Title: Voyager
Author of the original story: AngusEcrivain
Language of the original story: English
Translator: linahanson
Language of the translation: English
All over the planet, millions of people were glued to the screens of their televisions, computers or their smart phones, waiting for the images from Voyager 1. The spacecraft was the first object built by mankind to pass beyond our solar system.
This was probably the most important event since the first human set foot on the moon. Months and months had passed where the press has been heating up the tension. Finally, the long-awaited hour had arrived and, as the news broke, the global party started.
The incredible vastness of space, populated only by stars aglitter with light sent millions of years ago. The one closest to Earth, Alpha Centauri, outshining them all, appearing lighter than its neighbours.
Image after image arrived, a long string of snapshots, every single one slightly different from the one before. And – defying all logic and reason – there was one image, the very last, nobody had expected: A reflexion of the probe itself, as if mirrored. It was that one which had even the brightest scientists in a spin.
Vib'Hi grinned and studied a large cylindrical object, mounted on a pedestal straight before her eyes. Her laboratory was full of similar pieces, some of them looking neglected, now the project had been finished.
"Yes!" she rejoiced, in a deep, gravelly voice. Her enthusiasm sparked the curiosity of other users in the laboratory and they turned towards her. One of them approached with a smile in his grey, elongated face.
"Vib'Hi", said the man, his waxy stiff countenance almost rigid even as he talked. "You have finally finished your project?"
"Yes, Lord," said Vib'Hi facing the floor. "The inhabitants of my world have finally reached the point where they can leave their solar system. "
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," she replied with gesture that showed her respect. "An artificial device they developed themselves has reached the glass house."
"Then it is time," he said after a brief pause, "to build that *solar system* on a grand scale. Make sure to get the mix of elements right, otherwise we're in trouble."
"I calculated the right amount years ago," said Vib'Hi. "I'm ready, oh Lord."
Her boss nodded, a grin pulling at his thin lips. "In that case you have my permission, to build your solar system," he declared, thinking of the primitive life form on Vib'His populated world, glad it had named its solar system.
"I thank you, oh Lord," she said submissively and once more focussed on her work.
The whole business was an important ritual of her people, a rite of accession, the new solar system the gift that would be added to the joint collection, joining its name to the long list of its predecessors.
As she worked, thinking about the ingredients necessary to create the solar system on a grander scale, her thoughts already shifted to her next project.
"Yes," she said, enjoying the feel of the grainy mix from the bowl on her workbench as it ran through her fingers. "Let's have a life form based on methane, shall we?"
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