Chapter 2
Hey ember here and I hope you enjoy this chapter and that's all I have to say.
No ones pov:
Three years later
Izuku life had gone severely downhill over the last two years. His powerful and influential sister and Bakugous sister who was high on the intimidation factor had managed to turn almost everyone in the school against Izuku,Katsuki and Kyouka but there main target was Izuku because of his inability to fight back.
His "parents" had seen this happening and knew that Izuku was getting bullied but did nothing to help stop it because they couldn't care less about him and they even abused him themselves a bit.
Today was particularly bad, While Izuku and his only friends where walking through the corridors to go to the playground they where confronted by Izumi, Katsumi and their gang.
"What do you shits want?!" Bakgou shouted which proved to be a mistake.
One of the bigger children who seemed to have some sort of gorilla quirk punched Bakugou, launching him into a wall. "BAKUGOU!" Jirou and Izuku shouted at the same time. Katsumi then walked over to Bakugou ,who was slumped on the wall with blood on his face, and put her foot on his shoulder "Wow brother, you really shouldn't say something like that to you dear sister, it could hurt my feelings." She taunted in a snarky tone "So I'm going to give you a little punishment!" She then set of her quirk while her foot was still on his shoulder causing Bakugou to shout out in pain and instinctively swung his fist at his sister. But before it could connect his fist was suddenly stuck to the wall with some green slime and then the other was suddenly stuck as well "THE FUCK?!" Bakugou shouted before noticing a boy from a different class who had slime dripping out of his mouth.
Jirou ran over to try and help Bakugou but suddenly fell to her knees in pain clutching her ears. Izuku ran over to her, trying to find out what was wrong when he noticed his sister holding a dog whistle to her lips. She continued blowing for a few more seconds before removing it with a sly grin on her face and insulted Jirou saying "You act like a dog, react like a dog, hell you even look as ugly as a dog!honestly why do you even exist you should just kill yourself along with useless deku here."
This caused Jirou to go into shock and Izuku knew why. Her parents abused her and her choices at home with her mother being neglectful and her father being drunk and abusive in multiple ways and one of the phrases he used a lot was, "Why are you so ugly and useless?! You should help out me and your mother and kill yourself!"
Izuku yelled angrily at his sister "HEY WHY ARE YOU HURTING THEM?! I THOUGHT THAT I WAS THE ONE YOU HATED?!"
Izumi just smiled and taunted him saying "Ooo look at this! The quirkless wonder deku is trying to be a hero! And to answer your question brother its simply because they're your friends. Yep that's right its all because of you!"
After that the three of the got beaten, Izuku most severely, they just sat there thinking about what had happened "Hey you guys." Izuku said while pulling Bakugou loose "D-do you think that this is all my fault?" They just looked at him weirdly for a second and Izuku clarified saying "I-I mean if we weren't friends then wouldn't they stop bullying you?"
Izuku had finally pulled Katsuki out and he said "You stupid nerd. They hate all of us now so even if we did back out they'd still beat us. We're all in this together, right?" He asked looking at Jirou who nodded and came over hugging the two "Were going to be friends forever.
???s pov
"Finally the project is ready to start now all we need are some test subjects.
Ahhhh Izuku Yagi, he's hated by his own parents and sibling so it shouldn't be to hard to convince them to sell him to us." The doctor smiled creepily at the picture and said see you soon I-zu-ku.
Two week time skip brought to you by Jirou, Izuku and Katsuki being wholesome.
No ones pov:
It's been two weeks since the incident at school and it was the day before Izuku and Izumi's 7th birthday and one of them was excited and wondering what presents they where going to get and the other was crying into there pillow after getting used as a testing dummy for All Might and there other sibling. Can you guess which Is which?
While Izuku was crying into his pillow his parents where discussing a recent offer that had been made for them.
"Well they ARE offering us more than he's worth." All Might said to his wife "That is true and then we can spend less on food if we get rid of him!" (Not that they spend much on him anyway) After that exchange they nodded to each other and called the people making the offer and said eight fateful words "we will take you up on your offer."
The next day
Izukus pov:
I was planning to spend my birthday in my bare room, again but at lunch time something happened that surprised me greatly. I heard a knock on the door and I thought out loud "Who's that?" It can't be Jirou and Katsuki because they know that they will get turned away at the door "Katsumi maybe? But she already came today."
I heard my "father" open the door and greet the person coming inside then he did the thing that surprised me "Izuku could you come in here please? We have a surprise for you!"
I was shocked but being stupid, naive and hopeful, I walked into the living room and was confronted by a slim woman who was weirdly dressed in a lab coat. I just stood there confused while the lady asked my father "Is this him?" To which my father nodded and said "yes that's the quirkless brat"
"D-dad?" I managed to blurt out before the lady put two of her fingers to my forehead and my limbs suddenly tensed up and I wasn't able to move at all. I was stuck staring at the floor and realised that the lady had paralysed me with her quirk when another person , a buff man in a security outfit, walked in and lifted me up like I was nothing.
I looked back at my family with pleading eyes, basically begging them to save me. And all I got was All Might and Mum ignoring me and talking to the lady ,who handed over a large sum of cash, and a sly grin from Izumi who just did a little wave as I was stuffed into the back of the van and I hit my head knocking me out.
When I came to I was in a white room in rags with four other children who seemed to have also just woken up and we all said the same thing at the same time "Who are you?"
Hey I hope you liked this chapter and I promise to write another one soon so see ya
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