Chapter 1
Erina POV
I show up to the practice trying to hide as best I could since I wasn't suppose to be here..
"No, you're going back home." Mitsu said sternly making me pout.
"But-" I was cut off.
"No, you're sick. I don't want you anywhere on school until you fully recover." He said making me whine but accepted not wanting him to get sick too.
Flashback End
That was last week, given I was feeling a lot better now but to him I'd probably need to stay home for about 2 more days.
"Erina you're back!" I froze as I heard Eiji yell for me.
"What?" I hear Mitsu say before he turned to look at me making me sweat and scratch the back of my head.
"Uh, hi?" I say more as a question walking inside the courts normally finding no use in trying to hide now. Practice had already stopped due to Eiji screaming my name.
"Good to have you back." Oishi said giving me a smile.
"I thought I told you to stay home until you were completely recovered." Mitsu said making me look down.
"But I'm bored.. plus I feel better already." I say and hear him sigh before feeling a hand on my forehead.
"Hm, you're temperature seems normal.. I guess I can let it pass." He said looking down at me making me smile.
"I love you." I say hugging him and feel him chuckle before he pushes me away slowly.
"What are you all looking at? Get back to practice." He said seriously to the members before they all got back to work and I walked towards coach Ryuzaki.
"The boys seem happy to see you." She said making me giggle and watch them practice when my eyes land on a new kid with the Seigaku regulars uniform.
"Is he the freshmen that made the team?" I ask and coach nodded.
"He's Ryoma Echizen." She said as I look at the kid.
"He's good." I say causing her to nod again. I sigh and take a seat on the floor.
"Gosh I forgot how hot it is here." I say making coach chuckle and I take a book out starting to read it.
Ryoma POV
I look at the girl, I haven't seen her around before. She seemed to have been out for a while, I watch her pull out a book and blink. That book is in English.
"I wouldn't stare at her too much Echizen." Momo said with a chuckle after some time. Probably because I kept glancing at her.
"Who is she?" I ask as we stop playing thanks to the coach telling us to clean up.
"Oh that's right you haven't met her!" Momo said before he waved at the girl.
"Hey Erina! Come meet the new 1st year!" He said catching her attention as she got up book still in hand and walked towards us.
"Hi, I'm Erina Black. I'm the manager of the guys tennis team." She said smiling a bit.
"It's nice to meet you." I say in English making her smile bigger.
"You too." She said back in English before I felt Captain staring at us and she glanced at him.
"Sorry, I have to go." She said bowing before turning around and jogging towards Tezuka.
"She was born in the US but moved here when she was little, she was sick for the past week which is why she wasn't here until now." Momo said as she made it towards Tezuka and hugged his side with his hand wrapped around her. Still his face was as stoic as ever.
"They seem close." I say before starting to pick up balls.
"Well they are a couple." Momo said making me widen my eyes.
"They are?" I ask looking back at them as they talked with coach.
"Surprising isn't it? Yeah they've been dating since before their first year of middle school, or at least that's what I heard." Momo said as she turns to look at us and gives us a smile before turning to Tezuka and he nod taking her hand and said their goodbye's to coach before they started to leave.
Erina POV
"Hi babe!" I say smiling up at him as I hug his side and he wraps his hand around me. He nodded in response and we went to coach talking to her about how Mitsu wanted to go to a check up for his elbow so he had to leave early to which she nodded. I turn and notice Echizen and Momo looking at us, Momo was probably explaining that I was dating Mitsu so I give them a smile.
"We should go Mitsu." I say to him and he nodded saying his goodbye to coach as did I before we started walking.
"You should go change.. unless you wanna go like that.. or we could stop by your house and you can-" I was cut off by his lips on mine making me blush. Given we were basically alone but this was still school ground and anyone could see us, he didn't normally do that.. non the less I kissed back.
"Stop worrying, it's just a check up and you know I've been taking care of myself." He said when he pulled away with a very small blush on his cheeks.
"Ok.." I say giving him a small smile and he nodded wrapping his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer.
"I love you." I blushed deep and looked at the ground while interlocking our fingers. He was being oddly sweet right now but I'm not complaining.. still he's making me a blushing mess.
"I love you too Kunimitsu." I say leaning my head on his shoulder.
"What were you doing with Momoshiro and Echizen?" He asked making me giggle, I knew something was up.
"Momo just wanted me to meet the new first year that like you made it as a regular on their first year." I say looking up at him and smiling.
"Hm.." I giggle again.
"You're adorable when you get protective, you know that?" I ask poking his cheek as he just blushed and look away.
"I really love being the only person able to fluster you.." I say before pecking his lips and continue to walk by his side.
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