Closing Time
Gotta' be honest there's been a few moments whilst doing this - Tevun-Krus as a whole, not specifically this issue - where I've thought to myself something along the lines of "Yeah... I wonder how this one's gonna' go down!" TeslaPunk was one such moment, as were the Singularity and CandlePunk issues. GreenPunk, definitely, can be added to that list.
But the thing is, each and every time I find myself completely and totally shocked at just how awesome these issues are, especially the ones I didn't think would be!
Fact is this ain't our biggest issue - that title is still held by Gen. Ship - but seriously guys, it's ruddy awesome.
Thank you to each and every single one of you who've contributed in some way or another because you've made this issue exactly what it is... Absolutely fan-bloody-tastic!
And now, I know most of you will already have read what's coming next, but...
As far as we're concerned our 2016 Christmas issue, A Very Merry Steampunk Christmas, was an unequivocal success and with that in mind, we're already making plans for our 2K17 Christmas issue!
Crazy, right?!
Anyways, clicking the external link below will take you to a poll and allow you to vote for your favourite from a selection of five sub-genres and come August/September time - yes, we're gonna' keep it going that long! - a winner will be declared and that, my friends, will be the sub-genre for this year's Christmas issue!
Exciting stuff!
And no, we're not gonna' tell you the sub-genres here - though we will say there's no 'punk' sub-genre available for selection!
We'll post the link in the comments' section too though, for those of you who can't, for whatever reason, make use of the 'external link' feature!
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