Chapter 3
Yo I started writing this on the same day as the last chapter cause I'm high with ideas. Also I chose this song because it MIGHT fit and because tower of god is the greatest thing in existence and you can't change my mind on that. So anyway I hope you enjoy
Izukus pov:
I woke up in this white room and noticed that I was wearing rags, I started to panic and was thinking "Where am I?! What happened?!" When I noticed that there where other kids waking up and a flight or fight reaction kicked in and I scrambled to a wall in the room and shouted "WHO ARE YOU?!"
This seemed to alert there senses as two of also scrambled back to a wall while the other one just sat in the middle dumbfounded.
I took a good look at the other children,
One male,seemingly my age, long pitch black hair with untrusting blue eyes, he was pressed up against the wall to the right of me with his arms hugging his legs.
The other one who dashed to a wall was a girl who also looked around my age with long reddish/pinkish hair and hazel eyes that seemed to be taking everything in. She was on the wall opposite me and was sitting cross legged.
The last one who was a girl had seemed to realise that she wasn't at home anymore and rushed to the last wall that was on my left. She had short green hair as well as innocent light green eyes that where looking everywhere confused. She looked a little bit younger but that was probably because she was a centimetre or two shorter than the others and me.
After I had analysed the other children I looked around the room for any distinctive features,
The walls ceiling and floor where all white with no dirt or any signs of previous inhabitance. The only things in this room was a light bulb in the ceiling and a big metal door.
After a few minutes of the four of us staring at our surroundings and each other the other boy stood up and walked over to the door that was on the red haired girls side,she crawled out of the way as he warily approached the door and tried to open it, but it was locked , he gave it a few more experimental shoves and even kicked it once before he walked back over to his side and just laid down.
After what felt like years of waiting (but was probably only around an hour) a women in a lab coat walked in the door and spoke up "Hello children." She said sweetly. All of us gave her a mix of suspicious and fearful stares.
She sighed and seemed to realise that it was not going to be easy to get us to communicate so instead she just said "You can come out the room now! We just had to scan you to make sure that there was nothing wrong with you." One by one we started going to her with the green haired girl going first, then after a few moments me, then the red haired girl , and then finally the black haired boy.
After that she led us out of the room into a hallway with other doors that weren't so heavily guarded. While we were walking down the hallway I noticed that there where other staff walking past us, either in lab coats or security uniform with guns.
After walking in the hallway for around a minute we arrived at what seemed to be the cafeteria, there where around twenty tables in the room and a self serve counter filled with delicious looking food. My stomach growled as i suddenly realised how hungry i was, the other kids seemed to have similar thoughts.
The lady noticed us staring at the food and smiled and said "go ahead!" After which we all rushed to the counter grabbed a plate and started shovelling food onto our plates.
After we had eaten all of the food we could without our stomachs bursting the lady smiled and said "Ok first things first, why don't we all introduce each other?" All of us stayed silent waiting to see who would be brave enough to speak. The lady just sighed and said tiredly but affectionately "Well my name is Ann Smith, and yours?" She pointed at the green haired girl who hesitated for a second before softly and quietly saying"R-raimu Kumo miss"
The nice lady clapped and excitedly shouted "Very good! And yours?" She said now pointing at me. "Izuku" I muttered "What's your last name silly?" The nice lady asked "Izuku Y-yagi"
The nice lady nodded appearing satisfied "Now you." she said kindly pointing at the red head
The girl flinched and looked down nervous before saying "Yuri Shinomiya."
She smiled at the suspicious girl saying "I know that this place is scary but you can trust me, okay?" The girl looked at her in shock for a second before smiling and nodding happily.
"And last but definitely not least! You please."
She said using that calming smile on the other boy who just glared at her untrustingly. The nice lady waited patiently for five minutes of uncomfortable silence before the green haired one apparently called Raimu spoke out "H-hey it's rude not to respond please say you name."
The boy looked at her seemingly annoyed that someone had spoke out against his silence but sighed and revealed his name to be "Yuki Kuro"
After we had all revealed our names the nice lady smiled and was about to say something before an old man walked past seemingly to get a drink and blurted out "I thought I told you not to be to nice on them Ann!" The nice lady just glared at him increasing our trust that she was a good person, even the other boy seemed to be more convinced.
After the old man walked out with the nice lady glaring at him the whole way. "Anyway your all here for one important reason, something only people like you can do!" She started building up her speech. "All four of you are quirkless." At this statement the four of us turned around looking at each other in shock that we had found someone else like us. "And it's because your quirkless that we've chosen you four. Our objective here is simple, make you four into the ultimate crime fighters! Because we all know today how corrupt hero's can be." She said looking at me which caused the others to look at me in confusion and curiosity.
"But we are going to have to train you for a while and give you a quirk or quirks!"
This immediately got our attention and we shot up asking dozens of questions "CAN YOU REALLY GIVE US QUIRKS?!?!" "WHAT QUIRKS WILL YOU GIVE US?!" "ARE YOU TELLING THE TRUTH?!"
She laughed at our enthusiasm and said "Yes we can, and powerful quirks at that all you need to do is listen to the instructions given to you and follow them. Can you do that?"
The two girls and me eagerly nodded why'll the boy after a moment's hesitation nodded as well.
She smiled and said reassuringly "Good then your training starts tomorrow."
While she explained how is two boys and the two girls would get our "own little room to share." I was thinking about how Kachan and Jirou would react to seeing me with a quirk.
Meanwhile at school
"Where the hell is Izuku?!" Katsuki shouted out loud.
"M-maybe we should ask Izumi it HAS been three days since he came in" Jirou suggested with a quiet voice.
Katsuki stayed silent for a second before nodding in agreement.
At lunch time the two of them went over too Izumi who was sitting under a tree reading a book about hero moves.
"Hey BITCH!" Shouted Katsuki to Izumi who lifted up her head annoyed that Bakugou had interrupted her reading "Huuuh what do you want weaklings!?" She retorted angrily.
"Where is Izuku." Jirou asked, the calmer of the two.
This caused Izumi to gain a big smile on her face before saying scarily "He's gone, gone forever"
Hey guys sorry if this chapter was more boring than the others but I promise that the later ones will have more exciting things happen. Also at the start I said I started writing this while on a kind of high, well I wrote about half the chapter stoped to sleep and work then started writing again so I lost my high halfway through anyway I hope you liked it and see you next time!
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