They get you to smile for the first time
~ Optimus ~
A few weeks had passed since Optimus became your sire. He loved having you as his sparkling and wanted nothing more than to see you smile.
"Alright, Y/C/n, I am going to give you a bath." Optimus told you once he got everything ready.
You were a little nervous, but you trusted him. Once you were placed in the warm oil bath you realized how nice it felt. A smile instantly found its way to your derma as you relaxed your frame. Optimus smiled when he saw you smiled.
~ Ultra Magnus ~
After a week or so of Magnus being your sire he wondered if he was doing a good enough job. You always seemed bored and somewhat emotionless. However, one day that changed. Magnus was bringing you to the main room after you both had woken up one morning.
"Hey, it's Magnus and Y/C/n!" Miko said as soon as she saw you.
As soon as you saw Jack, Miko and Raf you smiled. Miko squealed in happiness when she saw you smiling. Magnus was shocked that you actually smiled. It warmed his spark to see you happy.
~ Ratchet ~
"Wheeljack, I needed that!" Ratchet shouted after Wheeljack accidentally broke something that Ratchet was working on.
Wheeljack ran out of the med bay as Ratchet grabbed one of his favorite throwing wrenches. As usual, he hit his target. You couldn't help but smile as you watched your sire hit Wheeljack on the helm with a wrench. When Ratchet saw you smiling he smiled down at you.
~ Bumblebee ~
Today you were getting to watch tv for the first time. The tv was on the nature channel since you were watching. When you saw a bumble bee on the tv you looked up at your sire and smiled.
"::Y/C/n is smiling!::" Bee said happily.
"Aww, she's so cute!" Miko said as she took a picture.
You continued watching the tv while smiling. Bee was happy that you finally smiled for the first time.
~ Cliffjumper and Arcee ~
"Come on, let's see a smile!" Cliffjumper cooed as he dangled a pair of Cybertronian keys over you.
Lately Cliffjumper had been trying to get you to smile. When Miko told him that babies loved keys he decided to try it. So here he was, trying to get you to smile again. When you looked up at the keys you couldn't help but smile.
"Look Cee, I got her to smile!" Cliffjumper said happily as his sparkmate walked into their berthroom after a long day of fighting Decepticons.
"I see the key trick worked." Arcee said, sitting on the berth with the mech she loved.
"Ain't she just the cutest thing?" Cliffjumper asked her.
"Yes, she is." Arcee said as she smiled at you.
~ Smokescreen ~
One afternoon when Smokescreen was forced to clean up his berthroom he sat you on his berth so that he could keep an optic on you. Since he had never properly cleaned his berthroom he didn't know what he was going to find.
"Alright, here we g- oh, gross! What is that?!" Smokescreen asked after stepping on something squishy.
You couldn't help but smile as you watched Smokescreen look at his left ped and cringe. He seemed grossed out, but you thought that it was funny.
~ Bulkhead ~
About a month after Bulkhead found you and brought you to the Autobot base you were doing much better. One morning when he woke up, turned his berthroom light on and walked over to your makeshift crib he saw you smiling up at him.
"Good morning, Y/C/n." Bulkhead said as he carefully picked you up.
You made happy sounding chirps and clicks as he picked you up. Bulkhead smiled as he cradled you in his arms and carried you out to the main room.
~ Wheeljack ~
"Where is my Sunshine?" Wheeljack asked for the umpteenth time.
You looked up at the cloth that your sire disappeared behind and wondered what was going on. Wheeljack was playing peek a boo with you and he was determined to get you to smile.
"There she is!" Wheeljack said as he peeked his helm over the cloth.
When you saw your sire again you finally smiled. When Wheeljack saw you smiling he carefully picked you up and gently hugged you. Since everyone else was out somewhere you both had the base to yourselves.
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