Chapter 1
Yo this is my third story and I hope people like it and that it goes well. Also I made one small change to Izuku which is that he's now a Yagi and I also forget to mention that Izuku will have a sister and all might will be his dad and katsuki will also have a sister so woohoo.
No ones pov:
Izuku and Izumi Yagi where running around their house pretending to be hero's while discussing what quirks that they think they will get. "I bet I'll get dads super strength!" Izumi shouted at the top of her voice "Yeah well I hope I get mums telekinesis and be super strong!" Izuku replies with a massive grin on his face. Their father Toshinori Yagi leaned down and said to both of them reassuringly "I'm sure that both of you will get brilliant quirks, and who knows? Maybe you will get a mix of our quirks!"
This made Izumi and Izuku pause for a second before starting to have a conversation about what would happen if Super strength and telekinesis where mixed, "perhaps you'll be able to you them at the same time like having two quirks." Izumi theorised "Or maybe you will be able to lift super duper heavy objects with telekinesis." Izuku replied back. The two continued muttering until Inko Yagi called them over for dinner and announced "If you two keep talking we're going to be late for the quirk doctor!"
This made the two of them shut up as their mother brought over two bowls of cornflakes and told them to eat it quickly otherwise they where going to be late.
Time skip brought to you by two toddlers scarfing there food down so fast they made Kirby jealous.
They arrived at the quirk doctors and Izuku and Izumi who hadn't got any sleep the night before where staying awake with pure excitement,anticipation and just a little bit of sugar.
When they got called in to the appointment the doctor, who was wearing massive glasses and had a moustache more thick and bristly than a caterpillar, informed them that he would need to take a small blood sample and an x-ray on both of them. After around 20 minutes of giving dna and having an x-ray done the doctor went into his private lab for 5 minutes before coming back with a worried expression on his face. "What's with the face doc?" All might asked with his usual charm but had a slight sweat drop going down the side of his face. "Well I have some good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" The doctor asked considerately.
"Bad news." All might said confidently
"Well I'm afraid that Izuku here is quirkless sir..." the doctor informed them.
There was a brief moment of silence before Izuku dropped his all might figure on the ground as All might, Inko and Izumi looked at Izuku with disappointment and disgust.
"Buuut" the doctor said breaking the silence
"The good news is that Izumi here has an extremely powerful mix of your two quirks."
Immediately after the doctor said this Toshinori and Inko started praising and congratulating their daughter ,who had an incredibly smug look on her face, while they ignored their devastated son who was still trying to comprehend what the doctor had said, ( the next part is izuku thinking)
"Quirkless? No that can't be right the chances of that happening are 20 out of 100 so why did it have to happen to me?!"
Izukus pov:
"Well let's go kids!" Dad suddenly said still beaming at Izumi while completely ignoring me.
While we where walking out i tried to hold fathers hand but he just slapped it away and said "Why on earth did you think you could touch me you useless brat."
Him saying this sent shivers down my spine as I quickly put my hands in my pockets.
When I tried to talk to Izumi about her quirk she looked at me disgusted and arrogantly answered my question by shouting "Why would I talk to you?! Damn Deku!"
And the last straw was when after I heard this I looked up at mum for support and she just smiled at Izumi proudly as if she had just told off some bully.
Doctors pov:
"He seems to be hated by his family" the doctor thought to himself "and he's quirkless which makes him a potential candidate for when the project is ready"
Izukus pov:
I was still holding hope that by some miracle my family would do a 180 and become supportive of me, but this fantasy ended when we got home to open presents and Dad came up with the brilliant idea of "Let's send Izuku to his room and out of the way while Izumi can have his presents and the things we got for him!" Even when Kachan and Jirou came round to give us our presents my dad just said "oh how nice more presents for Izumi!" Took the presents and closed the door on them. So I ended up spending the rest of my fourth birthday inside my room crying into my pillow.
Time skip brought to you by Izuku crying into a pillow.
