A new member of the family
You are seven (except for Breakdown and Airachnid)
~ Megatron ~
As more time passed Megatron and Nightbird became even closer. When Megatron finally asked Nightbird to be his sparkmate she accepted. Now, you finally had a carrier. It was a little strange at first, but you got used to it. Right now, you were waiting for your creators to come pick you up from school.
"Y/C/n, let's go home." Megatron said as he and Nightbird walked towards you.
"I'm coming." You said cheerfully as you walked towards them.
On the way home you told your creators all about your day. When you showed them the picture of your family that you drew, Nightbird smiled behind her mask when she saw that she was in the picture. You had a little trouble drawing your sire's spiky shoulders, but it didn't show too much.
~ Starscream ~
When Windblade and your sire became sparkmates she moved into the palace. You were happy to finally have a carrier. Today was the human holiday 'Mother's Day' and you decided to make breakfast for your carrier. As you were making breakfast you accidentally spilled some of the energon on the counter and floor, but you were going to clean it up later. Once everything was on a tray you took it to your creator's berthroom.
"Happy Mother's Day, carrier." You said as you walked into their berthroom and saw that both your sire and carrier were awake.
"Aw, for me? Thank you, Y/C/n." Windblade said as you handed her the tray.
"You're welcome." You said with a big smile, climbing onto the berth.
Starscream smiled, happy to see that you loved your carrier. Windblade started having the breakfast that you prepared for her, even though it was a little messy. After all, it's the thought that counts.
~ Soundwave ~
Soundwave smiled as he hung a framed picture of your family, your entire family, on the wall. When he decided to have a family picture taken he wanted everyone, including Lazerbeak and Ravage Jr., to be in it. In the picture, he was holding servos with Balewing.
"It's crooked." You said as you looked at the picture that now hung on one of the walls.
"Is this better?" Soundwave asked as he adjusted the picture a little.
"Much better." Balewing said, kissing Soundwave on his left cheekplate.
~ Knockout ~
Today you were finally going to get your very first alt mode. Moonracer took you and Knockout to a place where you could choose an alt mode easily.
"Alright Y/C/n, just go through the alt modes before you find one you like." Moonracer said as she showed you how to work the holographic screen.
You stood in front of the screen and went through all the different alt modes. Most of them were of Cybertronian origin, but there were some from Earth. After a few moments, you finally found the perfect alt mode. You scanned the hologram and your armor shifted a little to accommodate your new alt mode.
"How do I look?" You asked your creators as you posed.
"That alt mode is perfect on you! But you could use a good buffing." Knockout said as he looked at your finish.
"Oh sire, you and buffing." You said, rolling your optics.
"Alright, enough about that. Let's go test your alt mode out." Moonracer said.
You cheered, happy that you could finally race. Knockout held Moonracer's servo as they followed you out of the parlor. You couldn't wait to start racing.
~ Breakdown and Airachnid ~
As you peered into the bassinet in the living room you looked at your little brother/sister. You still couldn't believe how tiny he/she was.
"Y/C/n, it's lunch time." Airachnid said from the kitchen.
You turned around and walked into the kitchen. Your optics widened when you saw that your carrier made your favorite lunch. You sat at the table and Airachnid joined you.
"Thanks." You said as you drank some of your energon.
"You're welcome. What do you think of your new brother/sister?" Airachnid asked you.
"He/she is tiny. I'm not sure what to think of him/her yet." You replied.
Airachnid smiled a little, hoping that you would eventually have a good enough bond with your sibling that you both would be close.
~ Dreadwing ~
After Dreadwing and Slipstream became sparkmates they decided that it was about time that you got your first alt mode. You chose something that you thought looked cool.
"Sire, what is flying like?" You asked your sire for the millionth time in your life.
"You will see soon enough." Dreadwing replied.
"You will love it. It makes you feel as though you're floating at first." Slipstream added on.
You smiled, barely containing your excitement. When the three of you got to the flight training place for young flyers you saw several younglings who seemed to be around your age.
~ Shockwave ~
Shockwave and Retrofit stood nearby as you worked on a project for your science class at school. You had the highest grades in the class and you wanted to keep it that way.
"Is there anything you need?" Retrofit asked you.
"Yes. Could you both please come hold this?" You asked as you held something up.
Both Shockwave and Retrofit came over and held what you needed to be held so that you could properly use your servos. They were proud that you were a smart femling.
~ Predaking ~
You crept out of your berthroom and over to your creator's berthroom so that you could wake them up. Today they were taking you to the most beautiful place on Cybertron to see an eclipse. Unlike humans, Cybertronians wouldn't go blind if they looked at an eclipse. You made sure that your Galax was fed before you left.
"Sire, carrier, it's time to wake up!" You said as you saw them recharging.
"Darling, your daughter wants you." Predaking said in Predacon language.
"She's our daughter. And we promised her that we would go take her to see the eclipse today." Ripclaw replied.
You stood back as your creators got up. The three of you exited your cave and Ripclaw let you get on her back. Once you were situated both Predaking and Ripclaw took off. Ripclaw flew a bit slower than normal so that you wouldn't fall off.
~ 5t3v3 ~
"How was school today?" Hoverbolt asked you as she and your sire picked you up from school.
"It was good. I taught some of my friends how to play hopscotch." You said happily.
"It sounds fun." 5t3v3 said, remembering what hopscotch was.
"Do you want to go to the park today since it's nice out?" Hoverbolt asked you.
"Yes!" You said, barely able to contain your excitement in.
Hoverbolt smiled, knowing that you couldn't wait to go to the park. 5t3v3 loved going to the park with you and Hoverbolt. Thankfully, they were able to find a bench to sit on near the playground while you went to go play.
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