Chapter 4
I have regained my high and I started writing this chapter soon after the last one anyway I hope you enjoy
Third person pov:
The kids had gone and seen there new rooms where they would sleep, wash and read.
The room had white walls with a black and white tiled floor.
It had two separate single beds on other sides of the room and a bookshelf that only had information books and a few pieces of classic literature, there was also to little bedside table next to each bed that had an alarm clock and a lamp on top of it and in the corner of the room there was a door that led to a separate room that had a bathroom fully equipped with a cabinet,toilet and shower.
The rooms where identical for the boys and girls with the rooms also being next to each other. After they explored and examined there rooms trying to see if anything was out of the ordinary but couldn't find anything.
It was only 3pm so the two boys started up a conversation.
"So where are you from?" Yuki asked curiously "Mustuafa." (I think that's how you spell it?) Izuku answered happy that Yuki had started talking to him "And you?" He asked back wondering where this boy could've come from. "Nagoya." Yuki answered in an unhappy tone "It's hard to live there when your quirkless considering the fact that all the other homeless people there have quirks and can easily beat me in a fight over territory."
"You where homeless?" Izuku asked.
Yuki froze realising that he had fucked up and let a bit of information loose he tried to think of a response but all he could come up with was "Y-yeah so?" He challenged weakly
"Oh no I'm sorry if I offended you I didn't mean it like that" Izuku quickly clarified "I'm just quite curious.
Yuki nodded in satisfaction after hearing Izukus response "Anyway what was your family like? I assume they supported you even though you where quirkless." Yuki asked and wrongly assumed.
"N-no they kind of did the opposite." Izuku stated "My mother, sister and especially my father where extremely disgusted and hated me for being quirkless, even abusing me at times. They took it so far they got my friends involved and they started getting beaten up as well. Though I'm sure that there lives are better without me now since I was such a burden to my friends."
Yuki was shocked to hear that some people could be so cruel to there own family just because they didn't have a quirk. He had grown up in a run down orphanage that only had six kids where he was the middle child.
After a few minutes of silence they started talking about hero's and there favourite ones. "My favourites are eraserhead and the Wild Wild pussycats!" Then Yuki announced his favourite as all might to which Izuku shouted
Yuki was shocked for multiple reasons 1: he thought everyone liked all might since he was the number one hero 2: Izuku seemed like a quiet boy so hearing him get angry and shout was a surprise. And 3: He was shocked that a 7 year old knew swear words.
After a brief silence Izuku spoke again
"I know what All Mights real name is, would you like to hear it?" Yuki hesitated before curiosity got the better of him and he nodded.
"All Mights real name is Toshinori Yagi."
It took Yuki a second to process the name before he realised what Izuku was saying
"Y-you mean that y-your abusive father was A-all Might?!?" Yuki shouted out asking Izuku to confirm that with him.
"Yep" Izuku said sadly.
Yuki looked at Izuku before saying "Wow what a scumbag!" Izuku turned round in surprise at the statement to see Yuki see shaking with rage "How could he do that to his own kid just because there quirkless!! God that makes me so pissed off"
Izuku was shocked but happy that his new friend seemed to stand up for him and seemed genuinely angry.
Meanwhile the where having a similar conversation.
Raimu came from a prestigious family that forces most of their children into a quirk marriage, but because she was quirkless she was discarded like trash.
While Yuri came from a generally normal family with a hero for a mum, but they abused her heavily because of her lack of quirk.
After they had fully explored there rooms they where met by a young male researcher who gave them a timetable for their days.
7:00 am: wake up
7:15 am: breakfast
7:45 - 8:30 am: exercise
8:35 am to 1:30 pm: higher level school work
1:30 - 2:15 pm: lunch
2:15 - 3:30 pm: combat/quirk training
3:30 - 4:30 pm: higher level school work
4:30 - 6:00 pm: tests
6:00 - 6:45 pm: dinner
6:45 to 7:30 pm: free time (free time is limited to certain options)
7:30 pm - 7:00 am: sleep
Inability to follow the timetable will result in punishment.
Any activity (including sleep and eating time) can be replaced by testing for a number of reasons.
Also the timetable will change as the subjects age
As the four children reviewed there time table Raimu put her hand to ask a question.
"Sir, it says here that the timetables will change as we age, soooo how long are we going to be here?"
The man just smiled creepily at them and leaned in right near their faces and said ominously "Your going to be here for a looooong time.
Later that week
The children had been training hard to get to a certain level of fitness that would allow there body's to take in a quirk.
Yuki was already at a high level of fitness from being in lots of fights so he didn't have to train as much as the others.
Izuku and Yuri had average levels of fitness so they had to work harder than Yuki to achieve that level.
But Raimu was extremely underweight and weak so she trained longer and harder than the others to get to the required fitness.
And finally after a week of this they where all ready for their quirk(s).
One morning after they had woken up instead of having breakfast they where led straight to a hall where they usually trained to be greeted by an old man with a bushy moustache that Izuku couldn't help but feel he had seen before.
