They get you to smile for the first time
~ Megatron ~
Roughly a week or so after Megatron found you he started getting really busy. But right now he was making time to spend with you. Unfortunately, some of the Eradicons were messing around in the bridge.
"Will you all just do whatever you need to do and leave?! I am trying to spend time with my femling!" Megatron yelled angrily.
"Yes Sir!" One of the Eradicons said as he saluted Megatron.
As the Eradicons scrambled out of the bridge you smiled as they listened to your sire's order. Megatron noticed that you were smiling and was surprisingly happy. He would have to order his troops around more so that you would smile more.
~ Starscream ~
One afternoon while Starscream was visiting the Harbinger he was searching for something at one of the consoles while you were in a makeshift sparkling sling. You were a little bored, but you were also curious. Suddenly, Starscream accidentally clicked on a link that started playing an old Vossian sparkling's song. When you heard the song you couldn't help but smile.
"Oh, you like that do you?" Starscream asked you, seeing that you were smiling.
You looked up at your sire, a big smile on your derma. Starscream thought that your smile was the most adorable thing he had ever seen. He made a mental note to download old sparkling songs on one of his datapads so that he could play them for you.
~ Soundwave ~
While Soundwave was taking a break from work he sat on his berth while cradling you in his arms. He had just finished feeding you your bottle of low grade energon. Lazerbeak chirped happily as he flew around the room. You smiled as the bird-like minicon landed on your sire's helm.
"Do you like Lazerbeak, Y/C/n?" Soundwave asked, smiling down at you.
You looked up at your sire and reached for him. Since he had his visor off you could see his faceplates. Soundwave lifted you up a little and placed a kiss on your forehelm.
~ Knockout ~
One evening after Knockout locked up the med bay and took you to his berthroom he grabbed some old Cybertronian keys that he had been keeping since his time on Cybertron. The keys went to the old clinic he used to work at.
"See the keys, Y/C/n?" Knockout asked you as he dangled the keys above you, shaking them a little.
When you looked up and saw the shiny metal keys you smiled and reached up at them. Knockout had heard that human babies love keys, so he decided to try it with you. He was happy that it got you to smile. He couldn't help but think that you were the cutest sparkling he had ever met.
~ Breakdown and Airachnid ~
After Breakdown helped Knockout put things away in the med bay he went to his and Airachnid's shared berthroom. Before he left he got a bottle of low grade energon for you. When he placed his servo on the scanner and the door opened he wasn't expecting to see the sight in front of him. Airachnid was singing to you and she hadn't noticed him yet.
"The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout~ Down came the rain and washed the spider out~ Out came the sun that dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again~" Airachnid sang again, making you smile.
"Uh… Am I interrupting?" Breakdown asked, making himself known.
"Not at all, I was just getting Y/C/n to smile for the first time." Airachnid said as Breakdown walked into the berthroom.
When you saw your sire sit on the berth next to your carrier you smiled and reached for him. Airachnid gave you to Breakdown who put the bottle on the nightstand and held you.
~ Dreadwing ~
One day while Dreadwing was on the flight deck with you he wondered if you would ever smile. He had no doubt that you had already been through a lot even though you were a sparkling. He wished that the war could just end. When he felt a bird land on his helm he looked at you and saw that you were smiling.
"Do you find this humorous?" Dreadwing asked you, smiling down at you.
You only smiled more as the bird started pecking your sire's helm. You couldn't help it since your sire kept trying to look up at the bird.
~ Shockwave ~
One afternoon while Shockwave was working on something you wanted his attention. As you sat in the floating cradle he made you, you came up with a plan. When the time was right you made a loud whirring sound, startling your sire.
"Y/C/n, do not do that again." Shockwave scolded you, turning to face you.
You smiled innocently at your sire, pretending that you didn't do anything. Shockwave realized that you wanted attention, so he walked over and picked you up. You were happy that he was finally holding you.
~ Predaking ~
One morning when Predaking woke up he transformed and walked over to your crib. By now, everyone on the Nemesis knew that he was able to transform. As he looked at you he couldn't help but smile.
"Y/C/n, it is time for you to wake up." Predaking said softly as he carefully picked you up.
You woke up when you felt your sire carefully pick you up. When you were a little more awake you smiled up at your sire. Predaking couldn't believe that you were smiling. He gently hugged you, making sure to be careful not to hurt you.
"Come on, it's time to refuel." Predaking said as he went to go get a bottle of low grade energon for you and some regular energon for himself.
~ 5t3v3 ~
Recently, 5t3v3 had made some little toys for you to play with. One of them looking like a butterfly. So at the moment he was making it 'fly' around.
"Look at the pretty butterfly, Y/C/n. It's going to land on you." 5t3v3 cooed as he 'flew' the toy butterfly around.
You watched the butterfly as it 'flew' around you. When it 'landed' on you, you couldn't help but smile. You thought it was the coolest thing ever. 5t3v3 smiled behind his mask. He then started making the toy fly around again, making sure that you could see it.
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