asked you curiously.
"No, nothing like a Seeker. They have six legs and two antennas." You said, trying to explain what a butterfly was.
"Earth is weird." Your friend said before he/she went back to drinking their energon.
~ Predaking ~
(You are about six)
While you were alone in the cave you, your sire and your uncles lived in you decided to watch something on the datapad. You decided to watch My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. You had accidentally stumbled across the series and liked it more than you wanted to admit. After watching a few episodes you didn't realize that your sire was watching you.
"Y/C/n, what are you watching?" Predaking asked you, hearing the intro playing on the datapad.
"S-sire! Um… I'm watching My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic." You said awkwardly.
"Carry on…" Predaking said, not knowing what else to say before he left.
~ 5t3v3 ~
(You are about twelve)
Today you and your sire were out shopping since you didn't have to go to school. Normally, you loved going shopping with your sire. But now that you were getting older you thought it was a little embarrassing. When you saw someone from your class you tried not to be seen.
"Hey Y/C/n, want to go to get some energon goodies?" Your sire asked you.
You blushed when you saw your classmate look your way and try to hold back their laughter. 5t3v3 was clueless of what was going on, so he didn't know why you were blushing. For the rest of the day you tried to avoid optic contact with anyone you knew.
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