*Sero POV*
I didn't have to open my eyes to know that she was right there. Her soft, velvet skin was warm against my own, and her breath was fanning against my face in even gusts. She smelt like (favourite soap), and I knowingly pulled her a little closer.
"I know you're awake." (Y/N) chuckled; not attempting to free herself. My lids opened slowly to see glorious (E/C); glimmering in the rays of light filtering in through the curtain cracks.
"And...?" I yawned; crossing my ankles with hers. "Problem..?" My voice may have been calm, but it was a ruse. My heart was palpitating like crazy.
"Nah...but you're pitching a tent..." She gave me a smug look, and it took me far too long for my awakening brain to realise exactly what she meant. I attempted to pull my hips away, but she yanked them straight back; flush against hers.
Oh fuck...
"Aw, don't be like that...You can't just come curl up in my bed and not let me use you as a heater, right?" She purred; plush breasts pressing to my chest and making my head spin.
"I..I'm trying to control myself,!" I stammered as I tried not to succumb to her indirect advance. After being without such touch for so long, my body was responding on its own. The once loose material of my pants was now taut, and I could already feel myself twitching against her thigh. The fact that she was wearing nothing but a (F/C) night dress wasn't helping.
"Why, though?" She craned her neck so close that her nose was brushing against my cheek. "Morning sex is the best, isn't it?"
Yes, and I'd like nothing more than for you to sit on my face and suffocate me!
"J..just hang on..!" I forced myself to wriggle out of her grasp, and I edged to the other side of the bed. "I..I told you...Th..this isn't how I happen, (Y/N)..." There was another one of her looks; a cocktail of mixed emotions that I had no time to decipher before it became a lazy smirk again.
"Ever the gentleman, Scotch..." She sighed; standing up and stretching. I averted my eyes so I wouldn't be tempted by the curve of her and peeking out from the skirt; chest and cock thudding with my wild pulse. "Ya know, it's not that I don't want to like, you with you...In the romantic sense, I mean..."
"Then what is it..?" She had my full attention, but I just couldn't look directly at her. I heard her shuffling around, and she slight noises she made were rather cute.
"I just can't. I told you before, I'm not permanent. It wouldn't be fair on you, man." She hummed pointedly.
"I..." I paused; wanting to make my words as simple and straightforward as possible. "What if I can change your mind..?"
If you'd just let me...I know I could...
She stopped moving about for a few moments before I heard soft footsteps grow closer.
"Look..." I peered up at her as she came to a stop at my side of the bed. Her bed hair was an artwork in itself, and the slight pattern of the wrinkled sheets were indented into her right cheek. "...It's not a matter of changing my mind. Someone like me can't form connections like that...It's not in the job description. Nobodies aren't compatible with somebodies..." The look on her face was almost melancholic, but it was obvious she was trying to keep up with her facade.
"You're not a nobody if I see you as a somebody..." I murmured; capturing her eyes. "I can be good for you..." It wasn't often that I let myself sound so bold and sure of myself, but it just came out. Seven days of us flirting back and forth, of laughter; her supposedly phantom sobs in the dead of night. She needed love in her life.
"No matter what...We can never be together like that." (Y/N) said bluntly; leaning down to make sure her words were hitting me directly. "This can never ha-" Today seemed to be a day of surprisingly bold acts on my account, as I did something that typically wouldn't have ever crossed my mind. I pulled her in and swallowed the rest of her sentence with a kiss.
(Sero is so hard to draw - his face looks like it's melting smh)
Her eyes widened; cheeks flushing a brilliant hue of cherry as she slowly kissed me back. It was almost timid, the way her lips caressed mine, and her hand lifted to brush against my back.
"It's selfish, you know that..?" I whispered; her loud squeak bouncing off the walls as I flipped her over the top of me to the mattress, where I moved to hover over her. "Walking into my life and teasing me with your existence...It's selfish..." She seemed dazed; her mouth slightly agape, and her eyes glazed over as she stared up at me.
"...Then I'm completely selfish..." She murmured; welcoming the kiss I pressed to her lips. I couldn't touch her enough, no matter how much it would hurt me later on. Every ounce of my being craved her; body and soul. I just wanted to love her, no matter what the cost.
You can't shut me out...I'll find a way...
Lifting her weightless legs over my shoulders, I began to trail kisses down her neck and pausing to pay attention to her frightfully prominent collarbone; her short, yearning gasps making my head swim. My thumbs tweaked at her risen nipples, which coaxed sweet whimpers from her throat.
"Just accept that I'm not going anywhere..." I said quietly; shifting back so I could continue my flow of kisses up her thighs.
"N..not happening..." She muttered in blissful frustration as I edged closer to the scent that was likely to drive me wild. She tensed as I lifted the skirt of her nightgown up; just enough to see the triangle between her legs, and I faltered.