No ones pov:
After everything that happened yesterday Izuku was only slightly surprised when his mother and father ignored him when he walked into the room, though his mother had left out a piece of jam on toast for him, which he gratefully grabbed and was about to eat before it suddenly got shoved straight in his face by "some mysterious force" which was actually Izumi just testing out her quirk on Izuku to which all might and Inko snickered before ignoring him again. After that Izuku decided that it would be best not to ask if they had given him lunch money for school already knowing that the answer was going to be no and it would probably get him a slap for his trouble so he just decided to head to school a little earlier than usual so he could avoid his so called family.
Jirou pov:
I was walking to school with Kachan ,but not his sister who was waiting at the Yagis house, when we noticed Izu in front of us by himself which was odd because usually he walks to school with Izumi. After Kachan noticed him as well he called out to Izuku who didn't seem to hear him which was odd because Kachan shouts are more like screams. After Kachan shouted a few more times he asked me in a mischievous tone "Should we jump him from behind?" To which I replied "If it gets his attention then yeah we might as well." So we ran to Izuku shouting at him while doing so and he just seemed to notice us at the last second because he turned around seemingly confused by all the noise and then seeing the two figures about to land on him and then an audible crashing sound was heard as the two of us collided with him.
After a couple of seconds of coughing he asked "What was that for?!"
"Well you weren't answering us Baka! We shouted to you about 50 times!!" Kachan shouted at him.
"O-oh sorry" Izu responded "I was just deep in thought." He said with a fake smile that was so obvious even Kachan noticed it.
"Hey Izu is something wrong?" I asked him worried.
Izu stayed silent for a few moments before saying "W-well the truth is I'm-
But before he could finish his sentence a voice from behind interrupted "He's quirkless and therefore useless!"
I turned around and saw who had said it. "I-Izumi?! And Katsumi?!" I shouted caught off guard.
To which Izumi simply replied "Well because it's true what can a quirkless like him even do?" She suddenly focused on Izu and shoved her arm in his direction after which Izu got launched back into a wall which seemed to have knocked the wind out of him.
"Izu!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and started to run over to help him but not before Katsumi sped over with explosions coming out of her feet (present mix voice: KATSUMI BAKUGOU! QUIRK:EXPLOSION
No ones pov:
"Hey hey hey! Why do you care about a quirkless so much Jirou?!" Katsumi asked menacingly why'll floating in the air.
"Because he's my friend!" Jirou shouted back "And unlike you two I care about my friends!"
"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT?!" Katsumi said and picked Jirou up by the collar "ILL KILL YOU!"
"NO LEAVE HER ALONE!" Bakugou shouted while fighting Izumi.
But luckily they heard the school bell go off from a couple of houses over so Katsumi put Jirou down and said "pft be glad your getting off easy this time." Before running after Izumi who had already started walking away.
After a brief minute of silence they went over to Izuku who was crying and started to comfort him ,they hugged as he cried with him saying "why me? WHY ME?!"
After they got him to calm down they put his arms around their shoulders and helped him walk to school. Luckily they got there just in time and as they settled down for class but the teacher asked the fated question "oh yes izuku and Izumi you recently got your quirks right? So what are they?"
Izumi stood up and proudly said "One for teknic!" While Izuku just quietly said that he's quirkless "huh? I can't here you Izuku."
"I-I'm quirkless." After he said that most of the class and the teacher all looked at him with disgust. "Anyway that's a good quirk you have Izumi I'm sure you could become a hero with it!" The teacher said completely ignoring Izuku.
Time skip to lunch
"Hey Izu why don't you have any lunch?" Jirou asked Izuku who was sitting in between her and bakugou.
"O-oh that's because my parents didn't give me money." He said quietly
"They what?!?!" Bakugou shouted angrily
"Why would they do that?" Jirou asked
"Oh I think they hate me for being quirkless so they don't care about me anymore" Izuku responded sadly.
After a few seconds of silence bakugou split his sandwich in half a handed one to izuku "Eat it and don't you dare say no." He said menacingly
Izuku knew that he couldn't win an argument against him so he took the sandwich gratefully and after a few seconds Jirou did the same and just said "I hope you don't mind it being ham" with a smile.
Izuku just stared for a few seconds and then took that half as well before saying "I'm glad that you guys are my friends.....
Yo ember here and holy shit my thumbs are numb. Anyway I hope you enjoyed that chapter and I wish you well.. see ya!
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