Your first creation day
~ Optimus ~
It had officially been one whole year since Optimus found you. Since no one knew exactly when you were created Optimus decided that your creation day would be the day he found you. Since the Decepticons were busy making everyone's lives miserable, most of the Autobots were out. But Optimus wanted to make your first creation day special. He had taken you to one of his favorite places on Earth.
"Here, I promised that I would give you one of your own." Optimus said as he gave you a datapad with a bow on it.
"Wow, tank you siwe!" You said happily as you took the bow off.
"You're welcome. And here, have a few energon goodies." Optimus said as he gave you a small box of the sweets you loved.
"Tank you so much!" You said as you hugged your sire as best as you could.
~ Ultra Magnus ~
It was your first creation day and your sire was out on a mission. You moped around in the main room even though the other Autobots tried to make your day as special as possible. But it wasn't the same as having your sire around. When it was almost your recharge time your sire finally came back.
"Y/C/n, I'm truly sorry for not being around today. I was out fighting Decepticons and getting you a gift." Magnus said as he picked you up.
"Pwesent?" You asked your sire curiously.
"Yes. Happy creation day, Y/C/n." Magnus said as he pulled a giant (by human standards) teddy bear out of his subspace and gave it to you.
"Wow, tank you siwe!" You said happily as you carefully hugged the teddy bear.
Magnus smiled as he carried you to his berthroom and placed you in your crib. That night you snuggled with your new stuffed toy.
~ Ratchet ~
Ratchet was very busy the night before your first creation day. Technically it wasn't your official creation day, but it didn't matter. By morning he had gotten everything ready. Throughout the day everyone wished you a happy creation day. By the time noon came Ratchet picked you up and placed you on the med berth.
"Happy creation day Y/C/n. Here, I made these for you." Ratchet said as he gave you a small box of energon goodies.
"Ooo, yummy! Tank you siwe." You said as you opened the box and saw the energon goodies.
"You're welcome." Ratchet said, happy that you liked your present.
~ Bumblebee ~
It was your first creation day and Bee wanted to make your day as special as possible. Raf even helped him get you a present. When he had brought Raf to the base after school you couldn't wait to see what your surprise was.
"::Are you ready?::" Bee asked you.
"Yeah!" You said loudly.
"::Here you go. I hope that you like it.::" Bee said as he gave you a box.
You unwrapped the box and pulled out a giant (by human standards) plush cat. You carefully hugged the cat against your chassis.
"Tank you siwe!" You said happily.
"::Raf helped me get it.::" Bee told you.
"Tank you Waf!" You said, smiling down at him.
"Aw, it's no big deal." Raf said bashfully while rubbing the back of his head.
~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~
When it was your creation day Arcee and Cliffjumper decided to take you out somewhere. They decided to take you to the Grand Canyon after convincing Agent Fowler to evacuate the area. When you exited the groundbridge with your creators you couldn't believe your optics.
"Woah, pwetty!" You said as you looked at the canyon.
"Happy creation day Y/C/n." Cliffjumper told you.
Cliffjumper and Arcee found a nice place near the canyon to sit down with you. When Arcee pulled a small box out of her subspace and gave it to you, you couldn't believe what it was.
"Goodies! Tank you!" You said happily as you opened the box.
"You're welcome, our little warrior." Arcee said softly.
~ Smokescreen ~
When you woke up on your creation day you saw that your sire was already awake and waiting for you. He wished you a happy creation day as he picked you up and carried you out to the main room. Everyone wished you a happy creation day before they all went back to what they were doing.
"Here Y/n, I made you something." Smokescreen said as he gave you a box with a bow on it.
You took the bow off and opened the box. Inside was a Cybertronian sized version of a toy race car. It was your favorite color and everything.
"Tank you! I wuv it!" You said happily as you immediately started playing with your new toy.
"I'm glad that you like it. I had fun making it." Smokescreen said, happy that you loved the toy.
~ Bulkhead ~
"Happy creation day Y/C/n." Bulkhead said as you woke up.
It was your first creation day and Bulkhead was super excited. He couldn't believe that it had been a whole year since he had found you. You smiled as he picked you up and carried you out to the main room. Everyone wished you a happy creation day as they had their energon.
"What that?" You asked your sire curiously as you pointed to a box that had a bow on it.
"Oh, this is for you." Bulkhead said as he placed you down on the floor in front of the box.
You took the bow off of the box before you opened it. When you saw the Cybertronian sized building blocks you couldn't have been happier.
'Tank you siwe!" You said happily as you started playing with your new toys.
"You're welcome." Bulkhead said, a huge smile on his faceplates.
~ Wheeljack ~
You happily watched your favorite cartoons on the new datapad your sire gave you. It was your creation day and you had been given your very own datapad. When Wheeljack landed you paused the cartoon you were watching and looked up at him.
"C'mon Sunshine, we're going to visit the other Autobots." Wheeljack told you as he picked you up.
You hadn't seen the other Autobots in a while and you were a little nervous. After Wheeljack exited the Jackhammer he walked through a groundbridge that had appeared. When you both were on the other side you saw everyone.
"Jackie! Y/C/n! It's great to see you both!" Bulkhead said happily as he carefully hugged Wheeljack.
"It's good to see you too, Bulk." Wheeljack said as he smiled.
You nervously waved at everyone as you looked at them. Before you knew it you were having the time of your life. This was definitely the best first creation day that you could ever ask for.
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