"Um...What the Hell Is That?!"
You let hold and Medic stared deeply into your (e/c) eyes. You gazed back as you wiped your nose with your sleeve. You then chuckled half heartedly,
"Um. Don't mind me asking but. What?"
Medic blushed a bit and coughed, "ah Ja, vhat indeed um. Vell. If jou are veeling better den .. "
You nodded and started to slide off and past him. He looked down and sighed before gently grabbing your wrist.
You stopped and sniffed again. Turning to face him. He wasn't meeting eye contact and you rose an eyebrow. His hand then slide down from your wrist to the palm of your hand. You felt your cheeks burn a light scarlet and he finally looked to face you.
"I...I-I." He seemed to try to gather up the courage. Until. He stood up .
"Jou know Vhat? I'll just show you" , with that he leaned and met his lips with yours. First your eyes widened but you quickly melted into the kiss. Slowly it became passionate and loving. You both felt your faces burn in blush.
When you parted for air you both smiled at one another. He lifted a thumb to wipe of the tear that slid down your cheek.
"Heh. Thanks." You chuckled glancing at the ground nervously.
"Nein , Danke." He said just as sheepishly .
Suddenly, " Yo (Y/N) What's the Matter with chya!?" Scout bursted into the infirmary startling you but irritating Medic.
"Dummkopf" he muttered.
"Nothing just-"
"Oh my god! Your Blushing! Or your crying? Medic what the hell did you do to her?"
"DUMMKOPF! I Zid Nozing to har!!" Medic barked back.
"Oh really huh? Then why is she crying?!" Scout crossed his arms
"Scout please, calm down he didn't Do anything! Be. Is helping me." You said with a sad smile.
Scout frowned, "well hey your like mah sistah. Why didn't chya come to me?"
You blushed and shrugged. "I.. I.."
Medic intervened standing up.
"(Y/N) does not need to explain harself to jou Scout. Now . It is 7:45. Ve zhould all get ready for dinner!" He clapped.
You shrugged ," I don't think I very hungry."
Medic snapped his head to you, "Unsinn! (Translation:Nonsense) "
Scout rose an eyebrow but shook it off, "yeah uh. What Eva he said. C'mon (nickname) you gotta eat somthin."
You sighed but obliged, "ok . Fine."
Scout chuckled and raised an arm to wrap around your shoulder.
"Thatta girl!"
From the corner of your eye before Scout led you out you could see the slight glare he gave the young boy.
You slowly started to recall what had happened moments earlier before Scout barged in. Gently tapping your lips as you smiled . He might.. Actually like me. He. Oh man. Laura if you could see me now. You thought to yourself and smiled weakly.
Scout noticed and chuckled. "Did the Doctah kiss your boo boo?"
You immediately stopped and sputtered ,"Wh-what? What are you talking about?!"
Scout chuckled, "yah heard me. I mean. You both have a thing do yah not? Cuz it's pretty obvious you both like eachotha! "
Your face then lit up.
"Wait, really?"
Scout nodded , " well I mean. He acts like how I do when I'm around miss Pauling. Which hmm. Maybe. "
Scout snapped his figures.
"I got an idea!"
You shifted you wait as you smirk and waved a hand.
"Go on."
"If you help me with Miss Pauling. Cuz well. Spy's an A*s . Then I'll help you with Meds." He smiled wide.
You chuckled but nodded. "You've got yourself a deal my friend. " you held up a hand but he just hugged you.
You both laughed as you met the others in the dining room.
"Um.. What the hell is that?" Sniper wondered poking what laid on his plate.
Medic who sat across from you chuckled.
Sniper gagged as the rest of the gang laughed.
"It's spinach you crazy a**" Engie chuckled.
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