They tell you something important
You are still six
~ Megatron ~
A few weeks passed and Megatron knew that he needed to tell you about Nightbird. Things between him and the mysterious, silent femme were getting more serious.
"Y/C/n, there is something that I need to tell you." Megatron said one evening after dinner.
"What did I do now?" You asked your sire, slightly nervous that you did something.
"You haven't done anything. Recently I have met a femme that has caught my attention. Her name is Nightbird." Megatron told you as calmly as possible.
"Oh…" Was all you said.
"You are always going to be my little princess, no matter what." Megatron said softly.
"Will I get to meet her?" You asked your sire curiously.
"If you want to, yes." Megatron said, thankful that you didn't throw a fit.
~ Starscream ~
As the days passed Starscream finally got Windblade's attention. It made him the happiest Seeker to finally have such an amazing femmefriend, even if she was an Autobot. All he had to do now was break the news to you.
"Y/C/n, do you remember Windblade?" Starscream asked you one afternoon while you both were at the Crystal Garden.
"Yes, I remember her." You said as you looked up at him.
"I have recently asked her to be my femmefriend, and she has accepted." Starscream went on.
"Will I get to meet her?" You asked your sire curiously.
"Yes, you will. I want you both to get to know each other." Starscream said as he smiled down at you.
~ Soundwave ~
About a month passed and Soundwave was still seeing Balewing. He knew that he needed to tell you, but he wasn't sure how. Thankfully, he didn't have to.
"Sire, why have you been hanging out with Balewing?" You asked your sire one day.
"How did you find out?" Soundwave asked you.
"I have my ways." You said slyly.
"I suppose that you did learn from the best. But to answer your question, Balewing and I are quite fond of each other. I would like to invite her over for dinner one night, if you're okay with that." Soundwave said, kneeling down so that he was closer to your height.
"Is she nice?" You asked your sire nervously.
"Yes, she is. Unless you're an Autobot." Soundwave replied.
"Okay. I guess I'm alright with that." You said, still slightly nervous to meet the femme.
~ Knockout ~
One morning while you and your sire were having breakfast he had something on his processor. When Knockout found out that Moonracer was still online he was happy. But ever since they found each other he realized that he loved her. He asked her to be his femmefriend and she accepted. But now he had to tell you.
"Y/C/n, do you remember Moonracer?" Knockout asked you after a while.
"Yes." You replied.
"Well, I asked her to be my femmefriend. She wants to meet you." Knockout told you.
"Oh… Can she come to dinner tonight?" You asked your sire curiously.
"I'll ask her today when I see her." Knockout said, glad that you weren't upset about him having a femmefriend.
~ Breakdown and Airachnid ~
When Airachnid found out that she was sparked, and she told Breakdown, they knew that they needed to tell you. They knew that they had to tell you as soon as they could. So one evening during dinner they waited for the right time.
"Y/C/n, your carrier and I have a surprise for you." Breakdown said nervously about halfway through dinner.
"What's the surprise?" You asked your sire in excitement.
"You're going to be a big sister." Airachnid told you.
Your spark nearly stopped as soon as your carrier said that. You didn't think that they were going to replace you. Both Breakdown and Airachnid looked at each other for a moment.
"W-what? You're replacing me?" You asked them as energon tears welled up in your optics.
"I wouldn't say replacing… More like adding one more member to our family." Breakdown said calmly.
"I thought you both loved me." You whimpered, trying your hardest not to cry but failing.
"Y/C/n, we would never replace you. You are always going to be our femling. Nor will we forget about you." Airachnid told you.
"D-do you promise?" You asked them quietly.
"We promise." Breakdown said softly as he and Airachnid smiled at you, intending on keeping their promise.
~ Dreadwing ~
A few months after Dreadwing met Slipstream things got more serious between them. He enjoyed going on flights with her and sharing old war stories. Since she was now his femmefriend he knew that he needed to break the news to you.
"Y/C/n, have you ever wanted a carrier?" Dreadwing asked you one day while you both were out on a walk somewhere nice.
"Yes. All of my friends have a carrier, but I wasn't sure if I should ask you for one. I didn't want you to be sad if I did." You said, looking up at him.
"Y/C/n, for the past few months I've been seeing a Seeker femme named Slipstream. She is currently my femmefriend. Would you like to meet her?" Dreadwing asked you, looking down at you to make sure that you wouldn't freak out.
"Sure, I guess so." You replied.
Dreadwing smiled, thankful that you weren't upset. All he had to do now was ask Slipstream to come over. For the rest of the day you wondered what Slipstream was going to be like.
~ Shockwave ~
As time passed Shockwave's feelings for Retrofit grew. He asked her to be his femmefriend and she said yes. He wanted to tell you at some point, but he wasn't sure if you would take it well.
"Y/C/n, there is something important that I must tell you." Shockwave said one afternoon after he picked you up from school.
"What is it?" You asked your sire curiously.
"I have asked Retrofit to be my femmefriend." Shockwave told you.
"It's about time." You said, thankful that your sire finally had a femmefriend.
~ Predaking ~
Predaking was overjoyed when he finally impressed Ripclaw. Now that he had a femmefriend he was going to tell you.
"Y/C/n, there is something that I need to tell you." Predaking announced during dinner one evening.
"What is it, sire?" You asked him curiously.
"Ripclaw has finally become my femmefriend. I was wondering if you wanted to meet her." Predaking told you.
"I would love to meet her." You said, smiling up at your sire.
Predaking smiled back, happy that you wanted to meet the femme of his dreams. He made a mental note to invite her over at some point.
~ 5t3v3 ~
Every day 5t3v3 found himself falling more in love with Hoverbolt. She was actually really nice, for a femme Decepticon. He knew that he needed to tell you that she was now his femmefriend, but he had to wait for the right moment.
"Y/C/n, have you ever wanted a carrier before?" 5t3v3 asked you one night as you both were having dinner.
"Yes. Why?" You asked him curiously.
"Well, recently I met this femme named Hoverbolt and recently she became my femmefriend. I'm hoping that I can eventually ask her to be my sparkmate." 5t3v3 told you.
"Can I meet her?" You asked him.
"Yes, you can. She's actually coming over tomorrow night." 5t3v3 said awkwardly.
"Okay." You said, taking a sip of your energon.
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