"Welcome welcome children, now I'm sure your wondering why your not following your normal routine yes?" He exclaimed with enthusiasm "Well that's because TODAY IS THE DAY YOU GET YOUR QUIRKS! Now I'm sure your excited and eager to get on with this but there are two thing's we have to do first.
The first thing we have to do is give you your new last names! So we'll go from right to left yes? Ok so your name will be" he said pointing at Raimu.
"Raimu Kanashimi! Now I know it's a bit of a sad name but we'd rather not have people recognise you from you blood family and anyway that's the reason we're changing everyones, so if you go to the same the areas you used to live in you won't be recognised by previous relations.
"Anyway YOUR new name will be!" He said pointing at Izuku "Izuku Shiroi!"
"Shiroi?" Is pondered "Why Shiroi?"
The doctor smiled evilly and said "You'll find out later.
He then proceeded to name The other two "Yuki Ha" and "Yuri Kotsuzui".
"Well brilliant now before we get on with giving you your quirks, We are going to have a fighting tournament!"
They exploded with questions "WHAT??" "WHY?" "WHATS REASON IS THERE?!"
"Well the thing is....... we have five quirks available! All of you will of course get one but whoever wins the tournament gets the second."
After that was cleared up they set the fights in order.
First fight: Izuku vs Yuki
Second fight: Raimu vs Yuri
Third fight: ? Vs ?
The rules are to either incapacitate your opponent or get them out of the ring
After a few warm ups Izuku and Yuki where ready to fight.
"I'm not going to go easy on you Izuku!" Yuki said fiercely
"You'd better not or you'll lose Izuku retorted back.
The two boys rushed at each other with Yuki mainly punching at the head and with Izuku (with his smaller stature) using low blow and trying to trip his opponent up for the advantage. After around five minutes of fighting Izuku seemed to be tiring out so Yuki started getting more aggressive and careless in his attacks, he did an aggressive right hook which Izuku ducked under and slammed his elbow into his balls
(Like this but lower)
Yuki curled up in a ball with a little tear running down his cheek.
"Shiroi wins! Any means necessary to win a battle!"
They walked out to the bench as Yuri and Raimu started there fight.
It was very one sided with Yuri dominating the fight.
After Raimu let her guard down Yuri used a quick kick to the head to knock her down.
But when Raimu didn't get up she got worried and went over to check on her "R-raimu?! I'm sorry I didn't mean to kick you so ha-
She was cutoff by Raimu tripping her up and putting her in a headlock "Y-you dirty cheat!" Yuri shouted "Win battle by any means necessary" she reminded Yuri with a sweet smile that made it hard to hate her.
"Cute" Yuki muttered with a nosebleed "What was that?" Izuku said smiling slyly. "N-Nothing!" He shouted defensively.
"Anyway good luck in the next match."
"Yeah thanks but I don't think I need it" Izuku said confidently
* cocky bastard * Yuki thought to himself
The fight started and Izuku seemed to be careful only dodging with Raimu sending out a flurry of kicks and punches but none of them hit.
"What is he doing?!" Asked a curious and still pissed of Yuri
"I..... don't know" said Yuki confused "He said he could definitely win the fight so what is he doing?"
After a few more seconds of Izuku only dodging Raimu pulled a desperate move with a very momentum heavy punch.
Izuku simply dodged out the way and kicked her out the ring.
"H-HUH?!? I didn't notice that we were this close to the edge!" Raimu shouted in annoyance and exasperation
"That was the plan!" Izuku said happily.
"Good job children!" The doctor said appearing out of nowhere "It seems that ,though Yuki had the best combat abilities out of you four, Izuku is the most skilled and will be getting the second quirk. Now let's all go into the testing room." He said with a creepy smile.
When they arrived in the testing room they saw four big glass tubes with one having thicker glass than the others, they where connected to a storage tank on the other side of the room.
Raimu backed away scared but unfortunately felt her back hit the leg of a large security man glaring down at her.
The other 3 also seemed scared sensing something was wrong, but before they could question what was going on they where shoved the large container and the door locked on them. They hit the door as hard as they could for a few seconds before some kind of liquid rushed into the containers quickly filling them.
The kids couldn't breathe and started to lose consciousness. The last thing Izuku thought was "B-but I wanted to see Kachan and Jirou again."
Their dreams where horrific.
They experienced there lives before being taken but on a much worse scale.
They writhed in pain in the containers and you might have been able to see them crying if it wasn't filled with liquid.
Izukus pov:
My dreams had been going on for what felt like forever before suddenly I woke up to a rushing sound and falling on the ground shaking. I looked up and and saw the other kids sitting in on a corner watching me with sadness. Then they realised that I was awake and quickly ran over hugging me to try and make me warm.
After a few minutes of us sitting there hugging Yuri said sympathetically "Izuku don't freak out b-but you might want to look in a mirror."
I was confused and turned around facing the containers that had a partially reflective surface and saw that.
"My hair is white?"
Jesus that was a long chapter. I hope you guys liked it and once again I had to take a break right before the fight scene and when I got to it I had a partial writers block so if it seemed lacking in quality then that's why. Anyway I hope you liked and I'm gonna give my thumbs a break now.
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