i went paintballing... my finger still hurts ᖗ⊜﹏⊜ᖘ
this book is amazing, and you guys made it a lot better, YOU guys helped me write it, and i just want to say thank you to:
lame joke:
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger.
Then it hit me.
Markiplier: jack
Markiplier: i miss you
Markiplier: i niss you somuch
Markiplier: its so boring without u
Markiplier: ugh where r u
Markiplier: :((((((((((((((
Markiplier: what is phil doin rn?
Markiplier: is he with u?
Markiplier: why r u even dating him?\
Markiplier: id treat u much better
Markiplier: imagine me dating u
Markiplier: never really thouight of that..
Markiplier: i miss you so much
Markiplier: im gonna write some jokes
Markiplier: why does santa have suchha big sack?
Markiplier: ...
Markiplier: he only comes once a year
Markiplier: ... where r u :(
Markiplier: its no fun without u :(
Markiplier: i miss you\
Markiplier: somuch
Markiplier: ...
< One Week Later >
JackSepticEye: mark?
JackSepticEye: are you there?
*JackSepticEye is calling you*
"What the fuck?" I stare at my phone's screen, which has a photo of Jack stupidly grinning to the camera with his new dorky glasses.
(By the way this is my home screen background HE IS SO CUTE IN HERE I CANT EVE-)
I was gonna press accept, but then it hit me, what if it's Phil? What if it's Jack but he want to 'end' our friendship? But what if it's not that and he got sad that I didn't accept his call? Is he going to make fun of my American accent? Is he going to make fun of my stupidity? Is he going to make fun of me because of me begging him to reply? What if it's Sam and she said he's... 'Gone'?
I shake these thoughts out of my head and hover my finger over the green 'accept' button. I mentally slap myself he will think you're crazy if he knows you're nervous for a fucking phone call... So I press it... I press the small, green circle that somehow makes me more nervous than a nerd on prom, or a 'good girl' loosing her virginity..
"M-Mark? Is-is that you?" I could hear a high pitched Irish accent through the phone, "Mark?" I blink, snapping out of my own world (which totally isn't about Seán... Nope..) "S-sorry... Wrong numb-"
"No no no no no, it's me, Mark. S-sorry I just can't believe that you actually called me.."
"Yeah, I'm so sorry Mark! I tried me best te reply teya.. Please believe me.." I smile, because I know he is trying his best to talk English and try to make me understand him better.
"It's okay Jack, just wanna know why you called me? I-it's not a bad thing I swear!! I ju-I just want to know the reason.." I facepalm because WHY THE FUCK AM I THAT NERVOUS!? MAN UP MARK!!
"I-I do not know Mark, I just wante- I just wante talk tya I guess.. I'm-I'm sorry if me accent is annoying, I'm umm... Trying me best."
"I know Seán... I know.. So, can I know why you didn't reply to me?"
"I-I-C-Can we please... I don't want to say.... I-"
"You don't want to tell me?"
"Yes! I can't tell ye... I'm sorry Mark... I really like you but I can't tell ye. Oh and by the way... I saw what ye texted me... Do ye really miss me tat mooch?"
"Seán... I swear to god if you haven't called me or if Sam hasn't texted me, I would've grabbed Bob and swam all the way to Ireland, forcing Bob to do so too. And I would've asked everyone I pass by if they knew where Seán William McLoughlin's house is, and if no one knew, I would forced the police to tell me where you live. Just to know you're okay."
"tú bastaird rómánsúil gleoite."
"Hey, Jack?"
"Yes, Mark?"
"I'm kinda tired... Can you please talk me a bed time story?"
I can hear laughing from the other side of the phone and this is probably the cheesiest thing on earth but... I actually feel tingling in my stomach. "Uhh... I don't know... Why don't you try?"
"Okay uh... Once apon a time there was this... Brown box.."
"Brown box?"
"Yeah! Wh- Don't judge me!! So there was a brown tiny box called... Tim... Yeah! Tiny Box Tim! And his friend was... Uh... A septic eye! Called... Sam! Tiny Box Tim and Septic Eye Sam!"
"Ye have a huge imagination ya know."
"I SAID DONT JUDGE ME!! Anyway, so Tiny Box Tim and Septic Eye Sam were walking aro-"
"I never knew a box and an eye can walk..."
"Fine, Tiny Box Tim and Septic Eye Sam were HOPPING around the park, Sam got a bi-"
"What gender is Sam?"
"Both boys... Any more questions?"
I heard chuckling and some crunching sound but I don't question it, probably him getting comfortable. "Uhh. No, carry on. Sorry." He replied after a couple of seconds.
"Okay, so Sam-" I am cut off by a sound. My heart begins to race, what just happened? And then I hear the sound again... And again.... And again... It takes me a while to figure out that he is just snoring, guess he was tired too... I chuckle and end the call, I was gonna go to bed, but Jack just can't escape my mind.. So I do what I think is the best thing to do.
Markiplier: can you send jack to his bed
Markiplier: he slept while we were talking on the phone
Sam: your grammar just got a whole lot better
Sam: and sure!!
Markiplier: make sure hes tucked in well!!!
Markiplier: oh and kiss him on the forehead
Markiplier: and whisper that I said goodnighf
Markiplier: oh and if he wakes up sing him to sleep
Markiplier: oke bue
Isn't that cute or is it cute? I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH AHSJFKLANEKDN
Anyway.. IF YOU LIKED IT, VOTE PLSSS AND WRITE A FUNNY COMMENT or if you have a problem with the book you can message me so I can try to make it better :))))))))
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