96 || fifth wheel
Andi's brows go up in shock at the confusing sight that greets him after he enters the school library.
Him and his crew were having a study session today (aka they were simply hanging out someplace other than Andi's apartment), something they like to do from time to time. Andi had expected this to be like any other day where they sit and look productive but don't actually end up doing much... until he walks closer to the table that his best friends are sitting at, getting a better look at the shenanigans going on.
Dae sits on the left side of the table hugged up with some girl who looks like she's ready to risk it all for him; meanwhile, Maxine and Jerome sit on the opposite side, their seats right next to each other, and they're whispering and giggling in each other's faces. Jerome has an arm around the back of Max's chair as she leans into him dangerously close.
Too close.
Andi shouldn't be shocked to see any of this, and yet he still is.
Dae treats women like he treats his clothes-every other day he can be seen wearing something new; every other day he can be seen hanging around some new chick that neither of his friends has seen before. His game isn't anything new, but what is new is the way that Max and Jerome are acting today. Like a freakin' couple.
"Had I known that it was bring your significant other day, I'd have saved myself from being the fifth wheel and stayed my lonely ass at home." Andi plops his backpack onto the table, looking pitiful as he takes the last seat.
It's quiet for a moment, everyone glancing around at each other uncomfortably.
Andi immediately notices and frowns.
He hadn't signed up for this and definitely doesn't want to stick around if things are going to remain this awkward.
"Hey. Can I talk to you for a sec?" Maxine gets up from her chair, nodding for Andi to follow her. He does. They walk over to stand between one of the aisles of books for privacy. Maxine whispers, "Are you okay? You seem a little... off it today."
"No, I'm actually not okay, thanks for asking," Andi replies, sounding more sad than defensive. "I'll happily tell you all about it as soon as you tell me what the hell is going on between you and Rome. You two seem closer than usual... Something I need to know?"
Max blushes, dropping her voice even lower. "We may or may not have hooked-up recently."
"What!? No way!" Andi gasps, playfully hitting her on the shoulder. He keeps his voice low enough to match hers so that the others can't hear. "Well, which is it? May or may not?"
"You already know..."
"Oh my God, this is so great! But like, when the fuck did this happen? And why am I just now finding out about it?" Andi asks, crossing his arms. "And please define hooked-up. Did you guys just mess around, or was it we-went-all-the-way hooked-up? There are different definitions depending on who you ask."
"We had sex, Andi. It was that kind of a hook-up." Max giggles, getting to the point. "It hadn't been planned or anything, it just kinda happened naturally. And before you even say it, yes, we're being careful both sexually and emotionally speaking, so you don't have anything to worry about. We can handle being friends with benefits."
"Regardless, I'm rooting for you guys. I've waited years for this to happen, FYI." Andi laughs, but it comes to a quick end when Max makes the conversation about him again. "I think I messed up with Karlos..."
"That's just it! I don't know what I did... everything had been going fine up until we kissed. After that, it's been pretty much nothing. He totally ghosted me."
"Oh, sweetie." Max rubs his arm, being sympathetic. "Maybe he just—"
Andi's cell phone pings with a new message. He takes it out from his pocket and checks to see who it's from. "Holy shit. Speak of the devil..."
"Damn. Is that your boy?"
Andi nods. "Yeah, and he says he misses talking with me... which is kinda fucking stupid considering he's the one who stopped messaging me."
"Nevermind that! Hurry and message him back," Max says. "Don't be stubborn and try to play hard to get. Just ask him what his deal is and get yourself some answers... then let him know that if he ever makes you sad again, I'll personally hunt him down and kick his ass."
Andi smiles. "Yes, ma'am."
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