The day of the party rolled around, and I was beyond nervous. It wasn't exactly due to my apparent 'date' with (Y/N); more so the fact that she seemed nervous. In front of Mina and the others she acted excited; her usual goofy front, but every time they looked away, she'd just deflate.
"You look so dapper!" Mina cheered; bouncing around me in her tight-fitting dress.
"Uh...thanks?" I continued to fumble around with my tie to keep my mind off the fact that my sleeves were rolled to above my elbows. The damn thing wouldn't fit over them, as usual.
(Love me some dapper Sero)
"I'm fucking glad I'm on call tonight...Fuck dressing up..." Bakugou grumbled from the couch; dressed in his hero costume, save for the mask.
"Fucking same. Denki wanted me to match his outfit..." Jirou shuddered, and as if on cue, Kaminari and Kirishima sauntered into the living room in the most horrendous attire. The blond had decided upon wearing a disgusting checked suit in an even more appalling colour, whereas Kirishima had opted for a more...casual approach.
I had to stifle my laughter as their respected partners cringed. Mina, on the other hand, looked ecstatic.
"Legs legs! What's on the menu?!" She sang loudly, which ended up with the red head striking terrifying poses.
"What can I say? I like to be comfy!"
Now there's just...
"Uh, guys, I'm gonna sit this the fuck out! I look like a mushroom...and not the good kind!" (Y/N)'s voice called from upstairs, and I immediately looked up. There she was; in all her glory. She was fiddling with her hands awkwardly; eyes cast to the side with a faint blush on her cheeks her hair was loose across her shoulders, and I could have sworn I had died and gone to heaven. The dress she wore made her look like an angel; innocent and sweet, yet she didn't seem all too thrilled.
(Feel free to imagine it in your favourite colour!)
"AHHHHHHH! I KNEW IT'D LOOK GOOD ON YOU!" Mina squealed; phone already out to take candid photos of the awkward woman descending the staircase.
"Uh...yeah, I feels like I might get kidnapped by some freakishly large turtle man and taken to another castle..." (Y/N) drawled; holding her hand up to hide her face as she approached me. "But this...this is nice...I like whatever this is." She tugged on my tie and I swallowed; the heat in my cheeks blazing.
"You look...amazing..." I managed to blurt out in a whisper; cringing when I heard the others snicker. On her toes, she leant towards my ear, and her cool breath only made the heat worsen.
"It was fifty percent off...but it'll be a hundred percent off, tonight..." She purred in a whisper; my dress pants suddenly a size too small.
"Enough with the fucking flirt fest! Get your asses to the limo! Now!" Bakugou barked; pointing towards the door hastily. (Y/N) seemed to perk up as she grabbed my arm and yanked me into a steady walk.
"No way! There's a fucking limo?! I swear, I'm gonna leak everywhere if they've got booze!"
Oh god, this is gonna be an interesting night...
Despite being a rambunctious riot on the drive to the party; helping herself to the complimentary bottles of wine in the limousine, the second we stepped out and headed towards the doors, (Y/N) fell silent. Almost gingerly, she moved to hold onto my arm; just above my elbows.
"You okay..?" I whispered in question; peering down at her pursed lips.
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm as cool as a cucumber and twice as juicy!" She replied; her tightened mouth forming an obviously forced grin. Even though I knew she was lying, I didn't pry. She stuck close once we entered, and actually flinched when Uraraka came to greet us.
The chubby-cheeked brunette had moved in with Midoriya straight after graduation; already engaged and still head over heels in love with the freckled hero. Her bright smile was the first thing she greeted us with; partnered with a peppy little wave.
"Hi guys! I'm so glad you could make it!" She chirped before noticing the (H/C) girl on my arm. "Oh, hello! I don't think we've met! I'm Ururaka Ochaco!" She extended her hand and again, (Y/N) flinched, but she beamed none the less and accepted the friendly shake.
"(L/N) (F/N)! I'm a big fan, Uravity!" She spoke with such a sweet voice, I couldn't help but smile to myself. That was, until she had to point out the obvious. "I hope you don't mind that I tagged along as Hanta's date!"
Give it five minutes...nobody will be out of the loop...
Ururaka's eyes widened a little as an excited squeal erupted from her mouth.
"Oh my gosh! Sero, I'm so proud of you! She's so cute!" She stopped herself before she got too over the top and blushed a little. "Wow, sorry! I'm just super thrilled he's finally found someone!"
"Y..yeah...same..." I coughed; glancing at (Y/N) just in time to see her eyes dart away from mine. The second Ururaka moved on to chat with Jirou, I guided the odd girl towards some less exuberant people after fetching us a drink each, to ease her mind. Sato and Yaoyorozu, to be exact.
"Yo, my man!" The burly man I knew and loved met me with a near-crippling high five, and I grinned happily.
"Sup, dude? Hey, Momo!" I slightly nudged (Y/N) with my hip and nodded to her. "This is (L/N) (F/N)."
"Pleasure to meet you!" The girl said almost mechanically; her bright demeanour a far stretch from reaching her (E/C) eyes. "Sato, I've read about you in Baker's Bravado! You've really made a name for yourself!" The pair launched into a detailed conversation about baking, seeing as Sato had decided to study under Lunch Rush during our second year, which led to him pursuing a career in hospitality. Momo shifted over to me and smirked; glancing between me and the seemingly animated girl.
"So, is she a keeper..?" She asked teasingly, though I knew her query was completely serious. I barely managed to keep the heat rushing to my cheeks at bay as I fiddled with my tie.
