When you get lost
~ Optimus ~
One afternoon while Optimus was talking to Ratchet you were playing with something on the floor. When you heard a strange sound in the med bay you decided to go check it out. You got up and walked away without your sire noticing.
"Y/C/n?" Optimus asked when he looked down, only to see you gone.
"You lost Y/C/n?" Ratchet asked, clearly shocked.
"I-I suppose I have." Optimus said, surprised that you wandered away.
When Optimus and Ratchet heard something fall in the med bay they went to check it out. When they saw you standing on a small crate that was surrounded by small wrenches they knew what was going on.
"I needed those to stay put." Ratchet mumbled.
"Y/C/n, you shouldn't wander away like that." Optimus said, lightly scolding you as he picked you up.
"Sowwy siwe." You said bashfully.
~ Ultra Magnus ~
Once again, your sire was looking over mission reports. You were bored out of your processor as you say on the berthroom floor. When you heard music coming from the main room you decided to go check it out. Thankfully your sire left the berthroom door cracked open. When Magnus looked to see how you were doing he saw that you were gone.
"Y/C/n?" Magnus asked, his voice echoing off of the walls.
Meanwhile, you were having fun in the main room with Jack, Miko and Raf. When Magnus walked out of his berthroom and into the main room he saw that you were having fun. He decided to let you stay put until the kids had to go home.
~ Ratchet ~
One afternoon while Ratchet was fixing Wheeljack you got bored of playing with your toys and wanted attention. When you saw that your sire was busy you decided to go see what was happening in the main room. As you walked into the main room you saw your Aunt Arcee doing some yoga. You thought it looked fun, so you decided to join her. About half an hour later Ratchet was done fixing Wheeljack and turned to look where you had been.
"Y/C/n? Where did you go?" Ratchet asked, panicking a little.
"Aw Doc, you lost your sweetspark!" Wheeljack said, clearly still out of it.
"Oh hush." Ratchet spat as he started looking for you.
Wheeljack just looked at Ratchet before going into recharge. Ratchet looked everywhere in the med bay before he heard you giggling. When he walked out into the main room he saw you trying to copy a yoga pose that Arcee was doing. He smiled before going back into the med bay.
~ Bumblebee ~
"::Okay Y/C/n, breakfast is ready. Y/C/n?::" Bee asked as he walked into his berthroom with a bowl of energon.
While your sire was getting you some energon you decided to go out to the main room where the others were having their energon. Bee was a little worried when he didn't see you anywhere. He decided to go look for you. When he walked out into the main room he saw you sitting near the human area.
"Siwe!" You said happily when you saw him.
"::Y/C/n, I was wondering where you were at.::" Bee said as he walked over to you.
"Hungwy." You said when you saw the bowl of energon.
"::I have your breakfast.::" Bee said as he sat down and started feeding you.
~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~
One afternoon when Arcee and Cliffjumper were getting you ready for an oil bath they couldn't find you anywhere. You weren't in your playpen like normal and you weren't in their berthroom. Arcee was getting extremely worried that something bad had happened to you. That is until she and Cliffjumper heard you giggling.
"What are you doing to my sparkling?" Arcee asked when she walked into the main room and saw Wheeljack tickling you.
"Just finding out that Y/C/n is ticklish." Wheeljack said nervously.
"She needs an oil bath and you're just delaying it." Arcee said as she walked over to Wheeljack and carefully picked you up.
Cliffjumper knew that Arcee was pissed and decided not to say anything. You clung onto your carrier as she took you to the washracks. Cliffjumper followed her so that he could help wash you.
~ Smokescreen ~
"Y/C/n, where are you?" Smokescreen called out as he walked around the Autobot base.
What started out as a fun game of hide and seek soon turned out wrong. Smokescreen was worried that he had actually lost you.
"Oh, what kind of a sire am I?" Smokescreen asked himself as he looked everywhere.
As he walked into the storage room he saw a lump laying on the floor. When he turned the light on he saw that you had gone into recharge. He carefully picked you up and went to his berthroom so that he could put you in your crib.
~ Bulkhead ~
One day shortly after Bulkhead brought Miko to the Autobot base he didn't see you in your playpen. He called out to you, but you didn't answer.
"Uh, have you seen Y/C/n?" Bulkhead asked Bumblebee.
"::Yes, she's righ- well, she was right here.::" Bee said as he looked down.
"I'll keep looking." Bulkhead said as he went down one of the hallways.
Bulkhead looked everywhere for you. When he heard something coming from Smokescreen's berthroom he decided to check it out. He was shocked to see Smokescreen letting you watch a video on cars racing.
"Hey, don't give her any bad ideas." Bulkhead said as he walked over and carefully picked you up.
Everything happened so fast that Smokescreen wasn't sure how to react. You however were happy that your sire was home and able to spend some time with you.
~ Wheeljack ~
"Y/C/n? Where are you, Sunshine?" Wheeljack called as he ran through the energon mine, looking for you.
What started out as a simple energon raid quickly turned into a search mission. Since no one was around Wheeljack decided to let you get some fresh air. Unfortunately you had wandered off.
"Scrap, she could be anywhere!" Wheeljack muttered to himself.
"Siwe!" You suddenly called out, hearing your sire's voice.
"Thank Primus I found you." Wheeljack said as he ran over to where you were.
"Lookie!" You said as you pointed to a few red energon crystals.
"You found that all on your own? Good job, Sunshine." Wheeljack said proudly as he picked you, and the red energon, up before heading back to the Jackhammer.
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