Your first creation day
~ Megatron ~
It had been an entire year since Megatron had found you. He didn't know exactly when you came into the world, so he chose today as your creation day. He even made you an energon goodie cake. Everyone who was fond of you gave you some kind of present. Right now, you were in the bridge with your sire while wearing your tiara.
"Y/C/n, I have made something for you." Megatron said as he knelt down beside you and gave you a small box.
You took the lid off of the box and saw small energon goodies. You licked your derma as you looked at them. Megatron knew that he wouldn't be getting much sleep since you would have somewhat of a sugar rush.
"Tank you siwe." You said, a big smile on your faceplates.
"You are welcome, my princess." Megatron said, happy that you were having a good first creation day.
~ Starscream ~
"Happy creation day, Y/C/n." Your sire said as he brought an energon goodie cake into his berthroom.
It was officially your first creation day and Starscream wanted to make it special for you. Starscream cut the cake and gave you a piece. You happily ate it, tasting how sweet it was. Starscream pulled something he made out of his subspace.
"Here is a present for you." Starscream said as he held out a toy jet.
You finished your piece of cake before you looked at the toy. Starscream had modeled it to look like his alt mode. You took the toy jet and looked at it.
"Tank you siwe." You said before you started playing with your new toy.
Starscream smiled as he watched you pretend that the toy jet was flying while you made jet sounds. He was happy that you loved your new toy. Meanwhile, you started running around the room while still making jet sounds.
~ Soundwave ~
Since it was your first creation day Soundwave wanted to give you something. One day while he was out he found a giant (by human standards) stuffed animal. So when no one was looking he took it and brought it to the Nemesis. Right now, you both were in his berthroom.
"Y/C/n, I have something for you." Soundwave said as he walked towards you with a box while he was on an energon break.
"Wha is it?" You asked your sire curiously.
Soundwave knelt down in front of you and handed you the box. You opened the box and saw a stuffed toy in it. You carefully took the toy out of the box and gently hugged you.
"Tank you siwe!" You said happily, smiling up at your sire.
"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it." Soundwave said, smiling down at you.
~ Knockout ~
"Happy creation day Y/C/n!" Knockout said as he waltzed into the med bay while holding an energon goodie cake.
You looked at your sire and smiled when you saw the cake. It was your first creation day and Knockout wanted to make it extra special. He made an energon goodie cake and a present for you.
"Knockout, are you sure that she's old enough to eat that?" Breakdown asked his best friend.
"Of course she is." Knockout said as he put the cake on one of the counters.
"Yummy!" You said, pointing at the cake.
"Of course it is. But first, here's your present." Knockout said as he opened his subspace and pulled a box out.
You took the box when your sire gave it to you. You opened it and saw toy medical tools. Knockout wanted to make you a toy med kit since you were always wanting to play with the real ones.
"Tank you siwe!" You said happily.
"You're welcome. Now, who wants cake?" Knockout asked.
"I do! I do!" You said, excited to eat some cake.
~ Breakdown and Airachnid ~
Since it was your creation day Breakdown and Airachnid wanted to do something special. They both had their separate ideas of what they wanted to do for you. After a lot of talking they decided that a picnic dinner would be nice. Breakdown made everything while Airachnid kept you busy. Once it was evening Breakdown and Airachnid groundbridged to a forest with you.
"Happy creation day Y/C/n." Both Breakdown and Airachnid said as you looked at your surroundings.
You couldn't believe that you were finally outside. The three of you sat down and Breakdown opened the box he was holding.
"Oil cake!" You said happily.
"Yep, only the best for our little femme." Breakdown said as he started cutting the oil cake.
Airachnid knew that you would have a lot of energy after this, so she was prepared to stay up late. When Breakdown served the cake you decided to just shove your faceplates into it, making a mess.
~ Dreadwing ~
It was your first creation day and Dreadwing wasn't sure how to celebrate it with you. He got some advice from Knockout who helped him make some energon goodies. He also managed to find you a present. So during his energon break he took you to his berthroom.
"Happy creation day Y/C/n. I have two things for you." Dreadwing said as he gave you a big, red rubber ball and a small box of energon goodies.
"Tank you siwe." You said as you tackled your sire in a hug.
"You're welcome. I'm glad that you like them." Dreadwing said, smiling down at you.
~ Shockwave ~
It was your first creation day and Shockwave was busy. You sat on the lab floor, moping. What you didn't know was that he was busy making something for you. Shockwave knew that today was important, so he decided to make you a present.
"Y/C/n, I have made something for you." Shockwave said as he walked over to you with something.
"Wha those?" You asked your sire curiously when you saw a few strange objects in his servo.
"I made you some building blocks." Shockwave said, putting the metal blocks in front of you.
You looked at the blocks curiously before you put one on top of the other. You thought it was fun and you started stacking them. If Shockwave had an intake and derma he would've been smiling.
"Tank you siwe." You said as you got up and hugged him.
"You are welcome, Y/C/n. Happy creation day." Shockwave said, hugging you back as best as he could.
~ Predaking ~
Today was your first creation day and Predaking was determined to make it extra special. He had already (scared) a few Vehicons and Eradicons into doing a puppet show for you. Shockwave helped him make a present for you and Breakdown helped him make an energon goodie cake. Right now, he was giving you your present.
"Y/C/n, as an official princess I believe that it is time for you to have this." Predaking said as he held out a tiara with some F/g gems in it.
"Wow, tank you siwe!" You said as your optics widened in awe.
Predaking smiled as he carefully put the tiara on your helm. As expected, it was a perfect fit. You smiled as you carefully touched part of your new tiara.
"Are you ready for cake?" Predaking asked you.
"Yes!" You said as you followed your sire to the empty rec room where your cake was.
~ 5t3v3 ~
5t3v3 couldn't believe that it was actually your first creation day. About a month prior he decided to make a doll for you. He used various materials that he found. So today, he was going to give it to you. Since one of the other Vehicons was posing as him he wouldn't have to worry about being sent out on a mission.
"Happy creation day, Y/C/n. I made something for you." 5t3v3 said after breakfast.
"Wha?" You asked your sire curiously.
"I made you a doll." 5t3v3 said as he opened his subspace and pulled the doll out.
Your optics widened when you saw the doll. 5t3v3 crafted it to look like a femme. Since he had his mask off you were able to see the smile on his faceplates as you took the doll and carefully held her.
"Tank you siwe. She pwetty." You said, smiling up at him.
"I'm happy that you like her." 5t3v3 said, picking you up and hugging you.
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