"W..well, I sure hope so..." I mumbled truthfully.
That's...really up to her...I know where I stand...I think...
"She sure is pretty. Talkative, too." She went on; studying closely. "I already know exactly how I'm gonna make her wedding dress!"
"M..Momo!" I spluttered; nearly spitting my drink out onto the floor.
"What's this I hear about a wedding dress..?" (Y/N) snickered; obviously having heard every word as she stepped flush against my side. "Already planning ahead, love?" The look on her face. She could easily pull it off as playful, but there was a warning in the way her jaw tightened. I could almost hear her teeth grinding.
"Step it up, bro!" I wheezed as Sato slapped me on the back; jack and coke lapping dangerously close to the rim of my glass. "(Y/N) here knows her stuff!"
Oh boy...Lord have mercy and send me an me..!
"And what do we have here..?" A familiar, lisping voice slithered into our conversation from below.
Fuck...I said angel...not gremlin...but I'll take it...
Mineta wiggled his eyebrows up at (Y/N) and rubbed his knuckles against his chest in a pitiful attempt to look suave.
"The name's Mineta Minoru...I'm sure you've heard of me? Grape Juice, of course!" He took her hand and moved to kiss it with grotesque, puckered lips, and my god, the amount of self-control the girl had to actually allow it..!
With a quick movement, I snatched her hand away from him and narrowed my eyes; warding him off.
"H..hey, we totally need more drinks...We'll catch you later..!" With that smooth excuse, I whisked her away towards the kitchen.
"Aw, did Mr. Flex Tape get jealous..?" (Y/N) chuckled; twining her fingers through mine. This time, I couldn't force back the warmth that spread up my neck to my face.
"Wh..what if I did?" I muttered as we came to a stop; the kitchen completely void of people. She tilted her head and sighed that low, heavy sigh. The one that only I ever seemed to get to hear.
"Shit, it's gonna cut you deep when I go..." She frowned, but didn't release her grip on my hand. Then, of course, happy (Y/N) took over once more. "So, alcohol, yeah?"
Stop putting up a facade, (Y/N)...
The night went on, and soon pretty much everyone who wasn't on call was wasted; including myself. After a while, (Y/N) broke away from me and began to follow Jirou around, simply because it was a hoot watching Kaminari stumble around singing The Backstreet Boys.
"She's a real beauty, Sero! Gosh, I was starting to think you batted for the other team!" Hagakure laughed loudly; the floating image of her cocktail dress leaning up against her boyfriend, Ojiro. Sweatdropping, I just waved it off, but I couldn't escape that easily.
"So, how long has this been a thing?" The blond asked curiously whilst trying to make sure Hagakure didn't topple to the ground.
"Uh, well...three days..?" I chuckled; rubbing the back of my neck, which was heating up rather quickly. He looked surprised, but it shifted into a cheerful smile.
"Well, take care of her! Not that I think you wouldn't!"
"Yo, it's a pity Aizawa refused to come! I wanted to see him drink drank druuuunk!" Hagakure giggled loudly, and only moments later I felt a hand almost urgently slipping into mine.
"Did...somebody say Aizawa..?" (Y/N) mumbled; looking pretty distressed.
"Oh, you must be (L/N)! I'm Ojiro, and his is Hagekure! We were just talking about how it would've been nice to see our old teacher again." Ojiro explained, and I felt her stiffness melt away immediately with her exhale.
"Thank god..." She said, almost amusedly. "That would've been...interesting..." I quirked a brow at this.
"You know Aizawa..?" I questioned, and she just shrugged her shoulders and smiled up at me.
"I guess you could say we've exchanged words once or twice." She was swaying a little; drunk, but nowhere near as much as Hagekure was. Ojiro and myself were, too, but I guess we both shared the ability to act more sober than we actually were.
"Ah, Sero! Ojiro! Hagakure!" There was that flinch again, and (Y/N) immediately turned into a dolled up plank of wood by my side; her hand almost crushing mine. Midoriya approached us with his usual, warm smile; his hero costume very nearly too small with how much muscle he'd gained. He faltered once he laid eyes on (Y/N), and his mouth popped open in surprise, or maybe shock. "'re..."
"Sup, Deku?" (Y/N) said coolly; her smile blatantly forced as she looked him up and down. "It's been...what..? Six months?"
Wait...hold the phone...
"You two are acquainted, I see?" Ojiro said what I was thinking, but a lot more casually than it would have been coming out of my mouth. Midoriya looked almost...concerned? That's what it was, and it wasn't mild.
"D..Devilry..?! Wh..what are you..?!" He didn't even try to hide it, which made me pretty damn confused.
"Can't even remember my name, Izuku? That's a big ooff..." (Y/N) sighed jestingly, though I could feel her skin shivering, even through the material of my sleeve.
"OI, DEKU, YOU DAMN NERD! HERE! NOW!" We all jumped in unison as Bakugou screeched out from the other side of the room, and the poor greenette scrambled over without a second thought. Before I could really register the whole situation, my ear was tugged down so that it was level with (Y/N)'s lips.
"How about we have a little bit more to drink...then get a real party started back home..?" She purred; sending a number of wild sensations through parts of my body that needed to stay dormant in public.
"R..real party..?" I stammered; swallowing past the thick lump that hard formed in my throat.
"Yeah...the only question is...your room, or mine..?"
***This is a filler (?) and a bit of a mess.
I wonder what Sero will choose?***
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