Wh..why are you doing this for us..?
The colour violet was not at home against her skin; no words needed to be said for me to know exactly what had caused it. I didn't speak of it; gently hooking my fingers into the band of her underwear and sliding it down her legs.
"I'm persistent, (Y/N)..." I stated quite firmly before ghosting a kiss over her eager heat.
"Hi p..persistent...I..I'm stubborn..." She joked flatly in an uncharacteristic stammer; trailing into a pitched squeak as I flattened my tongue across her slit. The taste was akin to a clean penny; oddly pleasant and satisfying. I began to focus on her clit, knowing exactly how much pressure to apply to melt her into a puddle beneath my mouth. I was humble when it came to all things, except sex. When it came to the bedroom, I knew I was top tier. (Y/N) refused to look at me. Her eyes were glued to the ceiling; her chin tilted so I could barely see her face. She was hiding herself again.
Well, if I can't get a visual response...I'll have to force out a vocal one instead...
The moment I slipped my talented muscle between her lower lips, she was a goner. Her thighs squeezed against my ears; unsure if whether they wanted to force me out or pull me closer as she mewled almost silent praises to the roof. With a free hand, I grabbed hers, which had been clutching at the dull (F/C) sheets and gave it a tight squeeze. That was when her eyes finally met mine again, and that weak, raw look she gave me was all it took for me to be sent into overdrive. Fingers were quick to join my oral ministrations, and her walls clamped down around my digits as she squirmed and panted slurs of profanity.
"Hah...Han..ta..!" My name was a desperate cry from her lips as she gripped at my hair; again unsure whether to tear me away or force me in for the kill. Her legs quivered over my shoulders, and I could tell it wouldn't take long for her to come completely undone. I hissed into her cunt as she turned the tables; an intense wave of pleasure washing over me as I lapped up every drip and drizzle of her delectable discharge.
Sh..she activated her quirk..?!
I could feel everything. The intense heat of my tongue, paired with a fierce, moan-inducing pressure deep between my legs. It was an entirely new feeling, and it was driving me to the brink of insanity. I couldn't reach deep enough, and that bubbling in my depths was nearing the surface faster than I thought possible. She whined my name over and over; urging me on, but these sounds were empty. An act to satiate me. I hated it, but at the same time, I couldn't force myself to stop.
"F..fuck...(Y..Y/N)..!" I growled in a deep rumble as my fingers hit where they needed to be; my cock twitching and burning in my pants as I felt the metre fill.
"C..cum with me, Hanta..." (Y/N) pleaded; sliding her legs from my shoulders as I released her hand and freed my throbbing cock from its prison. I wanted to deny it, but it was no use. Both her quirk and the pleasure it was providing me with was too much, and I threw my head back as it finally reached the surface.
"Sh..shit!" I cussed; releasing the stream of my sexual frustration out across her stomach. Catching myself with hands either side of her torso; to avoid falling into my own ejaculation, and I glared at her through my sweat-stuck bangs. The smile she wore was a ruse, and I despised it. "Wh..what the fuck was that..?"
"My quirk. You needed it." She replied casually; swiping her finger through my release and tasting it with a soft hum, which also caused an unpleasant bitterness to assault my own taste buds. "Though, I wouldn't mind seeing what that dick of yours can do if that's how talented your tongue is..." She slid out from under me and stood up; arching her back and yawning loudly.
"You...blocked it all out...Sent it to me..." I muttered; frustration building from the bottom up. "Why do you always lie..?" She didn't even spare me a glance as she padded over to her dresser to retrieve some fresh clothes.
"Because the truth is a bitch..." She sighed; rolling her shoulders and neck. "I'm gonna have a shower. You can stay if you want to."
"Oi..." I called out to her before she could shut herself in the bathroom again; her form stopping in the doorway but not turning to meet my eyes. "...I'm gonna help you...Until you stop doing this to yourself, I'm not gonna let up, (Y/N)..."
I can' need to stop this...
She chuckled quietly. It was a scratchy, prickle of a sound that made my chest ache.
"Do yourself a favour, Hanta..." Her hand closed in on itself against the wood of the frame as she spoke. "...Stop being such a fucking hero all the time. It's kind of pathetic." With that, she left me kneeling on her bed in a heavy silence. The ice in her tone had been sharp, and it speared me directly through the heart, but even that wouldn't deter me. I'd made up my mind, and I wasn't about to give up on her.
I'll get through to you...somehow...
I just stared at the sheets for a long while; the gushing of the shower white noise in the background until a fierce, stinging heat bombarded my skin from nowhere.
***I have writers block guys, I'm so sorry for the wait. Irascible is kicking my ass soooooo bad.
IF YOU WANNA JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER, HIT ME UP IN INBOX! It's a chaotic free for all and it's beautiful - cursed headcanons, art, bots, and absolutely amazing people!***
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